Blue and White Society Chapter 283: Stick to the rules

The name of Yumu’s head is Moli. According to him, the Mohists have built underground palaces since the pre-Qin period and suppressed the ghosts of Mount Tai.

That’s why there are so many bronze wares here. After that, the Mohist family continued to decline and never got rich again. It was never repaired here, and it still maintained the appearance of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The ghost of Mount Tai is 100 feet tall, with a body of gold and stone, invulnerable to swords and guns.

In the eyes of Mo Qiong, this is nothing, but in the eyes of the ancients, it is already very powerful.

Even if there is a wood armor technique, it can only barely trap it, and cannot effectively suppress and contain it. It can be suppressed for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Fortunately, the ghost of Mount Tai has a mouth and eyes, but it is a stone man. The Mo family later used Chi You’s eye to create a long-term containment measure, which has been maintained until today.

Chiyou’s eyes have a fear that is absolutely impossible to resist. Anyone with eyes who face or approach this eye will be frightened and run away. It has nothing to do with whether they are afraid of death or brave.

Why do you say that? Because it judges whether there are eyes, not whether there is consciousness.

Corps don’t feel fear, do they? The corpse doesn’t move, but it has eyes. If he saw Chi You’s eyes, he would cheat the corpse on the spot, and the dead corpse jumped up in fright and fled crazily.

Is the statue dead? But it has eyes, and Chi You’s eyes can scare the statue away without looking back.

Draw some totems on the flag, such as black birds, which will have eyes. Then the flag would be torn from the pole by Chi You’s eyes, or it would fly away with the pole.

This is why the wooden armored beast and the wooden armored man have no purpose in their mouths,

The ghost of Mount Tai was intimidated by Chi You’s eyes, trapped deep underground and could not escape.

“Boom! Boom!”

In the crypt where the wooden armored dragon head was inserted, there was a dull roar, as if gold and stone collided, and some excavator was beating the rock.

Mo Li told him that it was the ghost of Mount Tai who was bombarding the rock, trying to break a path.

The underground caves are full of deep rocks. Although Taishan’s ghost is powerful and has a body like a diamond, it cannot penetrate this cavern.

The rock layer is too thick, and the Taishan ghost’s hands and feet are round, and he is not good at digging, so he can only smash it with hard work.

The best exit, of course, is directly above the hole blocked by the dragon’s head, but there is Chi You’s eye there.

Whether it sees Chi You’s eyes or closes its eyes to Chi You’s eyes, it will be frightened and run in the opposite direction, so this easiest way out is actually a natural barrier.

The ghost of Taishan can only be forced to stay away from the entrance of the cave, and there is no doubt that there is no future going down. The sound of it hitting the rock deviates from the original crypt, so the Mo people will release it, suppress it with the wooden armored green dragon, and force it into another narrow crypt to suppress it again.

This cycle goes on and on for two thousand years.

The wooden armored green dragon is the largest and strongest wooden armored beast made by the Mohists. Most of the giants of the Mohist dynasties sacrificed themselves at the end of their lives and turned into a part of the green dragon.

Although the ghosts of Mount Tai are powerful, they are not unrestrained. The Mohist records that they are extremely powerful. About 150,000 kilograms, the Wooden Armored Azure Dragon is ten times stronger than it, but the material is not as hard as the Taishan Ghost.

It is impossible for the Wooden Armored Azure Dragon to keep suppressing the ghost of Mount Tai, but it is still able to fight against it, and can suppress it in a short time.

Using Chi You’s eyes in this way to cooperate with the geographical advantage can be regarded as a long-term suppression.

However, Mo Poor still feels that the fault tolerance rate is not high.

Although nothing happened after two thousand years, in fact, this underground palace can’t last long.

First of all, there are caves all over the floor, almost all over this floor, there are hundreds of holes, large and small, and there is not much open space suitable for digging another hole.

Mozi used this strategy at the beginning because he thought that future generations could continue to expand the underground palace, or that there was a better way to keep pace with the times. Stronger than the first generation, there are some ways to trap it to death.

However… the descendants stick to the rules, and even directly decline and perish. What the underground palace was like two thousand years ago is what it is now…

One more point, every time the ghost of Mount Tai is released, although the wooden armored green dragon can suppress it, the reason why it cannot be suppressed forever is that the green dragon cannot hurt the ghost of Mount Tai, but the ghost of Mount Tai can smash the green dragon to death.

