Blue and White Society Chapter 847: Transfer energy

Kelong never expected that after he became the president, the first thing he dealt with was Mo Qiong’s marriage application.

The reason why a member of the club needs to apply for marriage, and it has been carefully considered by a special team. The reason is that some members have absolute characteristics, and some hidden costs may be highlighted because of marriage.

There are even those who are not even hiding the price, but are clearly unable to get married.

Just like formalin, he cannot get married.

He was once attacked by genocide scissors, which would kill all his family members, so once he marries someone again, the bride will die suddenly on the wedding day.

As for Mo Poor’s, it’s okay, he has infectious traits, one is a person with different blood, and the other is a black fire.

The different blood is not troublesome, but the black fire has been sucked away by the queen after it came into contact with the queen and was reshaped into a fusion body.

So Mo Poor now has no black fire.

After watching the preliminary review by the research department, Kelong immediately agreed to marry Mo Qiong and Che Yun.

“I’ll hold the inauguration ceremony in an hour, when do you plan to arrange your wedding?” Kelong asked.

Mo Qiong said with a smile: “No hurry, I discussed it with Che Yun, we don’t pay attention to the sense of ceremony, let’s make it up later.”

“By the way, your inauguration ceremony is to climb to the highest mountain?”

Kelong shook his head and said: “My self-imprisonment feature is doomed to prevent me from climbing to the top of the mountain. Do you need you to help me get there?”

“Climbing to the top of the highest mountain is a ceremony that everyone is really looking forward to. It seems that I… am destined not to be the president that everyone is looking forward to.”

Mo Poor hesitated, and then said: “About the ultimate containment measures…”

Kelong stared at Mo Poor and said, “I don’t know the ultimate containment measures at all, I can’t perceive it.”

“So, you were lying before?” Mo Poor said.

Kelong said: “Yes.”

Mo Poor is very disappointed, why?

Is the clue I finally found broken again? Kelon undertook 800 million years of suffering, and the result is meaningless?

Kelong asked: “Before I became the president, did you transfer all the contents last night?”

“Yes, now the Alpha containment, part of the Beta containment, and all the containment that cannot leave the earth are still in the major bases. The rest that can be sent away have been transferred. This is before you come back. Decided measures.” Mo Poor said.

“Since you don’t plan to hold the wedding now, I have two tasks for you.” Kelong said.

Mo Poor nodded and said, “Please tell me.”

“After my ceremony was over, you sent me to Sirius. I have limited mobility, so I can only sit in command there.” Kelong said.

“Okay.” Mo Poor nodded in agreement. Although there is a World Destroyer chessboard at the Sirius base, Qimu will definitely watch him and will not let Kelong get close to the chess player.

Kelong said again: “Afterwards, you are going to look for the descendants of the rebels on the earth, especially the descendants of the Qing Emperor, who will have a ‘spiritual state transfer’, which is activated by planting nine locust tree branches on the body. Once plugged in like this, you can transfer the state of mind for others. Any state is fine.”

“So it also includes the collapse of thinking, Wu Yunmo and the rebels rescued from the sun roulette, their thinking is extremely chaotic and collapsed, only this feature can save them.”

Mo Poor suddenly excitedly said: “That’s great, but how do I find it?”

“I don’t know about that. Among modern people, there must be descendants of the rebels. The specific screening has already begun. You can ask Canaan.” Kelong said.

“Okay.” Mo Poor turned and left.

After he left, Kelong took out three unfinished wood carvings from a drawer in the office.

He frowned and carefully carved it himself with a carving knife. It can be seen that it is a portrait of Sanqing.

Although he has carved it extremely lifelikely, he is always frowning and fiddling with it, as if there is something dissatisfied.

Afterwards, as if realizing something, he gave a wry smile and threw away the Sanqing portrait, with endless loss and regret in his eyes.

Mo Poor has been familiarizing himself with various senses, and now he is getting more and more used to his super-earthling body.

With his eyes closed, he was still able to calmly avoid all obstacles and walked into the research department.

12.13 meters in front left, 65 kilograms, 1.73 meters, density… Well, this is Che Yun.

“Huhu…” Mo Poor closed his eyes, and he didn’t imagine what Che Yun would look like, but chose a point in the time and space where Che Yun was, and tried to fan the sunlight.

Not long after, Che Yun yelled: “It’s so hot! Hey, what did you do! It’s hot!”

“You actually feel hot?” Mo Poor knew that Che Yun could at least withstand a high temperature of 600 degrees Celsius.

Che Yun nodded and said, “What did you shoot in my hand? Look, it’s all red!”

I saw a burning red spot on her fair arm.

“Did you see the light distorted, or refracted?” Mo Poor asked.

Che Yun shook her head and said, “No, I just felt my arm was hot.”

