Blue and White Society Chapter 1032: Human: never give up

The multiverse, or the entire dimension, has a limited amount of mass and energy.

At this moment, more than 80% of the universe has been dimmed, and more and more universes are dimmed, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

The speed at which the members of the club replicate the active energy has gradually been unable to keep up with the consumption of countless entropy beasts.

The energy of the entire dimension is continuously consumed, and the entropy value shows an accelerated growth.

After each universe reaches the ground state of entropy, it falls back to nothingness and returns to a superposition state of existence and non-existence.

The many universes opened up by Chuangjie Mountain are constantly disappearing.

The world is returning to the earliest state of the one universe, and soon there will be only one mother universe left.

God Lord, Adams and other celestial **** groups, with the extinction of the universe, also died suddenly.

Fortunately, they were revived by Qin Huali in an instant.

But it can’t stop it. Countless entropy beasts return to the mother universe along with the universe. At this moment, in the dark deep space, entropy beasts have filled all time and space.

Twenty-four billion human beings are crowded in front of the last light source, fighting numbly.

The multiverse is about to disappear.

No matter how Qin Huali and the others copy energy and resupply the universe, they will not be able to compete with more and more entropy beasts plundering the energy of the universe to reproduce themselves.

Unless someone creates information, setting infinite energy.

Although Mo Qiong and Qin Huali gave themselves the ability to edit, in this dimension, they did not add the feature of creation.

This is to guard against the queen.

Mo Poor guessed that the box might not be as good as the queen, so he specially left this flaw in order to prevent the queen from having creative characteristics. He bet on angering her and threw the box away, and the same is true.

Once the queen possesses the characteristic of creation, she is infinitely omnipotent, and can do anything in the dimension, even if she does not make a move, just creating some restrictions on the dimension is enough to make Mo Poor no longer have room to operate.

Fortunately, Mo Poor still has a chance at this moment, and he won a chance.

Grandpa Gou, David, Luo Yan, Kelong, Qimu, Xia Heng, Adams, Lilith, Rudian, Wu Yunmo…they are surrounded by Mo Poor on the only remaining star in the universe beside.

Half of the members could have left, but their duty is to stand up when the contained objects threaten human beings, so they will not leave.

“President! We are waiting for you to come back and turn the tide!”

Mo Poor smiled, and finally handed over the authority to control the last star in the universe, the ‘Black Emperor Star’, to Lord Gou.

“Don’t let it go out.” Mo Poor said.

Master Gou hugged Mo Poor tightly, grinning and said, “Leave it to Master!”

Mo Poor nodded reassuringly, closed his eyes in silence, and at this moment, Che Yun pulled him from behind.

She is not trying to stop Mo Poor, Mo Poor has already given her the happiest time, and at this moment, she will commit herself to all human beings.

Che Yun just said: “The child shouldn’t die here with us…”

Mo Poor turned around, in fact, Lan Baiji put on her glasses and glared at him at the beginning, which had forced him to become pregnant.

Although Mo Poor turned his glasses and Lan Baiji into pitch black at that time, this did not prevent the pregnant eyes from staring at anyone.

That is a strange forced pregnancy, and the fetus will be a copy of Mo Poor.

However, at that time, Mo Qiong happened to be in the state of fusion with Lord Gou in order to become the Night God Black Emperor.

So it’s not only Mo Poor who is pregnant, but also Lord Gou.

The person who defeated the apocalypse, after Mo Poor and Lord Gou took off the earrings and separated, it was like having a Nascent Soul when they merged and had a Nascent Soul after they separated.

In the bodies of Mo Poor and Lord Gou, a fetus has been silently conceived, and they jointly inherit the dual life forms of human beings and gods of destruction.

After that, Mo Poor merged with Che Yun for the sake of the three-eyed family. After they separated, Che Yun also became pregnant with a fetus.

And because of the different races, another life form was copied and inherited.

As a result, Mo Poor and Che Yun each conceived a child with three life forms in one, a human being, a **** of destruction, and a three-eyed race.

Among them, Mo Qiong’s body is a boy, and Che Yun’s body is a girl.

Mo Poor’s lips trembled slightly, and then he showed a warm but elusive smile.

Che Yun has already decided to live and die with Mo Qiong, and she will not hesitate about it.

But for her and Mo Poor’s child, even if it was caused by pregnancy glasses, she didn’t want the child to face this desperate situation together.

The child’s parents died with determination, but the child was innocent.

“I know…” Mo Poor spread out his palm.

I saw him peel off two luminous bodies directly from Che Yun and his body, only the size of a football.

In fact, these two children could have been born in Chuangjie Mountain long ago, but they have been suppressed by Mo Poor and continued to conceive.

Che Yun stared blankly at the two **** of light, with reluctance in her eyes.

“Let them go to an unknown dimension. If I fail, the queen will devour the dimension sooner or later, and then embark on a journey of devouring endless dimensions. The first place she goes to must be Ornn’s dimension.” Mo Poor said.

