Blue and White Society Chapter 988: All nine senses

“I suggest forming a three-eyed tribe immediately.” David said.

“Tell everyone the pros and cons of being a three-eyed family, and let the members volunteer to sign up, as well as peripheral personnel. Note that we must keep some pure people, and all of them become three-eyed people. It must not be a good thing, don’t Anyone who applies will agree.” Mo Poor said.

David nodded and said, “Understood.”

The current situation is special, and it is also helpless to change a large number of members from human to non-human.

If it weren’t for the three-eyed people to retain their sanity, they wouldn’t do this at all.

Even if this is done, the Blue and White Club is still very restrained. This is an irreversible transformation. It is impossible for all members of the club to do this, let alone change the race of all human beings.

You must know that the three-eyed family belongs to derivatives, and it is a containment created by the containment. Converting the entire human race into containment objects is the last option of last resort.

Che Yun transformed herself resolutely, replacing Mo Poor as the three-eyed family. If there are any consequences, Che Yun is willing to bear it for Mo Poor.

Because she knew that Mo Poor must not be allowed to become a believer of an evil god, even if that evil **** actually protects human beings.

Mo Poor is the president of the company, and he cannot be inexplicably influenced by some strange reasons. The lessons learned by Qimu are still from yesterday.

He is a human being, so he can represent human beings. How could he give his body and mind to an uncontrollable mysterious existence?

Sure enough, being a three-eyed family has some disadvantages.

For example, spiritual shackles, guarding the earth, guarding human beings are easy to say, there is also a guard door for some reason, although the phone booth is also a containment, but if guarding it is the highest mission, it is tantamount to a weakness.

“Mo Poor, let’s make it up for the last time!” Che Yun is unusually tall, but she can actively compress her body, and she is shrinking step by step to about the same height as Mo Poor.

“Go to sleep first, otherwise, as my secondary personality, you will also share the pain of the Holy Shield.” Mo Poor said.

The last time Che Yun felt that Mo Poor fused with her, Che Yun was in a state of sleeping consciousness, so she didn’t even mix up the secondary personality at that time, and Mo Poor used the Pao Ding’s blade to shave her soul out , the ancient **** went to see the queen.

But correspondingly, if she does the same thing this time, she won’t share the cost of Mo Poor’s holy shield, the horrible painful feedback of being wiped out tens of thousands of times.

Master Gou and Mo Poor merged, and the pain that Sheng Shield gave back was caused by Mo Poor and Gou Ye at the same time.

Although Lord Gou can bear this kind of pain, Mo Poor, who has no iron will, can hardly persist, so how can Che Yun bear it?

“Come on, last time you threw me aside, no matter how painful it is this time, I will fight side by side with you!” Che Yun said seriously.

Mo Qiong opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

Actually, his real purpose was not just to fear that Che Yun would not be able to bear the torment of the Holy Shield… there were other considerations as well.

But seeing Che Yun’s extremely serious and longing eyes, he finally did not refuse.

“Okay, if you can’t take it, just say it.” Mo Poor took out the fusion earrings and handed half of them to her.

Che Yun said firmly: “After becoming a three-eyed family, my thinking ability has also been strengthened, and it is definitely not so easy to collapse.”

“Mo Poor, let me experience your feelings.”

After that, she put on the earrings and instantly merged with Mo Poor.

One is a human being, and the other is a three-eyed family.

Because they are soulmates, the fusion of the two will not have any defects.

There will be no side effects like merging with Lord Gou.

Under fusion, the information of the two is superimposed, and all the absolute characteristics coexist.

But in an instant, a dark figure stood in place.

This scene stunned David and others.

The pure black figure is as deep as an abyss, not only dull, but everyone who looks at the figure directly feels as if their own eyes are being drawn into it.

On the outskirts of the dark aura of the figure, there is a faint gleam of light, forming a halo.

This kind of perception is like looking at a human-shaped black hole.

“What’s going on?” The researchers were stunned.

Ji He was also very surprised. He is a three-eyed clan, and everyone knows the image of the three-eyed clan better than him. There is no doubt that it must be a milky white light energy life.

Why is it black?


On the outer halo of the pure black shape, there is a condensed light ball, which is like a multicolored diamond on a thin circle ring.

It was a twisted condensate of rays of light gathered together. It seemed to be under some kind of control at this moment, soaring into the sky, piercing through the dome of the base in an instant, cutting through the sky, flying into the universe and stars, and then disappeared.

It is fleeting, but it is an inch light that cannot be caught by the naked eye.

It’s not that Mo Poor flew out, but a laser beam, but the laser beam is too ‘short’.

Short and thin, it melted through the base at the speed of light. There was not even a scar left on the poor alloy dome of the base, but if you observe carefully, you can still see an imperceptible thin line running through the base.

