Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 719: The villain’s little wife is not quite right (21)

Su Zi was still considering whether to tell Su Yan and Lan Guanyue what she knew about it, when Su Xuan came back and called everyone to dinner abnormally.

Although Su Xuan lived at home during this time.

But they seldom eat at the same time.

Su Zi doesn’t remember how long it’s been since they had a meal together…

Su Zi was fidgeting, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Su Xuan was sitting in the main seat at this time. He looked down at the phone and did not speak.

The food is already set on the dining table, but unfortunately no one moves chopsticks.

Lan Guanyue kicked Su Yan under the table and winked at him.

Su Yan also waited a little impatiently, “Su Xuan, what exactly do you want to do? If you have something to say, just say it.”

Su Xuan put down the phone: “Do you have anything to do?”

“What exactly are you going to do?” Su Yan knew very well that the relationship between his son and himself was already incompatible, and he didn’t know what he wanted to do when he came out today.

In the past few days, Su Yan has suffered a lot in the company.

And the instigator is right in front of him.

Compared to Su Yan’s angry look, Su Xuan looked much more calm and calm: “There is still one person who hasn’t come, so wait a little longer?”


“Who is missing in this family, don’t you know?”

Su Yan scanned the dining table, frowned and thought for a second, “Ning Ning?”

Hearing this name, Su Zi clenched her clothes tightly with both hands, and her heart beat faster.

“What does it have to do with her?” Su Yan didn’t know what was going on here.

“You called me…” Hua Wu came in and found that the restaurant was full of people, and stopped at the door, “What day is it today?”

This family actually sits at the same table.

In the impression of the original owner, since Su Xuan moved out, the family has never eaten together so completely.

No one answered Huawu.

Because Su Yan and Lan Guanyue don’t know what’s going on now.

Su Zi guessed something, but she didn’t dare to speak.

“Come here.” Su Xuan beckoned to Hua Wu.

Hua Wu: “…”

This is probably not a Hongmen Banquet.

Hua Wu hesitated, but still walked over.

Su Xuan stood up, looking down at Su Zi.

Su Zi: “…”

Su Zi’s mind was still a little stiff, and she didn’t realize what Su Xuan meant.

“Get out of the way.”

Su Zi’s body reacted faster than his brain, and he stood up abruptly, causing the chair to creak.

The sound was especially harsh in a quiet restaurant.

Su Xuan pulled out the chair and motioned Hua Wu to sit down.

Su Yan and Lan Guanyue were obviously a little shocked, Su Xuan didn’t even give his father face, how could he take the initiative to pull a chair for Ning Ning?

“There is nothing else to do today.” Su Xuan sat back again, “There is just one thing I need to tell you, after all we are a family.”

Su Yan: “…” He would rather not have this son.

Lan Guanyue: “…” She doesn’t want to be part of his family.

Su Zi: “…” Why did she come back today! She doesn’t deserve a home! !

Hua Wu didn’t speak, she looked at Su Xuan silently.

Su Xuan caught her gaze out of the blue, and the expression on his face became gentler. Then he took out a red notebook from his coat pocket and put it on the table.

However, four words are thrown——

“I’m married.”

Hua Wu: “…”


Su Yan reacted the most and stood up immediately.

“Who are you married to?”

Su Xuan raised his chin slightly, signaling Su Yan to watch for himself.

Su Yan grabbed the marriage certificate on the table and opened it, instantly as if he had seen a ghost.

Lan Guanyue also reacted and got up to look.

“This…” Lan Guanyue snatched the marriage certificate, saw the photo above, her pupils widened, “You…”

Although Huawu doesn’t care, but on such an occasion…

She covered her forehead with one hand, feeling a little headache.

Is Su Xuan deliberately trying to **** off Su Yan and the others?

She thinks it may be…

“Su Xuan, you are crazy… are you crazy!!” Su Yan pointed at Hua Wu, his fingers trembling: “She is your sister in name.”

Su Xuan: “She is just a stranger in our family, how could she be my sister?”

Su Yan was so angry that his face turned blue: “You are sick…”

Su Xuan didn’t care about Su Yan’s anger: “Father, Auntie, don’t you congratulate me?”

Su Yan: “…”

What is he congratulating?

How should he congratulate?

Su Yan wished he could slap Su Xuan to death.

When did Ning Ning and Su Xuan get mixed up?

Lan Guanyue didn’t dare to attack Su Xuan, so she could only point at Hua Wu: “Ning Ning, you have been in the Su family for so many years, how can you decide on such a big matter without authorization?”

“Brother forced me, how dare you disobey him.”

Hua Wu threw out a word, and picked herself clean.

And Lan Guanyue was still speechless.

After all, they didn’t dare to confront Su Xuan in the open.

This lunatic…

Su Xuan glanced at Hua Wu, but did not refute.

Su Yan choked out such a sentence for a long time: “How do you make the outside world think of our Su family… who is not good for you to marry? Why… You did it on purpose, do you want to **** me off?”

“You’re pretty smart.”

Su Xuan did not hide his true purpose at all.

“If you want to blame, blame you for caring too much about ***, and I don’t want you to continue caring about ***.”


Hua Wu looks at her titular husband who is yin and yang for a while, and Su Yan who has just become her father-in-law for a while. Seeing them coming and going, she almost applauds them.

Su Yan was finally blocked by Su Xuan and couldn’t speak anymore.

You can only stare at him with angry eyes.

Su Xuan’s purpose today seems to be to inform them of this matter.

He didn’t continue to communicate with Su Yan and the others, and left Su’s house with Hua Wu.

“Where are you going?”

“Go home.”

“Oh.” Hua Wu thought for a while, “My things…”

“Buy you a new one.”

“…It’s okay.” Rich people are really headstrong.

After Su Xuan left, Su Zi immediately found an excuse to slip away.

Su Yan’s anger is now at level ten, and if she stays here, she will only become a target for venting.

Lan Guanyue sat slumped on the chair, and murmured for a long time: “When did the two of them get mixed up?”


Su Yan punched the table.

Lan Guanyue was taken aback, but she also came back to her senses, “Old Su, what should I do?”

“How do I know!”

Both of them have received their marriage certificates.

What else can he do?

Let Su Xuan divorce?

This is simply impossible…

“Then let them…” Lan Guanyue thought that if this news gets out ~IndoMTL.com~ I don’t know how many people will see our jokes. “

Although that Ning Ning has no blood relationship with the Su family.

But after all, she has been raised in the Su family for so many years.

It’s not good to spread it…

Su Yan gritted his teeth: “Now I still care about whether the joke is a joke or not. That little **** has been pressing me hard recently. I think he will not be able to tolerate me.”

“So what?”

Su Yan’s eyes were hard: “Since he doesn’t take me as a father seriously, then don’t blame me.”

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