Crossing dimensions only needs to have the characteristics of absolute hit, teleportation, positioning and other types of endless dimension level.

The queen will have it sooner or later, and in Ornn’s dimension, there are people from Moqiong who migrated from here, which is equivalent to the coordinates for the more almighty queen in the future.

So the first stop, the Queen is likely to be the Ornn Dimension.

This time is not far away. Send the child back to the Ornn Dimension and give it to non-combatants such as the Research Department to raise it. It is likely that the queen will come before he grows up…

Since the husband and wife are determined to die, if the child is to be sent away, they will be sent to an unknown dimension. If they succeed, Mo Poor will be able to pick them up again. If they fail, let them grow up slowly in the unknown dimension. , maybe they can spend their lives safely.

Che Yun was extremely reluctant and nodded sadly.

Mo Poor asked Che Yun to say goodbye to the child who was still pregnant, and with a hook, he moved the child out of Lord Gou’s body.

“You bastard, you are so full of confinement that you even forgot about these children. Seeing that you are not planning to send it to another dimension, I am ready to mention this… But my son, it is not easy to send it to Canaan. Alright!” Lord Gou laughed.

Mo Poor squinted his eyes and smiled, waited for Che Yun to babble for a while, and then waved his hand to send the three **** of light away.

In a different dimension, a small number of non-combatants remaining in the Lanbai Society have been notified by Mo Poor.

He knew that the brothers in the mother dimension would no longer withdraw.

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed.

Shua, a ball of light landed on the square. Jia Nan, the old dean of the research department, knew that this was Lord Gou’s child, so he quickly brought someone to pick him up and sent him to the nursery.

At the same time, on the side of the mother dimension, a Polo song clone was lying quietly, and Mo Qiong fell down with his eyes closed.

Che Yun stepped forward and hugged him, trembling all over.

Mo Poor had shot out her own soul, but in an instant, she couldn’t feel anything. The connection between her and Mo Poor’s soul mate had been completely severed.

The soul enters the body of Poluo song, which is more incomprehensible than entering Chuangjie Mountain.

The members of the club were staring at the two corpses, but they didn’t notice that at the moment when Mo Poor shot out his soul, Qin Huali seemed to have witnessed something incredible and unexpected, and felt desperate. Tears of pain.

He obviously saw a scene that only his information observation authority could see.

“The giant…”

Time passed by every minute and every second. For a long time, neither of the two corpses responded.

With the passage of time, the hearts of the members have been chilled to the bone.

Why, nothing?

How should I put it, the avatar of Poluoge should be a little bit more active.

Could it be that the soul of the ‘final will’ can’t enter the Polo song clone at all? That being the case, Mo Poor wouldn’t go in with him, and Mo Poor’s body should wake up now.

But none of them, two corpses, still two corpses, none of them came back to life.

Could it be that the fourth situation occurred, the two consciousnesses failed to seize the body, and both died in the corpse?

“Have you failed…” Che Yun’s trembling body gradually calmed down.

Placing her forehead against Mo Poor’s, she was extremely calm, as if she had waited for the final judgment.

“You haven’t named your children yet, maybe they can grow up safely in a different dimension…” Che Yun seemed to have no heart, she was just silently waiting to die.

Not only her, after realizing that Mo Poor should have failed, many members of the club, even though they were still resisting the entropy beast, had given up psychologically, and their movements became more and more sluggish, and some of them were even staring at the corpse in a daze.

Mo Poor’s demise is the heaviest blow to the morale of the entire Blue and White Society.

Everyone knew that if Mo Poor’s last attempt failed, they would have failed completely.

Although according to Mo Poor’s last plan, they will not be destroyed by the entropy beast, but no matter what, they will not be able to resist the queen four years later.

“What are you all in a daze for? Hurry up and stop the entropy beast for me! Mo Poor said, this sun must not be extinguished!” Lord Gou growled.

The members looked at Master Gou blankly, and then they all said calmly: “Master Gou, since we stayed with the president, we are ready to die. The current situation is now, the president is dead, when the same Die together, or die with all the contents.”

“Fart damn!” Gou Ye scolded, “Did you really think you could die with the queen? You’re an idiot!”

“Death or death, people need to know how to live. All I know is that as long as you can think, you will not give up. Have you forgotten?”

The members of the club have fallen into dead silence, and the desperate situation has reached this point. It can be said that all hope lies in Mo Poor.

Now, even Mo Poor is dead, and the despair in their hearts has reached the maximum.

It’s just a good dream to say that they will die together. Saying this is just to let go of my heart, and I want to stop everything.

Governor Gou roared: “Who said Mo Poor is dead? The body hasn’t opened its eyes yet! How do you know that Mo Poor is definitely dead? Maybe he is still fighting for his final will, but you have already given up ?”

“As long as there is no result here, we have to hold on! Even if we endure it, we will survive until three days later!”

