Blue and White Society Chapter 382: Void fire

“Hmph! Let’s shoot her!” shouted one of the squires.

Several subordinates took out their bows and arrows and shot at Hina. Hina didn’t change her face, and rushed forward with her sword in hand.

Taking a bow at such a short distance? Do you really think of her as that kind of weak woman?

Although Hina is just a farm girl with an average physique and can’t use a sword, she can’t compare with these professional soldiers, but she has a **** bravery.

For her, apart from being abandoned by Mo Poor, there is nothing to fear in the world.

Even if you die, you will just go to **** and accompany the Demon King.

Compared with death, what she can’t accept is losing the magic sword and Mo Poor’s trust.

Although Mo Poor said that this sword is not very precious, Hina doesn’t think so.

Courage is very important in fighting with cold weapons. Even though these subordinates have been trained, they can’t stand this woman like a lunatic, fearless of death.

If it’s just a crazy woman, they are not afraid, but this is a crazy woman holding a magic sword.

The power of this magic sword is too great. No matter if it hits the armor or the iron sword, they will be knocked down by a blast of energy.

“Ah!” Hina’s ‘swordsmanship’ opened and closed, dancing wildly.

Being stabbed a few times and pricking a few arrows didn’t take it seriously, he is simply a berserker.

After four companions were cut down in a row, the remaining two subordinates couldn’t take it anymore, they threw away their bows and swords, turned around and ran away.

Xina couldn’t catch up with them, and stood there panting and holding her sword.

Afterwards, he felt that the sword was dirty like this, so he pulled it out hastily, and his body staggered and fell limp to the ground.

Sitting on the ground, she took out a towel from her body and wiped the magic sword carefully, until the magic sword was wiped clean again, then took out the ointment that Mo Poor left her, and smeared it on her body.

Soldiers in this world may die of inflammation if they are cut by a knife.

But Hina needn’t be afraid, Mo Poor gave her various medicines, not to mention anti-inflammation and sterilization, basically there is no need to worry about trauma, as long as the internal organs are not pierced, some deep bone-deep wounds can heal quickly.

“Master, are you there?” Hina finished applying the medicine and asked in her mind.

But no one responded.

There will be a period of time every day when Mo Poor will not be around, she can only rely on herself to protect herself, if she is not crazy, not only will she not be able to keep her sword, but she will also be unable to keep herself.

After treating the wound, she braced herself and continued to ride in the direction indicated by Mo Poor.

Mo Poor said that after a month, he would not pay attention to her for such a long time, and only contacted her occasionally.

It’s best to find that wizard within this month, and it’s also best for her to be able to live without worrying about the ‘devil king’s protection’ within this month.

So Hina did not hesitate to take the road, but also rushed to that place as soon as possible.

At the same time, she is also working hard to practice the pain secret technique Mo Poor taught her, striving to use the witch’s power as soon as possible instead of just cutting people with a sword.

“What? You fought her? You were defeated by her?”

The Judgment Team chasing Xina soon followed the clues to Luthor’s territory.

After learning that Luther led people to try to capture her, but was beaten to death instead, the knights of the Judgment were furious.

However, after learning of the power of the magic sword, several guardian knights were quite shocked.

“The country priest didn’t lie, and the story about the magic sword turned out to be true.”

“A weak woman can defeat a knight.”

As for the news reported by the priest, the general opinion is that it is half false and half true.

It is certain that witches have magical abilities, but they don’t believe in the theory of summoning meteorites and the Great Demon King.

Now with the information provided by Luthor’s surviving subordinates, the matter of Demon Sword has been confirmed.

The injuries on Luther and the others were the same as those on the country priest.

So far, all the people who have been knocked down by the magic sword have been injured by a strange energy, which is a bit like a burn, but it is more penetrating.

As for how to deal with this kind of injury, the country priest used two methods: hitting the head with a sledgehammer and hitting the chest with a sledgehammer.

None of them survived after hitting their heads with a sledgehammer.

After hitting the chest with a sledgehammer, more than a dozen people came back to life.