“What a high energy level!”

“The energy itself is not much, but the instantaneous excited state is comparable to a neutron star collision!”

The technology of the Lanbai Society is no longer what it used to be, and it quickly detected the energy level at that moment just now.

“Mo Poor?” David said to the shadow.

The black shadow was walking around in the base, and as he moved, the surrounding light was constantly distorted.

This makes the scene, as if there is a human-shaped black hole, constantly disturbing the light and shadow of the environment.

Everything in front of everyone is very beautiful and indescribable, as if a two-dimensional painting is being continuously painted by a line of pure black and deep paint.

Where it passed, the background image blocked by the black shadow did not recover immediately, but it was distorted for a moment, as if the graphics card was delayed, before returning to the normal visual image.

As the black shadow walked through the gate and corridor, the walls and instruments behind him seemed to be disturbed by various distortions like a distorting mirror before they could be looked at normally.

“What’s wrong?” Mo Poor said.

“We can’t see you…” David said.

Mo Poor obviously also discovered this problem. At this time, all the substances emitted, reflected, and diffracted by his body are regarded as arrows, and go to the landing point he designated.

People can only see the light coming towards themselves.

At this moment, all the light emitted from Mo Poor’s body was shot to a nearby point by him, not to the eyes of people.

So in the eyes of others, Mo Qiong is an engulfing body of light.

That’s why there is a halo around the shadow, and the light **** concentrated on the halo are all the light he radiates all the time!

At this moment, Mo Poor is as black as the horizon of a black hole, like a walking human-shaped horizon of a black hole.

No one can see his face.

All the matter that leaves the surface of Moqiong, whether it is microscopic or macroscopic, will be concentrated in one place.

This is what happens when Mo Poor is able to use light as an arrow.

As early as when he was still studying, Mo Poor imagined it, and now it has finally come true.

“Is this the world after all nine senses?”

At this moment, Mo Poor is like a god, he can observe and perceive everything in the world.

Whether it is microscopic matter or macroscopic matter, whether it is dark matter or space-time, whether it is particle or wave.

All vectors and heat are disturbing under his senses.

Even information, he can feel it. This is a common setting that comes with the mother universe. Anyone with nine senses can have a sense of information.

It was an indescribable experience. It was a profound and endless amount of information, and he could only experience a little bit of it.

On this point, it includes various parameters of the universe and various values ​​​​of things.

Under this perception, natural things are completely different from the contained objects. The contained objects contain various natural information and also have absolute characteristics.

Mo Poor can understand that absolute characteristics are a kind of locked information, such as fusion earrings, which are indestructible, and in terms of its hardness, its value is locked. No principle of nature can alter it except under the influence of the same absolute character.

“It’s so wonderful.” Mo Poor finally realized the taste of feeling information, no wonder the ancient gods are obsessed with it.

In fact, there is no real pleasure.

But that depth, that feeling of being contained, that sense of innumerable things unfolding intelligible to themselves, is indescribable.

It’s like, Dao, showing the inner essence of things without reservation, how happy is this for the immortal?

Matter is information, energy is information, everything is information. The essence of a stone is information that makes itself appear as a stone. If this information is tampered with as a person, then the stone will instantly become a person.

Essentially, there is no difference between good and bad.

All the highs and lows and the advantages and disadvantages are just the feeling of life.

Only those who have experienced the sense of information will know this feeling that ordinary people will never imagine.

It seems that the truth is right in front of your eyes, but you can’t fully understand it, it seems that you are about to understand it, and it is fleeting.

While this makes people obsessed, it also makes people unwilling and addicted.

Mo Poor shook his head, and didn’t come back to his senses until David asked.

“You can’t see me because I randomly designated a landing point, so you can’t see the light I reflect.” Mo Poor said, and began to try to control everything reflected by his body.

If you want to see Mo Poor, unless Mo Poor accurately reflects all visible light to human eyes normally.

Theoretically, this can be done. Mo Poor now has microscopic vision, and every particle and every wave can specify the landing point.

However, the microcosm is so complicated and majestic, and Mo Poor’s operation is too difficult. Even if he has integrated all the abilities of the three-eyed clan, he can’t do it, far from it!

The pain of the Holy Shield’s feedback has always affected him, making it more difficult for him to use his mental energy. In addition… Che Yun’s painful and distorted consciousness was always in his mind, unintentionally interfering with him.

After fiddling with it for a long time, but it was still pitch black, Mo Qiong smiled and realized that he was still too weak.

However, it is very simple to integrate the three-eyed family and become stronger.

Just absorb the energy.

With more energy in the body, the all-round qualities of the three-eyed people will be enhanced, from spiritual to physical.

“Energy… is everywhere in the universe.”

Thinking, Mo Poor picked up the sword of Ishtar and flew out of the base.

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