Blue and White Society Chapter 546: Looting the body

“Many residents do not open the door, but I have checked with my heart, and there is either no one inside, or everyone is safe.” Jiang Long reported while checking.

“Where are the animals?” Sister You asked.

“This house is very solid. There is no soil in the whole community, all are floor tiles without gaps, and there are no ants, cockroaches or mice. In addition, the roast duck jumped off the building, and was immediately picked up by the deceased. , so apart from the first floor, the homes of the residents upstairs have not been affected.” Jiang Long said.

“It’s great, I like this kind of house… You don’t have to worry about microbes, plants, fungi, and protozoa. I’ve already confirmed that none of these will be infected.” Sister You confirmed road.

“That’s good, so to what extent will animal carcasses be infected?” Jiang Long asked.

Sister You said after experimenting for a long time. “It seems… as long as the dead animal still has the ability to bite or sting, it will be transformed.”

In addition to the transient corpse distortion field, zombies also have the ability to bite and infect.

This is the only way they can infect living things, just bite, not scratching or blood contact.

An animal that is bitten or stung will die and become a zombie in about two minutes.

However, because of the nano-membrane, there is no second person to cause a bite infection for the time being, and Pipi shrimp and the like are not a threat at all.

Except for the man killed by the dog, the others were just frightened.

This is thanks to the advancement of contemporary technology and the cheapness and popularity of nano-membranes. This is a major contributor to solving the frequent shootings. It is easy to deal with some animals pecking and biting, as long as you don’t run out of energy.

Mo Qiong’s mind was swept away, his expression changed drastically and he said, “Not good… there are mosquitoes.”

“Don’t let any mosquito go!” Sister You solemnly said.

When Mo Poor discovered that there were mosquitoes in this building, his heart sank.

Every household has a mosquito-killing device, in which there will be many dead mosquitoes, which should be cleaned regularly.

Mo Poor found dead mosquitoes in several mosquito boxes.

As for the infected people’s homes on the first floor, because of the scuffle, the pippi shrimps were all revived, and the dead mosquitoes were naturally revived as well. These mosquitoes are now flying out of several mosquito boxes on the first floor, flying randomly in the corridor, attacking everyone.

“Fortunately… I blocked the passages of the whole building, and the windows are all closed.” McGrady said.

“But before you shut it down? Did the mosquitoes come back to life?” Sister You asked.

“I don’t know…” McGrady said.

If one of the zombie mosquitoes goes out before McGrady takes control of the scene, it will be a big problem.

There are too many corpses in nature that have the conditions to mutate. Basically, any corpse will be transformed directly by a zombie mosquito falling on it.

Once the spread of influence begins, it will inevitably lead to a disaster that is difficult to deal with.

Because these zombies can’t be killed at all, once the number increases, it will increase exponentially, and eventually sweep the world.

Their contagiousness is too unique. If it really spreads on a large scale, I am afraid that apart from humans, not many animals will survive.

As for zombies, they can only be turned into corpses if they are bitten by living creatures, but this kind of corpse itself has a distortion field.

So while killing zombies, their mouths must be destroyed, or the entire corpse must be destroyed.

Only in this way can it be guaranteed that it will not be activated again after turning back into a corpse.

The efficiency of such a troublesome killing method is definitely not high.

“Mo Poor, your realm is the highest, sweep it for me! Zombies are dead things, if you find that there are no signs of life and are still moving!” Sister You said.

Mo Poor quickly spread the power of the primordial spirit on a large scale, quickly covering half of the city. At the same time, his Dao fruit was also weakening violently and constantly degrading.

“Phew…no…except for this building, there are no zombies outside.” Mo Poor said, his Dao fruit fell to the Yuanshen stage in one breath, and he consumed a lot of Yuanshen’s power, finally confirmed There are no zombies outside.

“Unless it flew farther, or the zombie mosquito flew out and was killed by another live mosquito, and the body fell somewhere.” Jiang Long said.

“This is unrealistic, time does not allow it, and the habits of zombies do not allow it.” Mo Poor pointed to the many mosquitoes chasing people in the air.

Zombies will actively attack nearby animals. Humans seem to be the highest priority, so this is actually a good thing, which means that it is really impossible for zombies to run away first.

In this way, it will be easy to confirm that there is no further spread.

They can completely deal with the zombies in such a small area.

I saw Mo Poor solidified the air wall in a large area, and with a slight shock, he shot all the mosquitoes in the corridor into the storage bag.

Maddy also took care of all the zombie ingredients on the first floor and threw the corpse into the storage bag.

But this alone is not enough, although the infection is actually limited to the first floor, but to be on the safe side, no body parts can be left in the whole building, after all, who knows if there will be a certain body part, it will be like the first Zombie meat also has a distortion field?

So, they started looting the whole building for ‘corpses’!

“Open the door!”

“Who are you!”

“Boom!” Mo Poor directly opened the door with Best Metal.

