Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 755: The day of the ruins (28)

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://Fastest update! No ads!

“This is my first time here…”

Accompanied by Hua Wu, Minister Zhou walked under the towering city wall.

His eyes under the lens are smiling, “It’s a little different from what I thought.”

Hua Wu, with her hands behind her back, looks like a leader, “What does Minister Zhou envision?”

Minister Zhou thought for a while and said, “At least it must be a city, right?”

This is the best way to build a base, and many infrastructures in the city can still be used…

However, if her special ability is planting, it is indeed not suitable for the city.

Hua Wu never denied their conjecture, after all, it is not easy for her to tell them that I have a system.

So they think she has this special ability, so they will treat it as if she has it.

Looking at the large-scale farmland in the distance, Minister Zhou couldn’t help but sigh, “Could it be that the people who come here don’t want to go back. If it were me, I would also like to stay here.”

This place is full of life.

It’s like a real paradise.

It is completely different from the struggling and painful life in the base.

“You can come too.” Hua Wu thought Minister Zhou was a talent, “Everyone is welcome in the new home.”

Minister Zhou shook his head, “Unfortunately, I can’t leave the base.”

There are still so many people in the base, and the deputy base chief…

He cannot leave his post.

Although Hua Wu wanted Minister Zhou to quit, she could tell that this person would not leave Taoyuan base so easily.

“Speaking of which, why is your base called a new home?” Minister Zhou was curious.

The names of other bases either follow the original city names, or take a particularly positive meaning, which is very promising at first glance.

For example, their Taoyuan base, or the Chengfeng base in the north…

But her ‘new homeland’… sounds perfunctory at first glance.

Hua Wu: “This is everyone’s new home, so it’s called the new home, what’s the problem?”


Also… pretty good.

Hua Wu took Minister Zhou to visit the base. The houses in the village had been refurbished, and there was already a sense of ‘newness’ at this time.

The road has also been rebuilt and widened a lot.

The rest of the land is divided into square farmlands, most of which are already planted.

They are exposed to the scorching sun, but their roots are still strong, and they have no intention of bowing to the sun.

The colorful flowers are blooming in full bloom, and some insects can be seen.

After they visited the whole base, Yun Tong came over and told them they could go to eat.

Because there are many people in the base now, there is already a cafeteria.

There is not much meat in the cafeteria, but there are enough vegetables.

Hua Wu has recently exchanged for rice seeds, and will soon be able to eat the staple food of rice.

Of course, this is also the future…

Now their staple food is corn and potatoes.

Hua Wu hired a master chef from the Taoyuan base, so even if there were only potatoes and corn, it was still satisfying.

While they were eating, someone rushed in, “Minister… the minister is not good.”

The man was panting for breath from running.

Minister Zhou gently asked him to speak later.

“There is a monster… a big monster, coming in our direction.”


The other party obviously heard the news from others, and has never seen the monster with his own eyes.

He could only repeat what others had said about the monster.

Hua Wu didn’t finish listening to him, so she guessed that it should be Qiao Yi’s friend…

He didn’t know where he went before, but now he is back.

After hearing this, Minister Zhou calmly asked, “Are you going here, or are you going to the base?”


Mr. Zhou looked at Hua Wu: “Master Ye, this…”

Knowing what it was, Hua Wu didn’t panic, “It’s not that I haven’t arrived yet, let’s eat first, don’t waste food.”

Minister Zhou: “…”

How could he be in the mood to eat.

But Director Zhou quickly realized: “Master Ye knows about that monster?”

She didn’t show any surprise, and she didn’t ask much about the monster.

This shows that besides knowing each other, he can’t think of anything else.

“It doesn’t count.” Hua Wu said.


Qiao Yi originally wanted to accompany Hua Wu today, but Hua Wu said that when she saw the people in Taoyuan Base, he was still clinging to herself, which was shameful, and she lost her status as the head of the garden, so she wouldn’t let him follow, so he stayed in the house.

It was Yuan Yang who brought them over for dinner.

Qiao Yi was not unhappy, because Hua Wu promised him that she would accompany him tonight.


The red-eyed crow hopped up and down on the table, seeming to laugh at him.

“What do you know.” Qiao Yi clutched his chest, with a morbid obsession on his face, “I want to get her… no matter what way.”


A look of disgust welled up in the eyes of the red-eyed crow, and it even jumped to the side, staying away from this sick master.

At this moment, the red-eyed crow suddenly looked up in a certain direction.

“Quack quack…”

The red-eyed crow called at Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi looked in the direction it was looking, “Is Wanshou back…”

Wan Shou doesn’t follow him all the time, sometimes he disappears for a few months, but if the time is too long, he will come back to find himself.

But this time Wanshou disappeared for an extra long time.

Qiao Yi got up, and as soon as he opened the door, he bumped into Hua Wu.

“What are you doing in such a hurry?”

Qiao Yi took a step back, and whispered, “No… have those people left?”

“Your friend is back.”

“…” The expression on Qiao Yi’s face was slightly stiff, he hadn’t figured out how to tell her yet.

“Want to see it?”

A trace of surprise appeared on Qiao Yi’s face: “Is it possible?”


Does she look like a villain who will stop him from seeing his inhuman friends?

Hua Wu took Qiao Yi out of the base, and the red-eyed crow led the way. Before driving far, he saw Wanshou who looked like a hill.

Wan Shou sat there without moving, feeling a little lonely under the setting sun.

The red-eyed crow flapped its wings and landed on Wanshou.

Wan Shou turned his head to look at it, and then turned his gaze to the place where Huawu parked.

It stood up with a jerk, and ran over here.

Wan Shou was a little taller than before, and the ground trembled with this movement.

Qiao Yi also walked towards it.

Hua Wu sat still in the car, looking at the one big and one who had successfully joined forces over there, they didn’t know what they were talking about, Wan Shou was not very happy to see it, and stomped his feet several times.

This thing…

If you can pull back the base ~IndoMTL.com~ and let it watch the gate… That’s Dora!

This is simply a doorman tailored for the heroine!

Even if it doesn’t do anything, it just stands there and can bluff people.

Hua Wu thought she could mention it to Qiao Yi.

Free security guards, professional thugs.

Qiao Yi and Wanshou talked for a while—Hua Wu didn’t know how they communicated, she only saw Qiao Yi talking, but Wanshou didn’t speak at all.

Whether Wanshou can speak is a question.

Qiao Yi returned to the car, opened the window, leaned in slightly, and said to Hua Wu: “It won’t approach the base again, can you not drive it away?”


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