This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 49: Dragon Queen

Wang Bajian and teammate Brother No. 1 worked together to think of a solution. Then patiently communicated, violently pushed and shoved, encouraged with words, seduced with dried fish, tried everything I could think of again, but the stupid turtle still had no response, oh no, a little reaction, stuck out his head and yelled at Wang Bajian, as if in Said ‘don’t make noise’, and shrank back.

This is very difficult. The task has a time limit. Although there is no reminder for how long the time limit is, the sooner the better!

The two people who were arguing next to each other stopped scolding each other, and who was there to show the scolding when no one was watching?

Tang Chongyang folded his arms and sneered, “I’ve tried everyone who can, and it’s your turn! If you Muggles have a way, I’ll swallow my own shit!”

Too slow! They are all despised! Teammate No. 2 was very disgusted with the ink marks of the two people around the tortoise shell, looking at and discussing constantly, and strode forward.

“What are you doing, is it so troublesome to attract a monster?”

Then an iron sword slashed on the turtle shell, causing 1 point of damage, then turned around and ran away.

The giant tortoise lord is really angry. Is it so difficult to sleep after running so hard? Even if you touch it, you still need to chop it? ! The tortoise can’t stand it anymore! Four thick legs popped out and chased after them angrily.

The remaining three people stared blankly.

Wang Bajian and teammate No. 1 stared at Tang Chongyang for a while, then at the turtle **** left by the giant turtle lord, and then continued to stare at Tang Chongyang.

Tang Chongyang broke out in a cold sweat: “Well, I think we are teammates on the same front now, and we should focus on the task!”

Cut, I know you dare not eat shit! The three hurried to follow.

Tighter skin can withstand greater pressure, and the body size will stop growing until the internal pressure reaches a certain level. Archie can finally observe the situation secretly again with peace of mind.

The dragon mother who recovered her strength over there is indeed brave, and she still has the upper hand with more than one enemy! After saving energy, the ult that had just been evolved and mastered was continuously released, and the entire lakeside became a field of fire magic, full of flying fireballs, burning land and blazing lasers.

The Snowman Prince, who thought he had the chance to win, has now entered a passive situation of being beaten. Fortunately, he was reborn with a broken arm. The defensive power and defensive range of the double shield have been greatly increased, and he can persist in a short time. And the few surviving younger brothers were no longer lucky. They had neither the physical skills of the snowman prince nor the defense of the magic shield. They were all seriously injured and cut off their limbs in a few strokes, and they struggled to survive.

The scene is a bit stalemate again… No! It’s Dragon Mother who is going to win!

The dragon mother’s magical transformation of the small fire dragon volley drove all the snowmen back dozens of steps, and the pillar of fire that had been wandering irregularly on the battlefield happened to move to the snowmen’s side and surrounded them!

The power of the fire pillar lies in the continuous barbecue, and the snowmen hesitated for a moment whether to rush out desperately. This hesitation was what Dragon Mother needed, so she took this opportunity and chanted the spell aloud!

“#%%%…#@@” is incomprehensible, but the voice is very rhythmic. Following the sound, a super-large version of the magic circle appears under its feet, emitting a dazzling red light. This must be a super move! The ordinary big move Dragon Mother is instant, so it needs to beep!

“This trick is right! Red lotus and dragon’s breath?!” The snowman prince finally panicked.

Archie doesn’t understand, but the snowman prince knows that a powerful member of the dragon clan can use magic to cooperate with the stunt of dragon’s breath. use! The only disadvantage of this skill is that the spellcasting and dragon’s breath require a long time of coordination and cooperation, and it cannot be released quickly.

Can’t wait!

With a big wave of his hand, the snowman prince grabbed the two tribes and threw them on the fire pillar to resist the flames. He stepped on their bodies and rushed out of the fire circle. He sprinted towards the dragon mother with the greatest speed. fighting.

Damn it, the bosses in this game are thicker and darker than the last! In contrast, Archie feels that he can be rated as a top three student!

However, how could the Dragon Clan not improve on such a big disadvantage of the ultimate move? One is to flap its wings to prepare for liftoff, and the other is to rotate and burn the fire ring violently to prevent all living things from approaching.