The resident stared dumbfounded at the cut safety door, thinking that it was really cut open with a sword? how is this possible?

I saw that after Mo Qiong went in, without saying a word, he just lifted the dining table, and didn’t bother to classify.

I saw that the dishes on the table, no matter whether they were meat or vegetable, flew to the big bag in Mo Poor’s hand with precision. Mo Poor opened the big bag and just packed the family’s lunch.

“What the hell! Hmm… Take whatever you want! Take whatever you want! Do you want money?” The resident wanted to lose his temper, but Mo Poor cut off a hair on his head with a sword!

That sword made a shrill sound of piercing through the air, and there was a faint flash of fluorescence.

Looking at his severed hair, the resident turned pale with fright and dared not stop.

Because Mo Poor can cut off his hair, it means he can break his nanomembrane!

He doesn’t know what magic damage is. The attack and physical defense attached to the stellar energy can’t resist all of it.

Therefore, it is unbelievable in the eyes of the residents to cut the nano-membrane with a cold weapon, but the facts speak louder than words.

Once the nano-membrane cannot give a sense of security, the contemporary people will immediately be discouraged.

Therefore, he watched helplessly as the robber carrying a black sword rummaged through his house, packed away all the leftovers, opened the refrigerator again, dug out a bunch of ingredients, put them in sack.

He is very strange, what kind of **** is this robber searching for!

Seeing that Mo Poor even found out all the mosquito boxes and dumped a bunch of dead mosquitoes into the sack, he looked confused.

“No…do you want money? I just need some cash.” The resident frightenedly took out a small handful of banknotes.

“Don’t make noise!” Mo Poor’s mind had to be spared after his realm was lowered, so he checked very carefully.

After confirming that there was nothing that could be the source of infection, he walked away with a bag of ‘swill’.

The whole building is full of miscellaneous and suspicious things, they have to take them away.

However, the police outside did not want to give them time.

If Adams hadn’t fired a warning shot upstairs, the police plane would have almost landed from the roof.

The police weapons here are very sophisticated, and an infrasonic bomb was thrown directly on the roof of the building. Generally speaking, if it were someone else, they would definitely faint or even die.

But Adams doesn’t care, it’s just infrasound, he listens to it every day.

The police saw that the ‘bandit’ hidden on the roof had been hit by an infrasonic bomb and could still fire a warning shot, so the helicopter retreated and made another plan.

“Stay away from me! Otherwise, I will tear up my ticket!” Master Gou held the hostages and yelled through the window on the first floor with a loudspeaker.

“Back off!”

However, I don’t know if the times are different. Although the police dare not attack, they have a particularly tough temper.

All kinds of explosion-proof shields and explosion-proof vehicles surrounded the building tightly, but they did not take a step back.

Gou Ye knew that at this distance, the other party had the ability to directly thermally scan the interior to determine his position.

“My hairs are all blown up, I must have been targeted by a sniper rifle, Mo Poor, do me a favor!” Lord Gou yelled, while moving wildly to get rid of the horror of being locked on by a sniper rifle.

The police outside were stunned.

“Where did the gangsters come from here? Robbing the apartment? And with this little equipment? The gunshot sounded like an earthen gun.”

“It’s not too bad. They have strong protection capabilities. The infrasonic bomb is useless to the person on the top of the building, and they dare not use it downstairs. There are hostages.”

“Their behavior is too strange, can the snipers solve it?”

“No, this man makes me dizzy, I’m afraid of killing the hostage.”

“Change the paralyzing bomb! Prepare to attack, by the way, what do the negotiators say?”

“Without sincerity, the man who called himself Lao Tzu asked us to send 500 million in cash and a helicopter before they would let him go.”

“What? There are still gangsters who dare to grab cash these days? Don’t they know that you can want money?”

“So if I say no sincerity, I should be delaying time.”

Soon, the snipers replaced the anesthesia bombs, ready to try saturation shooting and knock down the hostages and bandits together.

Suddenly, however, a bullet floats into the sniper’s gun.


The bullet penetrated the cover, hit the body of the gun with a diagonal stab, and embedded it in the barrel of the gun.

“Damn!” The sniper was startled, and hurriedly left the sniping point.

At the same time, the same is true for other snipers. They were attacked by enemy snipers almost at the same time.

The most horrifying of them, every shot hit the gun body, and it was in the same place, just inlaid in the position of a letter Q.

“Sir! We have been beaten!” The snipers reported in horror.

“Well, is the opponent’s sniper? I saw it. He was alone and fired a few shots. His position was completely exposed to our eyes. You can handle him.” The officer said.

“No! Our gun was broken! And he used small-caliber pistol bullets…” said the sniper.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the shooter, stretched out his hand out of the window again, and fired continuously.

Then retracted and closed the window.

These shots crushed the explosion-proof shield and hit the car.

“Back! Back! This is not a soil gun!”

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