From this, the church judged that people who were knocked down by the magic sword had evil spirits hidden in their hearts, and they had to be beaten with a holy hammer to be revived.

“Quick! Bring the Hammer!” shouted a knight.

The clergy of the Judgment immediately took the blessed hammer and slammed it on the unconscious Luthor’s chest.

One after another, not only Luther, but also the other subordinates who fainted in the same way.

Not long after, several followers died, but it was Luther who tenaciously woke up.

“Saved! Saved!”

“This method is really useful! You are indeed a pious knight.” The adjudicator praised.

They felt that five people saved one, and the one-fifth survival rate was not high, but it was probably because they came late.

If they were later and didn’t hit with the holy hammer in time, I’m afraid these five people would all die, right?

Luther woke up slowly, took a few breaths, and after hearing the explanation from the adjudication team, he lay down on the bed and cried loudly.

“It turned out to be an evil witch who blasphemed the gods and served the devil. When I saw her, I felt she was a witch. Unfortunately, that sword is too powerful. If I didn’t have that sword, I would definitely be able to capture her. Dedicated to the church.”

Luthor thought that he would die if he was treated with a hammer without the church, so he was very moved at this moment.

Quickly asked someone to save up, and donated money to buy a holy hammer.

A wave of business was done, and the high-spirited knights led their soldiers to continue the pursuit.

With Luther’s group blocking them, the other party seemed to be seriously injured. They followed the horse’s hoof prints that hadn’t disappeared, and chased them at full speed.

It didn’t take long before finally catching up with the witch Xina.

“The stake is ready for you, witch, you are blaspheming, destroying churches, and killing believers of God. The heinous crime can only be purified with fire.” There were more than 500 people chasing up to Hina’s adjudication team , there are forty knights with fiefs alone.

Such an army would not dare to be provoked by any wizard in this world.

No matter how magical the wizard’s power is, it is impossible for him to fight against five hundred soldiers in full armor.

Xina didn’t run away, she was just resting at the moment, and when she saw more than 500 cavalrymen coming to arrest her, her face turned pale.

“I was caught up while the master was away…” She took out the pocket watch Mo Poor gave her, and the time on it was 2:50.

“There are still ten minutes before the master’s online time…”

Xina pursed her lips, tightly entangled the magic sword with her hands again.

“You said I killed them?” Hina asked.

“Hmph! The magic sword in your hand is powerful, but the holy hammer can expel the evil spirits hidden in the heart. We have found a way to restrain the magic sword. Let’s catch it, witch, put down the magic sword! “The leading knight shouted.

Xina was at a loss. A brief contact with the magic sword is not fatal, and she has no habit of making up swords. Why do you say she killed many people?

She didn’t even understand what the holy hammer smashed into the heart, and she didn’t understand the power of the magic sword. She thought that the church really had two brushes and found a way to restrain the magic sword?

As everyone knows, she has been blamed for another medical accident.

“Nonsense, you can’t understand the power of my lord. My lord is the greatest demon king.” Hina said excitedly.

The members of the judging group didn’t believe there was a devil at all, so they sneered and said, “Really? Where is the devil? You just made it up.”

“Tie her up, don’t be afraid of that sword, as long as you are devout, the holy hammer can save you.”

A group of knights responded, charging towards Sheena.

Xina quickly took out a weird pot from her arms, and saw her pull the pot and throw it towards the cavalry.



It was a high-explosive grenade, and the flames of the explosion engulfed the cavalry in an instant. The violent noise shocked all the horses, and the phalanx was in chaos for a while.

“That’s… so powerful!” Hina covered her ears, looking in surprise at how powerful the things Mo Poor left her had burst out.

It was for her to use when she was surrounded, and she was given two in total.

Using one at this moment, immediately hit the enemy by surprise.

Xina took advantage of the fire and several cavalrymen were blown to pieces, and hurriedly ran to break through.

In the chaos of gunpowder smoke and the howling of war horses, Xina frantically fought her way out with one sword at a time.

Her own horse was also frightened and could only walk, which was more advantageous at this moment. The other cavalry were being led around by the horse, and the scene was extremely chaotic, but she couldn’t control her for a while.


