This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 141: Fulong? Fulong?

“Headache, where is the lack of funds…”

“Mr. Selam, are you short of money?” the little female dragon asked with concern.

Yes! Isn’t there another dragon?

“Dai Ziling, how many gold coins do you have? Can you lend me some?”

“Of course, gold coins are nothing more than decorations for the dragon. When Mommy’s treasury was looted by Dad… Dad, only gold coins were left. I don’t know how many there are. I’ll go home and get them.”

What a talkative and cute angel dragon! I remember this love brother!

“Let’s go, where is your home?”


Well, as expected, the little mother dragon’s hometown is not far from Heishi Mountain. Okay, let’s go back to the slime village and teleport it! Riding the Holy Light Dragon to the slime village, Archie once again experienced the pleasure of a dragon knight. The pleasure of traveling thousands of miles to the soles of his feet nourished his heart. He flew over the highest city of the Tauren and the crowded light and dark church. Fly over the majestic Rock Wolf Mountain, pass through layers of fog, and return to Slime Village again. Without any suspense, I was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​people again and again!

“Look! It’s the giant dragon that ‘Lone Step Dance Forest’ wanted to kill! It was tamed by the village chief!!!”——hahaha, a delightful misunderstanding.

“Dragon slaying can no longer reflect the awesomeness of slime?”——Che, how can ordinary people understand how awesome brother is? If I let you know that my brother is building a subordinate village, wouldn’t you want to pay homage to him?

“Nonsense, isn’t there a pet Charmander in Salem who has been in Stark Workshop all the time.” – Oh, there are still people who have already noticed my great achievements.

“Village Chief! I want to give birth to slime for you!!!”——Haha, are you already worshiping? By the way, can the man get out?

Riding a little female dragon, he easily squeezed into the legendary formation, and Archie wiped off the sweat that didn’t even exist. The enthusiasm of the crowd was too high.

Seeing that Archie is going to teleport, the players are unsure,

“The village chief don’t go! Please take a photo!”

“Fit together!”


All right, all right, bro, come back as soon as you go, keep pretending! Speaking of which, it took a day to go out and attract investment. Are there more players in the village?


There are more than that, it is simply the focus of Huaxia District! From the beginning of the server to the present, the entire forum has been in a state of explosion, and the detonation was originally the three words ‘slime’!

First, the players of Eternal Night City discovered the option of slime village when they used the teleportation array. Curiosity made them spend a lot of teleportation fee to visit the legendary slime village.

Afterwards, the players of the Storm Empire were attracted by the giant dragon outside the Duke’s Mansion, and they all went to pay their respects, and also discovered that the portal of the Duke’s Mansion can lead directly to the slime village!

The curious pioneers and the aboriginal “human warriors” explored the drastically changed slime village, especially the dragon corpse outside the wall, which is more than one grade bigger than the Duke’s mansion, which is very spectacular!

These superficial changes are minor, and as time goes on, more and more benefits are discovered and announced.

Can the slime village be employed as a special fighter professional berserker? ——Well, this benefit has long been available.

Can you work as a special profession shadow hunter? ——New benefits brought by Frant.

Can you directly teleport the Church of Light and Darkness?

Can an NPC take a dungeon when it is free? Guaranteed all pass?

Are the mobs in the wild weak and lose a lot of money? ——Archie didn’t know that the money-dropping humanoid monsters in other areas are particularly difficult to fight, and the money dropped is very small!

NPC directly sells blue and green outfits?

Can Steker Workshop repair equipment increase temporary BUFF? ——The contribution of the little charmander’s breath.

Professor Yang’s laboratory sells various super dragon blood potions?

Many “secrets” that even Archie didn’t know were exposed, and a large number of players began to gather in the slime village, not only to catch up with the excitement, but also to meet the famous legendary character at home and abroad – “Salem” , and then Archie went online, and he did not disappoint the players. As the funds for various decisions in the meeting were put on the shelves, more and more benefits began to appear.

The NPC has started dispatching tasks! For example, collect all kinds of herbs, building materials, and clean up wild monsters!

Selem announced the prestige system, the daily system, awarded super high experience tasks, and opened super awesome prestige suits!

There are more and more characteristic career tutors, what kind of assassins turn into rogues, mages turn into formation masters, paladins turn into fallen knights… but none of them are normal!

Of course, various tasks and job transfers are not that easy, either time-consuming or costly, but is this the right way! There is no easy benefit!

Generally speaking, everything in Slime Village is good, the people are good, the missions are good, and the dungeon is easy…except for leveling, which is really painful… There are few wild monsters, and there are many players. The crow’s egg hurts… huh? You said brushing the book and leveling? Do a round of daily routine first! Why? Who knows, the regulations just made by the head of Salem…

Originally, someone calculated an account, indicating that the consumption of Slime Village is really high, and the money collected in the mission can be spent casually… I always feel that I am doing nothing for Slime Village… but one day However, the players no longer have any doubts, because the village head of Selem, who disappeared for a long time, is back to make trouble again!

Back from riding a dragon for a day? This is breaking the sky!

Slime Village suddenly became Slime Town! The development is also fast, right?

Overland with the Church of Light and Darkness? The bridge is being opened?

Is Slime Port fixed? Going to ship?


Archie didn’t expect that the little female dragon was his lucky star!

First, the number of gold coins piled up in the lair is almost full… Is it estimated that it is more than 500,000?

“Mr. Selam, are these enough?”


“If it’s not enough, I still have Chale! This is your mother’s? Your family is too rich, right?

‘You picked up 200,000 gold coins. ’

Archie really wants to take all the money away, but the law of conservation will always be the eternal truth in the game. Ling’s huge sum of money was really borrowed, and she must pay a corresponding price! In order to lower the price in the future, Archie dare not take all of it, even though it is quite a lot.

“That’s enough, thanks in advance! Let’s go back to Slime Village and be a guest by the way, let me treat you well.”

“Okay, last time my husband was away, I was too embarrassed to visit more, I always wanted to see what the real slime village looks like.” The little female dragon was also polite, “Speaking of which, sir, why haven’t you upgraded yet? Slime Village? It’s better than most towns.”

Nani? In this way, I still think of the earliest epic mission!

“Revival of the Slime Clan – Establishment of Slime Town”, to develop a slime village into a town requires 10 town buildings, a population of 5,000, and a combat power of 20,000. 100% progress.

Then why does it show that the task is not completed? It can’t be…

Pull down the slime village attribute interface to the end, and you will find an upgrade button in the lower right corner! That’s nothing to hesitate, Sheng! The task is also completed in seconds at the same time.

Looks like there is still a mission coming?

The elite mission “Diversified Development”, cultivate five types of arms from ordinary slimes? Progress 4/5? Completed development: Berserk Slime, Hunter Slime, Rogue Slime, Formation Slime.

What ghost professions are these?

‘Progress 5/5, new development, fallen riding slime…’

‘Mission accomplished. ’

What the hell? ? ! !

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