Mo Poor nodded, so he tried to shoot the light just now, but the light did not pass, but the heat passed…

A small amount of sunlight, when focused, can have the heat to ignite paper cotton. Mo Poor fanned more light just now, and the heat was concentrated, exceeding 600 degrees Celsius, burning marks on Che Yun’s arm.

But the strange thing is that after the heat has passed, the light that should be responsible for transporting the heat has not changed the direction of propagation…

Mo Poor can perceive that a large amount of ultraviolet rays, under his fanning, the energy level drops, and the frequency and power both drop.

He slapped the ultraviolet rays into microwaves.

“The sense of light should actually be called the sense of heat, or the sense of energy, right? I still can’t shoot light, but I can shoot energy…”

Mo Poor felt strange that energy was transported by light. The process of energy propagation is that the electrons release light, the energy level falls, and then the energy level of other electrons that absorb light jumps.

The heat is directly shot away, but the light propagates as it should. This is to allow energy to be transferred directly without a medium.

Mo Poor raised his head, looked at the chandelier above his head, and waved his hand.

After waiting for a while, the wick suddenly lights up, and the light shines brightly.

When Mo Poor put down his hand, the wick flickered for a moment, then dimmed.

“Sure enough.”

Mo Poor smiled and raised his hands high. The air aura spread from his hands to a height of more than ten meters, and then swirled and stirred in mid-air, forming a nearly transparent vortex.

Not long after, the temperature of a stone began to rise sharply, and it turned red quickly, and then exploded, bursting out a stream of high-temperature slurry.

At the same time, the temperature of the air mass churning in the sky obviously dropped sharply, and a little blue snowflakes appeared faintly.

Then he stretched his hands apart and stretched them to the sides, forming flexible air walls respectively.

One left and one right, soon there was a scene of ice and fire.

The air wall on the left is turbid and white and atomized, which is caused by the condensation of water vapor in the air. After a while, it turns into snowflakes, and the volume shrinks rapidly.

On the right side, on the contrary, the twisted, fuzzy, and swaying air shows that the temperature is extremely high.

This is exactly the heat absorbed by Mo Poor’s left-hand air wall, and all of it is transferred to the right-hand air wall.

Mo Poor is not only able to use heat as an arrow, but the selection of the landing point has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

He can no longer only use his eyes and brain to fill in the picture to locate.

Mo Poor discovered that the ‘picture’ of time and space can also be used for positioning. To be precise, it is not a picture, but the distribution, density, quality, degree of distortion, speed of propagation and other sensations of matter in space and time.

This feeling can also be like vision, allowing Mo Poor to locate what he feels in time and space.

Gravity is the force produced by matter in space and time. Mo Poor can now personally experience the entire process of gravity generation and propagation, and then interfere.

The method of interfering with gravity must naturally be gravity.

Just as he could only use his own muscle power to shoot objects in the past, now he can only use the gravitational force generated by his own mass as a bow to launch gravitational waves.

However, Mo Poor is like being in the water and can only shoot the water disturbed by him.

He is in the huge gravitational field of the earth, and the gravitational waves that can be disturbed cannot affect everything.

Even if it is disturbed and forced to shoot it anywhere, it doesn’t make much sense, because the gravitational wave itself has no lethality. The absorption rate of matter to gravitational waves is extremely low, and the universe is completely filled with matter. It propagates from one end of the universe to the other, continuously penetrates matter, and finally spreads the entire universe, and it will only be absorbed by 100%. One is not enough.

“So disturbing gravity is useless?” Mo Poor tried repeatedly in a lounge, just when he was about to give up.

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit him, and with a bang, the air, tables, chairs, and walls in all directions slammed into him at high speed.

Even Mo Qiong himself moved sideways repeatedly in place, jumping half a meter to the left in an instant, and half a meter to the right in an instant.

The back and forth speed was extremely fast, as if there was a huge force pushing it back and forth, and in an instant, his whole body’s muscles and bones were shattered and compressed, forming a ball of meat sauce air.

“Boom!” The lounge next to the research department collapsed, and the reinforced concrete, marble, and alloy steel columns were all broken or twisted, squeezing around him.

Fortunately, the inexplicable pressure disappeared instantly and did not continue.

Mo Poor regenerates at super speed in a daze, and stands in place naked.

Che Yun and more people came from afar in surprise.

“What happened!”

“Impossible…” Mo Poor was also very surprised: “How could I disturb such a large gravitational energy?”

At this time, Lord Gou came from afar and said in surprise, “It’s you! I said why the curvature has changed!”

“Curvature?” Mo Poor was taken aback, realizing that he had just changed the curvature of the space-time in front of him.

In turn, the surrounding time and space are squeezed to that point, and the attraction of matter is only incidental.

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