It doesn’t care about the ring of fire at the time of life and death. The snow giant put the shield in front of it, completely ignoring the ring of fire, and broke through with brute force. As soon as you enter the inner circle, you can see the dragon mother is about to take off! After all, the wings have just grown, and the takeoff and landing speed is much slower! The snowman prince took off in three steps and jumped high, just in time to catch the dragon mother’s hind feet.

“Come down for this prince!” Mother Long’s newly recovered wings could not bear the weight of the two huge objects at all, and she fell off.

“~¥%¥@@**#¥@…” Dragon Mother fell hard, but she continued to chant the mantra, and the magic circle became brighter and brighter. This is a sign of completion!

Finally, the Snowman Prince has been looking forward to this opportunity for a long time. Using his strengths in hand-to-hand combat, he grabs Dragon Mother by the neck and kicks it fiercely in the stomach! According to common sense, magic that requires chanting can be broken as long as its spell can be interrupted!

This is not without cost. All four dragon claws of the Dragon Mother planed and pulled the snowman prince, and the blood and flesh rolled instantly, and the snowman prince’s health plummeted!

It works! As long as the casting of spells can be interrupted, all the costs are worth it! The more powerful the magic, the more afraid of backlash, Dragon Mother is digging her own grave. Snowman Prince looked excited, victory was in sight, Dragon Mother was kicked until she wailed, and the spell was interrupted!

“&%¥###%…” No, the chanting continues!

“How is that possible!” The snowman prince panicked when he met the mocking eyes of the Dragon Mother! That’s right, the mother of dragons stopped the spell, but the little charmanders who fought and transformed in front of her were replacing her and continuing to chant the last field loudly.

Archie sighed, is Enter the Dragon finally coming to an end?

No! The Yeti Prince hasn’t given up yet! The dragon’s neck is still under his control. Although the red lotus dragon’s breath is powerful, what’s the use if it can’t be sprayed by people! Aim the dragon head into the air with maximum brute force!

Dragon Mother howled and wanted to turn the dragon’s head, but her neck couldn’t hold her hands at all, so she could only breathe out the dragon’s breath in the air unwillingly!

“Huh? What about the big move you agreed to, isn’t this just the normal version of the flamethrower!” Archie was puzzled.

That’s right, this is an ordinary dragon’s breath! The red lotus dragon’s breath snowman prince has only heard about it, but has never seen it. He only knows its magic circle and omen, but he doesn’t know the principle of its release.

I saw this dragon’s breath soaring into the sky, and at this time all the red light of the magic circle was pulled away, floating to the sky to transform into a huge flame dragon head, which just opened its mouth to catch all the dragon’s breath!

After the flame faucet absorbed the dragon’s breath, it became more and more real and beautiful. The invisible fire elements in the sky gathered wildly and turned into a flow of energy visible to the naked eye and poured into the faucet. In the next second, a few meters thick red lotus dragon’s breath fell from the sky!

Satellite cannon? ! ! This world is too dangerous!

The snowman prince didn’t know until this moment that Wanwanquan had fallen into the trap of Dragon Mother!

The release speed of this move is ridiculously slow. As long as the strength is not crushed, it can definitely escape the attack range, but the mother of the dragon deliberately made an appearance of casting spells with all her strength, luring the prince who thinks there is a chance of winning into the set. . The same goes for chanting mantras, taking off, and the ring of fire, all of them are acting!

Now the prince doesn’t even have a chance to Not to mention the claw wounds all over his body, and now he is still tightly entangled by the mother of dragons, making it difficult to move half a step, no matter how hard the prince exerts himself, he can’t break free!

Dragon Mother is an absolute queen! Even the invincibility of strength is acting!

No chance! Snowman Prince closed his eyes resignedly, and no longer struggled in vain, waiting for his end!

Hmph, it’s finally done! Mother Long looked at the prince triumphantly, there is nothing more wonderful than completely defeating the enemy from body to heart, yes, it is this look of despair, the most beautiful picture scroll in the world!

Hey, it’s a pity that there is no more appreciation in the world. The red lotus dragon’s breath is about to hit in a moment, and the mother of the dragon releases her claws and jumps away…

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