Qin Huali took a deep look at Lord Gou, his lips moved slightly, but he didn’t say anything after all.

Three days later, no matter what, for everyone, the result will come out.

Because Mo Poor is the limit given by the Queen to Mo Poor, as long as Mo Poor does not seize the polo song, he will die in that countdown.

After listening to Lord Gou’s words, the members cheered up again, yes, how could they give up?

Mo Poor finally has to plan out the current situation, deliberately do the last thing he can do, so that the entropy beast can’t kill everyone, and then go desperately for the last chance of survival, not because he hopes that after he fails, everyone will ask for it dead.

“If three days later…” Some members couldn’t help but want to speak.

Master Gou interrupted him unceremoniously, and said: “If there is still no result after three days, I will succeed you as the eighth generation president of Lanbai!”

“As long as you don’t die, you have to live! Despair can’t kill a member!”

Grandpa Gou’s words are deafening.

As long as you are not dead, you must live. As long as you can still think, you will not give up.

Kelong bowed his head in shame, in the face of boundless despair, he forgot.

Many club members, also hit by Mo Poor’s failure, almost forgot.

Despair may really kill members, but it cannot kill Gou Ye.

Gou Ye’s dream is also to become the president, his ability is not the most outstanding, his intelligence is not amazing, and he is even very reckless.

But his will is definitely at the president level, even surpassing the tenacity of the president level.

His belief in the Blue and White Society is a firmness that shocks others. No matter who gives up, Lord Gou is also unwilling to give up.

Mo Poor finally handed over the energy supply of the ‘Black Emperor Star’ to him, and asked: ‘Don’t let it go out’.

This is a pun.

On the one hand, everyone is an invincible golden body and does not exchange matter with the universe, so once the last star created by Mo Poor disappears, the Taiyi universe will be full of entropy, and will collapse into nothingness like other parallel universes .

All the universes in the dimension collapse, leaving only the nothingness of “existence”, all natural laws, all laws, rules, no longer exist.

All the laws of nature, even if they are turned into absolute characteristics by Mo Qiong, their function settings are also dependent on the premise of the existence of the universe.

The disappearance of the universe means that those characteristics of the absolute laws of nature do not trigger.

Although the invincible golden body can guarantee that even if the laws of nature disappear, people will not die.

But the disappearance of the laws of nature will leave them in nothingness, unable to do anything. The feeling of absolute silence, insensibility, and being unable to move at all, as if only thoughts remained, was the same as Xia Heng’s state for decades.

It was an incomparably cruel torture for 2.4 billion human beings. Living is worse than dying, and as long as the ‘Black Emperor Star’ is still shining and shining, people still have hope in their hearts.

On the other hand, what Mo Poor said also pointed to the morale of the members.

Even in the most desperate situation, he hopes that the members will not give up.

Because there are still four years left before Polo sacrificed to buy time for the Blue and White Club!

Although Mo Poor is the president who should be robbed intellectually, if he fails, what is the use of the remaining four years?

But Mo Poor knew that four years was better than no four years, and he didn’t want the Blue and White Club not to persist until the last second because of his failure.

“Don’t let it go out.” Mo Poor’s last words.

It not only refers to the last sun in the universe, but also refers to the flame in the hearts of members.

From the first-generation president to the second-generation president, to the third-generation president, and then to the fourth-generation president.

Whether it is the first generation who faced the peak Gaia church and the invincible Gaia when they were weak, or the second generation who suffered double damage from the country and the contained objects and died until there were only a dozen people left and did not give up. The three generations who solved the global truth distortion and contained the black fire and were burned to death, and the four generations who led the team to suppress the terrifying entropy beast, they all passed on the fire.

The fifth-generation president Polo abandoned his own path in order to do his own thing, and passed on hope to the next generation, because he firmly believed that there would be future generations, and bought time for them to grow up.

Kelong, the sixth-generation president, stepped into an abyss destined to make him regret, and told Mo Poor that if someone has to take a step, why can’t it be me? Then he taught Mo Poor what the responsibility of the president is, and passed on hope to him.

Hope is passed on from generation to generation. When the predecessors put together the first piece of the picture, it is hope that the next generation will put together the last piece.

Later generations will definitely be able to surpass the predecessors. This is the motivation for the predecessors to dare to give everything.

Even if the result will never be seen in my lifetime, I will continue to follow.

Now Mo is poor and has given up everything, despite his countless times of self-confidence and firm belief that he is the one who will end the containment era.

But he can’t turn self-confidence into conceit, and cut off the transmission of hope, that is irresponsible arrogance.

In any case, if it is bound to fail in the end, Lanbai Club should persist until the last second.

In the world, the one who believes in Mo Poor the most is Lord Gou, and the one who believes in Mo Poor the most is also Mo Qiong.

In the boundless despair, Mo Poor knew that if he died, the one who could carry this banner must be Lord Gou.

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