Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 734: The day of the ruins (7)

Last URL: Next day.

“Miss Ye… there is a crow outside.”

Yun Tong knocked on Hua Wu’s door early in the morning, his tone full of nervousness.

Hua Wu opened the door and went out, “A crow?”

“It’s… the kind of crow we saw yesterday.” Yun Tong nodded, “It just stopped on the dead tree outside the yard.”

Hua Wu went outside to look, and sure enough, he saw a crow on the tree.

But not one.

It was densely packed and filled with several dead trees outside.

Yun Tong turned pale with fright.

“This… why so many!!”

The crows gathered on the few dead trees without any other movements, just like the black fruits on the trees.

Hua Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, it seems that he followed them back yesterday.

But what are they trying to do?

Kill her?

If you want to kill her, you should do it in the ravine yesterday.

But they let themselves go.

What are you doing now?

Hua Wu took a gun and fired a few shots at the tree over there.

The bullet hit the tree trunk, the crows were startled by the sound, hovered in the sky for a while, and then slowly fell back to the tree.

“Miss Ye, what are they trying to do?” Being stared at by these crows felt very intrusive.

Hua Wu pondered for a moment, “Maybe just take a look.”

“Look…look?” Look at the food?

These crows are cannibals! !

By noon, the crows were gone, not a single one remained.

But the next day, the crows came back again.

But they still didn’t make any movement, they just looked at this side from the tree.

This will be the case for the next few days.

Hua Wu didn’t really want to provoke these crows, there were too many of them, and it was very difficult to fight.

So they didn’t do anything else, and Hua Wu didn’t care about them, and everyone lived in peace.

Three days later, she went to the ravine again.

The boy was still sleeping there.

Same as last time, as long as she doesn’t get too close, the crow will not attack her.

But the monster was nowhere to be seen.

Hua Wu searched around, but found no trace of the monster. He didn’t know if he hid or left.

Hua Wu will go to the ravine every few days to have a look.

The boy sleeping there has no intention of waking up. If it wasn’t for his clean body and no signs of decay, Hua Wu really suspected that he was cold.

As for how he keeps it so clean…

Hua Wu really doesn’t know.

This kind of skill that can be cleaned without taking care of it is a rare thing in the last days.

Hua Wu was envious again.

In the envy of Huawu, half a month passed in a flash.

When the potatoes in the ground are dug up, there are already many small potatoes, and they should be able to grow in a few days.

The normal growth cycle of potatoes only takes 60-100 days, but now it only takes about 20 days to eat.

The growth cycle is shortened by two-thirds.

Hua Wu doesn’t think it’s strange, after all, it’s a cheat for the heroine, what’s wrong with the time acceleration function.

But Yun Tong was shocked.

He stared at those little potatoes, expressing his doubts: “This…is it edible?”

It seems unscientific to grow small potatoes in such a short period of time.

Hua Wu shrugged, “You can choose not to eat, just to save a ration.”


Yun Tong chooses to eat.

He hasn’t eaten fresh vegetarian dishes for a long time.

During this period of time, he didn’t have to worry about food. The pheasants and hares that Hua Wu got back, and the sun-dried meat were enough.

But eating it every day is also very tiresome.

Although the size of these potatoes is not too big, but they dug out this

There are quite a few in one litter, which is enough for them to eat a few meals.

Yuntong, who ate potato stew at noon that day, almost shed tears.

It’s been a long… long time since he had potatoes.

Yun Tong devoured the food, not even the last bit of soup left in the pot, and finally licked the bowl. :

Hua Wu seemed to dislike him, and moved to sit beside him, eating slowly.

“They’ve been staring at us for so long…” Yuntong finished eating, and saw the crow on the opposite tree, “What do you want to do?”

After such a long time of “getting along”, Yun Tong has gotten used to the existence of those crows.

The timing of their appearance is not fixed, but every time they appear suddenly, Yun Tong did not see which direction they came from, and when he saw them, the crows were already on the tree.

“Fighting edge——”

The crows on the dead tree suddenly took off.

They flew off into the distance.


Yun Tong all stood up.

This was the first time he saw the crows fly away.

Hua Wu frowned and looked at the direction where the crows were leaving. There were two heavy suns in the sky, almost blinding people’s eyes. The crows got farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.

That afternoon, Hua Wu found several zombies in the village.

Zombies from other places.

Yun Tong got rid of the last zombie, “Miss Ye, so many zombies suddenly appeared, could it be a wave of zombies?”


Hua Wu’s tone was indifferent, as if she didn’t take this matter to heart.

Yun Tong was in a hurry, “If there is a wave of zombies, we have to get out of here.”

Hua Wu: “I can’t go.”

“Why…why?” Yun Tong immediately thought of those crops, and it was impossible for the two of them to remove those things.

“But if it is really a wave of zombies, it will be very dangerous for us to stay here.”

Hua Wu patted him on the shoulder, and said in the tone of someone who has experienced it: “Then bravely accept the test!”

Yun Tong: “…”

At night, another zombie entered the village.

Hua Wu got up in the middle of the night to kill the zombies. Afterwards, she sat on the side of the road, looking at the void deeply: “We need family members to build a home.”

Yun Tong: “???”

What are you talking about! !

They should leave now! !

Even if those crops are important, if the lives are gone, what’s the use of those things! !

Because zombies wandered in from time to time, Huawu and Yun could only take turns to rest at night. By dawn, there were already many corpses lying on the ground in the village.

Hua Wu frowned even more, “If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have killed those people.”

“…” Yun Tong decided to ignore Hua Wu’s words, “We don’t have many bullets left, more and more zombies will come after this frequency, and we can’t use guns anymore, otherwise it will attract more Zombies.”

Yuntong wants to persuade Huawu to give up here.

Before he said anything, Hua Wu shouted a slogan, “Defend our homeland.”



This is not his home!

Half an hour later ~IndoMTL.com~ Yuntong looked at Huawu who started to pack up: “???”

Isn’t it defending the homeland?

Hua Wu threw things into the car, dug some potatoes in the field, then jumped into the car, and shouted to Yun who was still dazed: “Can you go?”


Yun Tong hurried into the car.

“We don’t defend our homeland anymore?”

“One must know how to judge the situation.” Hua Wu started the car: “We will take back our homeland!”


——Looking at flowers in the fog——

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