There was another explosion, and Xina threw it directly at the place where the cavalry was densely packed, killing ten people immediately.

After a chaotic fight, Xina defeated the pierced cavalry phalanx and broke out of the encirclement.

More than 20 people and horses fell behind, all professional soldiers who were cut down by her sword.

Unfortunately, there are only two grenades, and Hina has no horses. She was okay when the enemy was in chaos, but she didn’t run far, and the knights who reorganized their troops and horses caught up with her again.

This time the adjudication team didn’t dare to underestimate her anymore, and spread out their formation, a single knight and his retinue formed dozens of small groups to surround her.

After catching up, he abandoned his horse and approached on foot.

When the siege was just completed, Xi Na fought bravely and killed the last person.

There were tall and strong men in heavy armor all around them. Their expensive iron armor couldn’t give them any protection at all.

I heard pinging, pinging, pinging, and the magic sword cut out electric sparks on the armor, and even the strongest warrior would fall down.

“Come on! I am the devil’s servant, and I am a witch!” Hina said with her hair disheveled and **** all over her body.

Finally she couldn’t hold on anymore, a tall sergeant knocked her down, although the sergeant also fell down, but this time Hina lay on the ground but couldn’t stand up.

I can’t use my hands.

Xina lay on the ground, holding the sword tightly, silently praying to Mo Poor.

The sergeants rushed forward and chopped down with their knives.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Hina’s mind: “Hey, I heard you call me just after logging in, what’s the matter?”

Mo Poor is online.

Xina opened her eyes suddenly, and conveyed all she saw and heard to Mo Poor.

“Master, I have no strength.”

“Bang!” Seven or eight soldiers were suddenly shocked by a blast of air, and they were directly shaken away from Hina.

A stream of air ripples spread, sweeping away all the sergeants around her.

“I said you were looking for trouble, tsk tsk, more than five hundred people arrested you, what did you do?” Mo Poor asked.

“Master…destroying a church is a felony…” Hina said weakly.

“Oh, well, that’s my fault.” Mo Qiong smiled.

Xina quickly said: “No, it’s my fault.”

Mo Poor smiled, and noticed that not far away, a group of clergymen were frantically beating the fainted soldier’s chest with a sledgehammer.

“Then what are you doing?” Mo Poor asked.

“It is said that it can dispel the power of the magic sword, expel the evil spirits in the heart through the holy hammer, and revive fainted people.” Hina said.

“…” Mo Qiong was dumbfounded.

Although this is a world with a mysterious side, there is something about the so-called holy hammer, but… but the magic sword is an electric shock device!

What an evil spirit, that’s electricity!

“Xina, they don’t know pain, so they won’t be afraid of you. In their hearts, you will always be a person who should be burned to death and can be kneaded at will. I don’t want to continue with these ordinary people Entanglement.” Mo Poor said.

“You can do what you say,” Hina said.

Mo Poor said: “No, it’s up to you to choose. Next, I’ll give you thirty seconds. Wherever you see, there are raging fires.”

Speaking, he was on the earth, and he took out the reserve gas cylinders of the gas stove directly from the warehouse, put them together and modified them, installed a spout, and placed a lighter.

“Boom!” He lit the fire, but the flamethrower didn’t even come out.

It all disappeared at the spout, and the spout was lit with fire, but as soon as the fire came out, it passed through instantly.

On the other side, before Hina didn’t understand what Mo Poor meant, she saw fire emanating from the ground in front of her!

She turned her eyes quickly, and saw flames everywhere, burning the ground, burning soldiers, and burning war horses.

When it is far and near, the forest in the distance, the enemies nearby, and even the air will burst into flames.

These flames seemed to come out of the void, burning the army, and swept across the field with Hina’s vision.

Xina was too scared to close her eyes. Wherever her eyes focused, that was the target of the void fire.

“It’s okay, you can blink.” Mo Poor reminded.

Xina breathed a sigh of relief, and found that she would not burn herself in the blink of an eye. Obviously, these flames were well controlled by Mo Poor.

All she had to choose was… let the flames, from where, summon them.

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