Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 733: The Day of the Ruins (6)

Last URL: Fortunately, Hua Wu did not send him away in the end.

They counted the trophies and drove back to the village.

“Miss Ye, they all said that there is a monster… can’t everyone get it wrong? What kind of monster is it?”

Frighten these people who are struggling in the last days into such a state.

Hua Wu drove the car, “I don’t know.”

Yuntong always felt that they didn’t make up this incident, and there was also that strange depression on the roof of the car.

He looked at the unaffected Huawu: “Aren’t you worried?”

Hua Wu, who is used to seeing big scenes: “What’s the use of worrying, worrying about monsters will appear in front of you, say hello to you?”


The tires rubbed against the ground, making a screeching sound.

Yun Tong was not wearing a seat belt and almost flew out of his seat.

“Miss Ye, you…”

Yun Tong hadn’t finished speaking when he saw a huge shadow in front of him.

Holding the steering wheel, Hua Wu exhaled slowly, turned to Yuntong and said, “Say hi to it.”

Yun Tong: “…”

Why is she so calm?

Yun Tong is going crazy!

Just in front of them, there is a giant monster about three meters high.

This monster looks like a human in appearance, similar to those zombies, with a lot of carrion on its body.

There were carrion crows flying around him, and a few of them landed on him.

Unlike the crows in my impression, these crows are extremely quiet.

If it weren’t for the fluttering sound of them flying up from time to time, there would be almost no sound.

Crows are highly adaptable to the environment, eat carrion, and follow the group of zombies to survive starvation.

So the crow is the most common bird in the last days.

But where crows often appear, there are very likely to be zombie groups.

The monster was not disturbed by the sound of the car, and stood there, motionless, like a huge sculpture. .

Hua Wu looked at the sculpture and the flock of crows circling in the sky, and had a bad guess in her heart.

In the original plot, such an appearance combination…

“Miss Ye, you…what are you doing?”

Hua Wu has already got out of the car, “You wait here.”

Hua Wu picked up a weapon and prepared to go over there to have a look.

“Ah?” Yun Tong looked at the monster in the distance, there’s no need to look at it, right? It’s time to run! !

However, Huawu’s decision is beyond his control, he can only watch Huawu leave.

Yun Tong immediately switched from the co-pilot to the cab.

Then he found that Hua Wu had taken the key away…

Hua Wu walked through a withered forest, arrived at the place where the monster was, quietly looked over there, and found that the monster was staring at the valley below.

Where she is, the situation in the ravine cannot be seen.

Hua Wu squatted on the spot and weighed it, and finally decided to go down and have a look.

The plants in the ravine are all dead, and there are crows sitting on the nearby rocks.

The fog of flowers went down, alarming the crows.

They fluttered away, but still made no sound.

Hua Wu looked up and saw that the monster was still there, so she felt relieved to continue down.

Going down to the bottom of the ravine, Huawu saw a person lying on a pile of dead branches.

It was a young boy, wearing a white shirt, with his hands on his abdomen, and the skin from the **** was too pale.

Except for the paler complexion, she is no different from a normal person.

He is like a little prince sleeping here, waiting for someone to wake him up.

A crow stopped beside him, tilting its head to look at Huawu. Its eyes were different from other crows, they were actually red.

Huawu and the crow looked at each other, but neither person nor bird moved.

The crow jumped to the chest of the boy lying on the ground, lowered his head and pecked the back of the boy’s hand


Maybe because there was no response, the crow jumped onto the boy’s shoulder and continued to stare at Huawu.

Hua Wu exhaled and picked up a branch from the ground.

She wanted to poke the man on the ground to see if she could wake him up.

Hua Wu hadn’t moved yet, the crow suddenly opened its mouth, “Gah!”

With its sound, the crows hovering in the sky suddenly swooped down.

The scattered crows didn’t look like many, but when they gathered together, it was a scene that blocked the sky and the sun.

The flower mist retreated immediately.


The crow screamed again, and the swooping crows braked urgently, scattered from both sides, some flew back to the sky, and some landed on the surrounding cliffs.

Pairs and pairs of eyes are all fixed on Huawu.

As if she made any weird move, they would immediately step forward and tear her apart.

The monster above was also disturbed, and it was already moving at this time.

Hua Wu raised her hands and continued to retreat, crawling back in the direction she came down.

Joke, so many crows, and a monster that looks good at fighting.

She just brought a gun, and the halo of the heroine couldn’t stand it.

The crow did not attack her and let her go.

It wasn’t until she walked away that the red-eyed crow gave a “quack” sound, and the ravine returned to calm.

Hua Wu returned to the car and saw Yun Tong in the cab, she got into the co-pilot by herself, threw the key to him, “Go back.”

Yun Tong just saw the crows over there suddenly gather together, pouring down like a tide, even the monster moved, and his heart was in his throat.

He was eager to leave now.

They spared the way and returned to the village.

After parking the car, Yun Tong wiped off the cold sweat on his hands, and asked Hua Wu, “What’s down there?”

Hua Wu uttered one word concisely: “Human.”

“Human?” Yun Tong’s volume was raised.

Is anyone down there?


But what about those crows? Could it be that someone’s special ability is to control crows?

Yun Tong thought about it for a while, then hurriedly asked: “Who is it?”




Did you kill someone?

Yun Tong was full of question marks, but Hua Wu had already instructed him to count out the things in the car and take them back to their temporary residence, obviously he didn’t intend to say anything else.

They have a good harvest this time.

There are not only weapons, but also some food.

Hua Wu felt that she didn’t need to go out in the future, as the crops in the field could mature.

When this batch of crops matures, she has to find a way to kill more zombies…

After all, only killing zombies can exchange for land and seeds.

The heroine’s wish “Pure Land” is probably related to these things.

Hua Wu, who was forced to farm, felt that this was completely incompatible with her identity, and she was depressed, and her whole body was covered with depression.

“Miss Ye~IndoMTL.com~ Do you think that monster will come to our side? Are we still safe here?”

When Yun Tong was eating, he couldn’t help asking out his doubts.

“You don’t have the crow’s mouth skills, do you?”


“That should not be.”

Yun Tong did not give up: “What if it comes?”

They have to think of some way to deal with it…

Or, get out of here?

Hua Wu was not in a good mood: “Can’t you think of something better? There is a 50% chance of coming and not coming, so you just think it won’t come.”


It always feels like you’re kidding yourself. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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