Blue and White Society Chapter 897: Razor

“They have a large number of people, and they have added another 600 million reinforcements on the northern line. With such a large body, any random blood may come out.” Kaimen nodded.

However, the member said: “But this is unreasonable, because that kind of explosion, based on our knowledge, can only be considered as degenerate matter.”

Kaimen said: “That’s right, after all, it expands a billion times in an instant, but there is no super high-energy reaction, what else can it be?”

“But it’s not right!” The member exclaimed in shock: “For the effect of alien blood, the only thing that can be randomly obtained is liquid, how can there be liquid on the white dwarf!”

According to the definition of human beings, degenerate matter has no liquid or gas state at all, and even its molecular structure has collapsed.

The liquid gas state is used to define the molecular state.

Kaimen shook his head and said: “Don’t limit yourself, the containment does not have to be defined by humans.”

“The ‘liquid state’ understood by the alien blood effect may only be a fluid, deformable, and slightly compressible substance.”

The member frowned and said, “Even with such a definition, degenerate matter doesn’t fit.”

Kaimen nodded and said: “I know that nature cannot exist liquid degenerate matter. But what if there is a strong, artificial constraint that allows white dwarf matter to have such properties?”

“The effect of the different blood man can be randomized to artificially made liquid objects.”

There are many people with different blood.

Squid rib soup, liquid natural gas, and even cola…

Any fluid-like substance that can flow in the body can be used as abnormal blood.

Intelligent creatures are also a part of nature. Some things that cannot be produced naturally can be produced by intelligent creatures.

This kind of man-made and special object will also become alien blood.

Even if it does not form itself naturally, it only exists in the universe artificially, and exists for a moment, as long as someone becomes a person of different blood at this moment, then there is a probability to randomly find it.

After that, in theory, things that can only exist for a moment and then change phases or disappear will exist stably in the human body as blood!

“Man-made? That’s liquid degenerate matter! Even if it can be manufactured theoretically, how can it be manufactured?”

“This kind of mythical thing, what kind of terrifying technology is required to make degenerate matter have liquid properties? Who in this world can make this thing? The queen?”

The members of the club don’t understand, but Kaimen knows that there is a civilization that can be created.


When he learned that there were aliens among the enemies, and it was suspected that the white dwarf matter was released, he quickly figured out what was going on.

In the universe, there is a group of terrifyingly mythical beings who artificially liquefy degenerate matter.

Although I don’t know how it is done, and I don’t know why I play with white dwarfs like this, but this technology must exist, otherwise the aliens would not randomly get it.

“Is this the technology of the Apocalypse?”

The other members of Kaimen don’t know about the sweat on Kaimen’s head, but as one of the great arbitrators, he certainly knows about the Apocalypse.

Liquid degenerate matter, this kind of thing can be done by the contained object, nothing surprising.

But does the Apocalypse have containment? Anyway, the Blue and White Society, even if there is such a containment, there is no white dwarf.

The biggest possibility is that the Apocalypse used some kind of terrible technology to play with white dwarfs to do this kind of thing. There just happened to be hundreds of millions of people who became aliens in this universe, so they randomly got that thing.

In this way, the earth’s talents can indirectly glimpse the technological means of a certain civilization in the universe.

In addition to the earthlings, is there any intelligent civilization in the universe? They were all exterminated by genocide back then, and the only ones who can do this kind of thing now, apart from the people on Earth themselves, are the Apocalypse who have not shown up until now.

“That’s right, it can only be the Apocalypse…”

“This kind of technology is really a little bit, and it feels like a mountain is standing up.”

Kaimen let out a sigh of relief, and told the other referees and President Kelong about the matter.

Then quickly deployed to intercept the arcane oligarchy civilization.

“Let’Mantis’ go to support, and bring the terracotta warriors to ‘Su Die’.”

“By the way, there is also…’Bai Di’!”

“If you don’t seek victory and defeat the enemy, just hold back!”

“Mo Poor, we are almost here.”

Don’t look at the heavy losses here, but the number of enemies has grown to more than two billion. Kaimen has a thousand members, ten thousand peripherals, hundreds of thousands of descendants of the emperor and daughter, and hundreds of thousands of US troops. In the area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, they also tried their best.

At this moment, the “Mantis” sent to support the northern front is one of the new secret weapons.

He has fused the ‘razor’ from the containment, which is one of the containment seized from the Gaia Church. It can be transplanted on a human body, just like growing two three-meter-long forelimbs of a praying mantis. With a thought, the razor can be chopped.

How fast? Even the speed of light can be measured, but Razor’s slashing speed is too fast to count.

And it happens not to exceed the speed of light, at least it does not cause various phenomena that exceed the speed of light.

According to speculation, the slash speed is defined as being unable to be measured in terms of characteristics.

Equivalent to once it is activated, then at the same time… the target of the slash is generated from the information as ‘has been slashed’.

So to put it simply, the razor’s slashing speed is no longer a concept of ‘fast’, but the time required for slashing is zero.

When the transplanter wants to slash, the objects in front of him have already been slashed, how can he block it? How about hiding?

Because the Gaia church has been used for a long time, plus the first level of preparations, so after the Lanbai society took over, it did not have to review for ten years. In just a few months, it quickly selected a Member host.

However, not everyone can use this containment.

The user must have no distractions, a strong will, and a steady mind, otherwise it is easy to commit suicide.

It’s very simple, because the holder accidentally wants to cut himself, and then… the razor has already cut through his body.

There is no chance to regret it, after all, it is too ‘fast’.

It is not only a suicide, but it may also accidentally kill the people around you.

Don’t think it’s impossible to ‘cut yourself’. On the contrary, sixteen D-class personnel were tested in succession, and they all committed suicide…

How much the D-class personnel want to live, but they accidentally hacked themselves to death.

The razor will not recognize the idea of ​​just trying it out, even if it is a person who does not want to cut himself, the brain can easily and automatically think about cutting himself…

The moment such a thought arises, the knife is finished.

It is very difficult to control such a magic knife well.

Those who can control this knife have a detached state of mind, forget things and me, can control their hearts, have pure thoughts, and have no miscellaneous thoughts.

Among the members, this is also rare.

And once controlled, such a person is the strongest cutter.

Back then, the Razor Mantis of the Church of Gaia slaughtered its members at the bottom of the sea, which caused great trouble.

Now in the hands of an outstanding member, the power is even greater.

Running through the war, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, there is nothing intact within a few meters of his body, and he keeps thinking and slashing.

He is like a unparalleled warrior who rushes into the enemy’s line in the game, killing people like cutting melons and vegetables.

Compared to the man from the Gaia Church back then, the “Mantis” of the Lanbai Club has stronger thinking speed and eyesight.

Once the eagle eye is opened, the plasma cannon will be slashed!

Basically, except for the laser, which can only be predicted to dodge and block, any attack cannot get close.

It’s very simple, he is also a best controller, he is wrapped with a layer of best metal on the razor!

This is something that the razor can’t cut through. In this way, Best Metal can use the speed of the knife!

As for the speed of the knife, it can also rely on the contact range of the best metal. No matter how long the best metal is stretched, the attack range will be as large as it is stretched.

It was originally a slash, but with best metal, it can be slashed, slapped, slapped or hammered.

Two razor blades grow on the back shoulders, paired with black iron, like a pair of iron-winged meat grinders. Sweep the battlefield.

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