Every time you change places, the Wooden Armored Azure Dragon will be damaged to varying degrees under fierce battles.

In the past, it was often repaired and even strengthened, but since Mo Li’s son ran away and sealed up the underground palace to guard this place alone, this place has lost its source of wood.

In addition, the Qinglong’s body frame is too big, and the short and broken wood is useless,

The Wooden Armored Azure Dragon was repairing and repairing, the wood reserves had long been used up, and then they were demolishing the buildings on the upper floor and other wooden armored beasts one after another.

This is also one of the reasons why Mo Li did not choose to violently break down the door to arrest Yingfei and others. If he smashed the door with a golden hammer to get in, the door panel would be useless in the future. So he would rather turn his head to look for the giant scorpion’s stone disc, and ask the wooden armored beast inside to help open the door.

The wooden armored giant snake was not originally a limb of Qinglong, and the original Qinglong’s claws were smashed, so he replaced it with his own wooden armored giant snake.

But even so, it won’t last a few years here.

Ten years later, Mo Poor will directly encounter the ghost of Mount Tai here, and the entire underground palace sealed off is the ghost of Mount Tai’s last cage.

If it was 20 years later, the ghost of Taishan might have smashed through the underground palace and killed all the way to the surface, and then it would appear: Taishan found the containment, and the nearby combatants went to contain it immediately!

“You can’t do this, it’s okay now, but it’s not a long-term solution if you continue like this.”

“One day there will be nowhere to dig the cave, and one day the wood will be exhausted. If things go on for a long time, when the wooden armored dragon can’t fight, what will be used to suppress the ghost of Mount Tai?”

As Mo Poor said, he knew very well what the Blue and White Society would do after they knew about the situation, and they would definitely change the containment method for the ghost of Mount Tai.

For example, imprisoning it with the hardest alloy in the world, how easy it is to get it done.

Even if you use ordinary alloys, it doesn’t matter even if the ghost of Taishan can penetrate through it. Isn’t Mozi’s idea very good? It’s enough to change the cage. The Lanbai Club has a high productivity and a lot of money. This kind of physical detention can be foolproof, and the fault tolerance rate is extremely high.

The containment method of the Mo family can’t be wrong, but it can’t keep up with the times, it’s too simple.

The Blue and White Society will never tolerate the ghost of Mount Tai being kept in this way.

However, Mo Poor said his thoughts, but Mo Li didn’t agree with him.

“The ghost of Mount Tai must not be released!”

Mo Qiong said, “It’s not letting it go, but changing its cage, understand? You know better than me that rocks can’t last long. Now that technology is advanced and Tianzhi has become popular in the world, what we have is The method makes it never get out of Mount Tai.”

“This method is absolutely immutable. If you smelt hardware to suppress ghosts, you will die! You still don’t know what your intentions are!”

Mo Qiong said: “Why are you so stupid, Yumu head.”

Mujia people’s thinking will not progress, it can be said that they are absolutely ‘conformist’, and their thinking has been frozen.

On the bright side, people’s hearts will change, but Mujia people’s hearts will never change.

At worst, rigid and stubborn, never open to new ideas and cultures.

There is a ready-made containment method, and he will never change it.

The metal cage back then couldn’t hold the ghost of Mount Tai, so he decided that he couldn’t use metal to imprison him, and his concept was always locked in the cognition of the year.

“Mozi has said it all. In the future, we can grasp the core and the method can keep pace with the times. We don’t take things away, but keep them here. It’s just a different way.” Mo Poor said.

“Since this is the case, there are Mohist guards, and you can provide wood.”

Mo Poor is speechless. This is not a matter of bare wood. There is almost no place to drill holes here. Is it possible that the Lanbai Club will help expand the underground palace?

Conformity is a Mohist allusion, but it was not derogatory at first, referring to Mohist’s ability to defend the city, but later it was used by Confucian scholars, so it became derogatory…

Mohists are actually the most innovative and change-seeking, with extremely rebellious thinking.

If Mo Li was still alive, he would definitely be able to figure it out, but the wooden man in front of him is limited by his personality, so he can’t figure it out even if he dies.

This is the problem of the wooden man. It is written clearly on the stone wall that the heart of a wooden man will never be easy.

Mo Poor stopped talking nonsense with him, and waited for Lord Gou to bring someone over to see what the superiors made.

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