Blue and White Society Chapter 756: Death fight in the cloud world

More than half of the mecha formation, which cost hundreds of billions, was destroyed by a single encounter.

The mecha was smashed to pieces, and the members inside were all turned into dust.

The so-called latest combat weapons are like toys in front of Gaia.

However, the members of the club were already mentally prepared for this, and they didn’t expect to hit Gaia on the ground, they only hoped to slow her down.

As Mo Poor and Che Yun ran around the world, more and more top club members were sent to the battlefield.

Unfortunately, although the Blue and White Society is strong, it also has a lot of power, which is involved in all parts of the world.

Almost every gamma-level, delta-level, and omega-level containment must be guarded by strong people.

The more it is like this, the less it can be called, because many small organizations will take the opportunity to do things.

The remnants of the Church of Gaia are creating chaos all over the world, causing some worship groups who only have one or two contained objects to think that the end of the world is coming up to show their sense of existence.

The Lanbai Club has a wealth of experience in dealing with this situation. When the Zerg was in the past, many small organizations jumped out, but they were wiped out by the bugs. The Lanbai Club took over their contents…

Every time such a worldwide catastrophe is a reshuffle of the containment world, often after surviving, the progress of the unification of the Blue and White Society will also be greatly improved.

But it’s not that simple to survive.

This time Gaia is stronger than ever! Taking back his own ark and taking control of the earth, the combat power is completely two orders of magnitude from Gaia without an ark.

“Have you found Wu Yunmo?” Catherine looked at Gaia who was majestic and sweeping the audience, and asked anxiously.

Mo Poor communicated: “No…he should have fallen extremely deep…it will take an hour for the best metal ball I projected to reach the center of the earth.”

This is already very fast, the distance from the surface to the center of the earth is more than 6,000 kilometers, that is to say, the metal ball projected by Mo Poor has a speed of more than 6,000 kilometers per hour.

This is a supersonic shot fired by Mo Poor with the aid of a machine. It is not impossible to go faster, but it is difficult for Wu Yunmo to catch it…

If Wu Yunmo was directly knocked into the air during the impact, and it was too late to catch the handrail, then after the miss, Mo Poor would have to shoot again…

“I’ll be right over!”

Mo Poor sent the members who could spare his hands to support to the battlefield, and after sending back members like Adams who were in other worlds, he also planned to participate in the battle.

However, Catherine said: “You go to support the west coast first! The tsunami is here…”

The tsunami caused by the battle spread in all directions, which the Lanbai Society can actually deal with.

Using instruments to perform reverse vibration decompression in the sea area close to the land, neutralize and weaken the power of the tsunami. In addition, the members of the club jointly cast a super-large air wall, which can block one or two and weaken the tsunami repeatedly.

The remaining parts, the flood discharge facilities and anti-tsunami facilities in various coastal areas, can also bear it.

However, in one direction, the tsunami is extremely powerful.

That is the wave of huge waves that were infused with powerful longitudinal waves by Gaia, and rushed towards the east at a faster speed.

This huge wave has passed over some small islands, destroying all the buildings on them, and even the island body has been shattered, turning into more fragmented archipelagos, showing its power.

As for this kind of power, Lanbai Society estimates that it cannot be weakened by members of the group using the air wall, and the best support candidate at this moment is Mo Qiong.

“Mo Poor! That wave is already approaching the coast of Northwest California on the west coast of the United States. Once it lands, San Francisco will be razed to the ground.”

“Listen, Mo Poor doesn’t need you for the time being… You can’t afford to lose! Because you are the only one who can guarantee that the Velcro will stick to Gaia’s face again!”

Hearing Catherine’s words, Mo Poor had nothing to say.

Mo Qiong is not only the person who can fish out the dark cloud ink from the heart of the earth the fastest, but also the only one who can easily stick the Velcro on Gaia’s face.

If something happens to Mo Poor, even if he gets the Velcro and wants to seal Gaia again, the members will have to pay a huge price.

“Here, we will stop you! Go to San Francisco now!” Catherine said seriously.


After arranging Mo Poor, Catherine stared at the mighty Gaia and shouted: “Cover her up!”

Luo Yan, who was sent to the battlefield, took out a flag, and the area with a diameter of six kilometers was immediately covered by clouds and mist.

Six kilometers is really too small. Gaia and the giant mountains of rock and soil she collected occupy more than half of it! The rest of the giant kuns who rushed over accounted for another sixth.

More than 50 members of the lowest gamma level locked themselves and Gaia in this cloud world, just like raising Gu.

It’s too narrow. In order to restrict Gaia, they can only give up the vast world as a deep space, and fight a duel with a guy who moves and destroys the world and destroys the world within the scale of only six kilometers.

Among them, several nuclear submarines that were also covered were almost doomed to perish in the next ten seconds, because they couldn’t escape Gaia’s furious attack at all.

This is the place of death fights. If Luo Yan dies in battle, other members will take over to maintain the cloud world. As long as there is still one member, Gaia will be trapped in this sea area, unable to go anywhere!


Mo Poor and Che Yun appeared in San Francisco, and the people here did not have time to evacuate.

In other words, this kind of metropolis cannot be evacuated at all, so it can only try its best to suppress the disaster, reduce losses, and clean up the land afterwards.

Between the distant sea and the sky, one can already see the terrifying white line advancing here.

The once calm waters in the Golden Gate Strait have receded by more than ten meters, which symbolizes that an unprecedented and terrifying tsunami is coming.

The panicked crowd in the city made all kinds of hysterical shouts, and all kinds of traffic arteries have been blocked to the point of nowhere.

On the Golden Gate Bridge, tens of thousands of cars were blocked, and countless horns were making a lot of noise.

Tens of thousands of people were trapped on the bridge with nowhere to go.

Some people have experienced the fright of the Gaia Cultists who were emitting light and breathing fire. At this moment, facing the tsunami that is rushing in the distance, they have become crazy.

Fortunately, hundreds of Alpha and Beta members, as well as thousands of outsiders, have gathered along the coast.

Peripheral personnel maintained order and kept calming the emotions of the people trapped in the coastal areas who could not escape.

“Quiet! See those people flying in the sky? They were the ones who wiped out the mob before!”

“Trust them, the tsunami will be stopped.”

Peripheral personnel are scattered everywhere, pointing to the air above the sea, the members who are busy back and forth stepping on the air.

Seeing those people flying in the sky, the people naturally regarded them as superhuman beings.

“Really? Can they really stop the tsunami?”

“Who the **** are you guys?”

“How can humans prevent natural disasters?”

The people are noisy, they have countless questions and endless panic.

The peripheral personnel carefully explained and comforted.

“Human beings are willing to challenge everything. You have experienced disasters that are a thousand times more terrifying and ten thousand times more terrifying than this.”

“What? A disaster worse than this has happened before?”

“Yes, people born before 1999, you have experienced more terrible disasters than this.”

People on the outside don’t mind revealing something, because they will forget it later.

With everyone’s efforts, the mood of the people trapped in the coastal area has finally stabilized.

“Please trust us, or just pray to any god, if you can feel at ease…”

“However, I suggest that you just need to sort out your appearance, and watch…our war in an orderly and dignified manner.”

A peripheral person said softly. At this moment, behind him, after a snowball-like tsunami, he has pushed to the edge of the city.

Unprecedented in history, the 800-meter-high wave, carrying incredible energy, is roaring.

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