Blue and White Society Chapter 633: Kill yourself to scare the monkey

Having learned from Adams, Mo Zhigen really wanted to get close, but he hesitated, not daring to approach the Dragon Blood River.

“Boom!” After wailing for more than five minutes, Adams suddenly fell heavily to the ground, with blood all over his mouth and nose.

“Huh…huh…” Adams’ pain faded away, and he was panting with lingering fear.

The dead soldiers on the side reacted and quickly dragged Adams to run backwards.

However, Adams still said unwillingly: “The Black Emperor is merciful, the villain came here on orders, if there is no explanation, the only choice is to die…”

Mo Zhigen nodded secretly from behind, finally caught a **** in the wild, Kublai Khan sent people to break out, but got nothing, this Adams must die.

Mo Poor said: “What’s the matter?”

Adams said: “My lord is willing to worship the Three Emperors and Five Emperors forever, only to live forever.”

Mo Zhigen was taken aback, and then stared at Mo Poor tremblingly. He was both looking forward to and worried. He was worried that if Kublai Khan lived forever, it would be fine! What I look forward to is, if Kublai Khan can live forever, why can’t he?

However, Mo Poor said: “Zu Long thought so too back then.”

Adams was speechless, Qin Shihuang sought immortality but failed, and finally died of illness, the world knows.

Mo Zhigen sighed, how could longevity be so simple, how many emperors in ancient and modern times pursued longevity, but who really got it?

Adams said again: “My lord knows that you are utterly connected to heaven and earth, and you will never allow immortals to exist in the world. Therefore, my lord is willing to abdicate the throne, and only asks the Black Emperor to bless the Great Yuan and prosper forever.”

Mo Zhigen secretly thought, Kublai Khan does not want this emperor’s position, so that future generations will be eternally prosperous? Hehe, Kublai Khan, Kublai Khan, are you dying soon?

However, Mo Poor said: “Zu Long thought so too back then.”

“…” Everyone was speechless, how could you talk about Qin Shihuang.

But it is true. Qin Shihuang dreamed of eternal prosperity, but the second generation died, and the third generation died.

Think about the great yuan that has broken through countless lands, but was there ever an immortal dynasty? If he was blessed, why would Song come to his present end?

Hearing the conversation between Adams and Hei Di, Mo Zhigen couldn’t help laughing at himself, saying immortality and eternity are nothing but illusions.

Mo Zhigen thought about the Jue Tian Di Tong mentioned in the conversation, and quickly asked his subordinates to learn more about it.

After he finished listening to the story of Jue Tian Di Tong, his whole body was shocked, as if he had been enlightened.

The black emperor cut off the heaven and the earth, so that the mundane returns to the mundane, and people no longer have to listen to God, and the gods and humans are cut off forever, irrelevant to each other.

This is the first time he has heard of this kind of myth.

As a king, he knows very well what religion is all about. He has fought with Meng Ge in all directions and has seen all religions, and he sneers at many gods.

Where? I have never seen one.

The Persian Zoroastrianism was wiped out by the Mongolian people, and the old Changshengtian on the Eastern European grassland was also wiped out by the Mongolian people.

In this era, Mengren’s invincible iron cavalry is invincible, and has broken through the awe of the gods, and regards it as a continuation of politics.

Of the four great Khanates, two of them converted to the Green religion, while Da Yuan believed in Buddhism. The only Khanate of Wokuotai that did not convert was about to perish.

The old Changshengtian was killed by the other three major Khanates, and the Shamanism that remained was castrated infinitely, and no longer had the power to dictate to the monarch.

All of this is because they see through the so-called religion and regard it as a tool.

Mo Zhigen once believed that there is no **** in the world, and it is just a deception of man, but until today, seeing this huge heart, and Adams’ inexplicable pain, and that Emperor Xuan used black iron to induce dragon blood to ascend to heaven .

It was only then that he shook his world view again and realized that God still exists.

It’s just that they don’t care about all kinds of disputes in the world, unless there is something miraculous like a dragon’s heart falling into the world, they will come forward to resolve it, because God only cares about God’s affairs.

Moreover, the reason for everything may be because… the absolute power of heaven and earth.

An existence named Zhuanxu is neither a pure man nor a pure god, he is an emperor. The rules of this world have been formulated, and both humans and gods must abide by them.

It is he who separates the world of man and god, and makes the gods and monsters extinct in the world.

This kind of thought, after he heard the legend of the Black Emperor, combined with the various miracles in front of him, Mo Zhigen couldn’t help thinking of it.

“Kublai Khan, oh Kublai Khan, you prayed to God, and you prayed to the head of the Heidi who knows everything about heaven and earth. You are really blind and eager.”

While Mo Zhigen laughed at Kublai Khan, he also lamented in his heart.

Those gods who claim to be able to make a wish are all liars. He has seen a lot in the past. Those who are willing to help people are false gods, while the truly capable gods don’t care about the world.

All of this was done by the existence in front of him, he cut off the possibility of God intervening in human affairs.

Thinking about it, it’s no wonder that since ancient times there have been no long-lived kings, nor have there been thousands of dynasties. There is no point in praying to gods and Buddhas. This world, since the Black Emperor, is only a human world. It is better to ask God than to ask oneself.

At this moment, while Mo Zhigen had a deep understanding, he felt lost at the same time.

After thinking it over, looking at Adams again, he felt like he was looking at a clown.

A idiot who knows he can’t do anything, but still sticks his face to others’ cold ass.

I saw Adams was sweating coldly, touched the blood on his face, and suddenly said harshly: “If I wait to go back empty-handed, I will definitely die. The dragon’s heart fell into the world and caused chaos on both sides of the Yellow River. Isn’t this your dereliction of duty?” ? Why didn’t Hei Di make any compensation to the emperor in the world? Please also ask Hei Di to be merciful and give me a pinch of dragon blood.”

Mo Rigen narrowed his eyes, good guy, he actually asked Hei Di for compensation.

In fact, he also wanted to get the dragon’s blood, but he didn’t dare to do it because of the power of the Black Emperor.

Don’t look at Adams’s exposure to dragon’s blood, he is in pain, but judging from the huge fish and shrimps swimming in the river, it’s not really untouchable. He doesn’t believe that dragon’s blood is only harmful, but it’s dragon’s blood.

Apparently Adams also saw it, and just wanted to bring a little dragon’s blood back to the business.

However, even with such a small request, Hei Di showed no mercy at all, and said indifferently: “Dragon blood, not a single drop can be kept.”

Mo Zhigen sighed and thought to himself, as expected, this is the master of the world, if you ask him for something as miraculous as dragon blood, will he stay in the world? It’s like saying to the emperor, ‘Your Majesty, are you going to rebel? ’ What’s the difference?

People are descended to deal with this matter. In the era of the division between man and god, human beings keep the things of gods, which is trampling on the order of the black emperor.

“You think it’s an officialdom in the world, and you can still talk about human relations?” Mo Zhigen looked at Adams sarcastically, but forgot that he was also moved just now.

Seeing that Hei Di refused people thousands of miles away, Adams knew that he would die if he went back, so he shouted: “Brothers, let’s go together, whoever gets the dragon’s blood will be sealed as a marquis!”

“Hey!” Seeing Adams being so bold, Mo Zhigen couldn’t help but look forward to it, isn’t it madness?

That’s right, eight hundred dead soldiers rushed together, and the Hei Emperor seemed to be at a critical moment at this moment, maybe there was an omission, and someone stole some dragon blood.

Mo Zhigen thought of himself again, but there are 10,000 iron cavalry, and there will be brave men who will be rewarded with heavy rewards. Could it be that the Black Emperor can kill them all? You yourself said that you can master heaven and earth, so can gods kill people?

I saw Mo Poor tilted his head slightly, and his eagle eyes stared coldly, which made the eight hundred dead men hesitate.

Mo Rigen said to himself: Come on! You are on it! Aren’t you Kublai Khan’s dead soldiers? What about Xueyong who came out of the city before? Don’t be cowardly! Come on!

He only dared to say it in his heart, but he himself sat firmly behind.

“Don’t be afraid, if you don’t fight, you will die, but if you fight, you may not die!” Adams shouted, and rushed forward first.

When the dead soldiers saw this, they also rushed up.

Mo Zhigen clapped his hands and was overjoyed, great job!

However, in the next second, a huge black sword suddenly grew out from in front of Adams. It grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge sword of hundreds of feet!

The whole body of this sword is dark, plain and without lines, like the deep sky.

“Hiss! The sword of Emperor Xuan?” Mo Zhigen was shocked.

Anyone’s first reaction would be that it was the work of Hei Di. In fact, only Mo Poor and Adams knew that this was Adams’ own best metal, which jumped out of the collar at an extremely fast speed at this moment, turning into a For this pure black giant sword.

Because the material is the same as that of the black wall blocking Jinhe, its color is dark black, which corresponds to Emperor Xuan, so no one would have thought that it was controlled by Adams himself.

I saw the black sword hanging long and narrow in front of Adams. If someone looked at it from the side, they would find that the sword was extremely thin and the thickness was barely visible.

“Black…Heidi…” Adams panicked.

However, the black sword pierced through the air, directly pierced Adams’ chest, and nailed him to the ground!

“God… how could… kill people…” Adams died without resting his eyes, blood flowed from the wound on his back, and flowed down the black sword to the ground, staining it red.

Dead, before Adams was beheaded by the black sword in the Dragon Blood River, the scene was silent for a long time.

Mo Qiong said: “Don’t get close to the blood of the dragon, the offender will die.”

Seeing this, the dead soldiers stood there dumbfounded, not daring to move forward.

While Mo Zhigen was terrified, he was also secretly glad: he was not impulsive, but Kublai Khan’s people were impulsive.

God is God after all. If you really think you are a gentleman, can you deceive him? Jue Tian Di Tong is not a dead rule, offenders can be killed.

When Mo Zhigen saw Adams’ death, he secretly thought it was dangerous, and then he gloated a little.

“Do you really think that gods can’t kill people, so they can do it recklessly? You fool!” Mo Zhigen completely regarded Adams as a negative example!

But he forgot, he actually wanted his subordinates to do the same just now, to test Hei Di’s bottom line, anyway, the lives of his subordinates are worthless.

“It’s a pity, with Hei Di’s character, he probably wouldn’t care about this offense, and instead angered Kublai Khan…it’s a pity.” Mo Zhigen hoped that Hei Di would punish Kublai Khan, but after another thought , realizing that Hei Di would not do this.

After this series of events, he felt that he knew Hei Di very well.

He just went down to deal with the dragon’s blood and dragon’s heart, so that these things would not affect the world, and he didn’t care about the rest.

After he had a deep understanding of the Black Emperor, he no longer coveted the fetish in front of him, and he also understood that it is better to ask God than to ask himself, and a truly capable **** will not care about people. If you force it, it’s just death.

Mo Zhigen, after being subtly educated, he unconsciously looked at the incident of the Xuandi descended from the sky with a normal heart.

God cannot be sought, cannot be violated, and cannot be conquered, so what else can we do? Mo Zhigen can only watch the excitement here, and open his eyes…

As everyone knows, this is exactly Adams’ strategy of “killing oneself to warn the monkey”.

Using himself as a negative teaching material, he has deterred an army of 10,000.

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