Blue and White Society Chapter 47: Treasure found

Without turning on the navigation, Zhang He’s yacht has entered the economic zone of New Guinea without knowing it.

As it is close to the equator, the deck is hot and dry, so everyone jumps into the sea to cool off.

“Eh? There’s another island here.”

As long as everyone is immersed in the water, they can see a seabed just a few meters below their feet.

The light and shadow of the sun shining on the water reflects the silt, rocks and large corals, and the fish and shrimps are surging in it.

It likely used to be an island, but rising sea levels submerged it.

“Won’t there be another pearl?”

“With or without pearls, this place is beautiful.”

This time the water was only four or five meters deep. Except for the girls, the men didn’t bother to change into their diving suits, so they just held their breath and dived to play.

After playing for a while, I found that there were no pearls here, and I found a few small shells that were only edible.

However, there are fish, shrimp and shellfish here, all of which are tropical and delicious ingredients, which also surprise everyone.

“It’s finally time to fish, quickly bring the fishing rod!” Zhang He said.

However, Xiao Kun said: “What kind of fishing rod do you take? It’s so hot, just grab it with your hands.”

Everyone agreed and chased after the delicious fish they knew in the water.

However, after more than ten minutes, they came up helplessly and said, “It’s too difficult, Xiaomo, how did you catch the fish with your bare hands?”

They saw Mo Poor holding the fish with his bare hands a few days ago, and it looked very relaxed, so they wanted to try it this time if they had the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, in the sea, I am easily played by fish schools.

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “You have quick eyes and quick hands.”

His so-called sharp eyesight and quick hands, as long as he meets a fish, he will be fine, and the fish can’t help himself.

“Coincidentally, the fish here are too flexible, you can catch a few more to see.” Xiao Kun said, he has gone to sea many times and knows how difficult it is.

Without saying a word, Mo Poor jumped into the water, and before the waves calmed down, he floated up holding a big mackerel.

“Fuck…” Everyone was amazed, it’s not been five seconds.

“Wait a minute! Wait a moment! You catch another fish and I’ll see.” Everyone dived into the water, wanting to see how Mo Poor caught the fish.

Mo Poor smiled, sank into the sea, slowly approached the school of fish, and yanked his hand into the school of fish.

Seeing a fish being shot by him, he wanted to run away in panic, but he couldn’t escape Mo Poor’s palm no matter what.

Mo Poor pressed the fish to his chest again, and his other hand had been waiting for a long time, and immediately dug his fingers into the gills of the fish.

“Here…” Mo Poor surfaced, holding up the fish and smiling.

The crowd also came up, dumbfounded, they all looked carefully, the strength of this hand must be too strong, holding the fish so hard, the fish is slippery in the water and won’t go away?

“How do you keep the fish from slipping?” Zhang He asked.

Mo Qiong said: “There is no one else, but you are familiar with it.”

“I love fish the most. I have been touching fish in the water since I was a child, and the more I practice, the more I will become proficient.”

Speaking of this, Mo Poor himself laughed. He thought of Qin Ya again. He didn’t have any favorite food at first, but now that he talked a lot, he felt like he had to believe that he really loved fish the most… …

Next, after catching a few more for everyone, he took the opportunity to photograph a fish towards the GPS that had lost contact before.

No, to be precise, it is the jar, every jar is marked, unless the jar is taken away by a fish, there must be the crown next to it.

Sure enough, the fish captured by Mo Poor got out of his hands this time and swam directly out of the school of fish, swimming faster and faster, abandoning its group.

Mo Poor hurriedly chased after it, and saw the fish burrowed into the coral group and disappeared.

“Well, are you covered by this piece of coral?”

Mo Poor found that the coral itself was damaged. He broke open a few pieces of coral, and saw that there was only mud underneath, but there was a small hole. At this moment, the fish was also pushing its face into it, and kept going deeper.

The small hole is slightly inclined, and there is a plow mark several meters long, which seems to be something obliquely inserted into the ground.

“The treasure is right under here. My previous jar was smashed into it and destroyed, so I lost contact.”

Thinking of this, Mo Poor continued to pay attention to the small hole, and saw that from time to time, sand and sand would be released like mist along the stirred water.

This means that the small fish is still drilling, and when it stops, it means that it has arrived.

After counting silently for a while, Mo Poor found that the movement had stopped, and estimated that the treasure was buried two meters underground.

Mo Poor smiled, immediately covered up the traces of the jar, and re-covered it with coral.

Then continued to touch two fish and brought them back to the boat.

Everyone played for a while, Mo Poor started to follow Zhang He, and when Zhang He got close to the area where he could see the coral, he blew a sharp breath.

I saw the air shoot into the coral reef like an arrow in the water.

Mo Poor knew that the air must have entered the small hole, so he reached out and patted Zhang He.

Zhang He didn’t know why, but saw Mo Poor pointing at the piece of coral, motioning him to look.

When he looked over, he saw bubbles bubbling up in the coral, as if something was bubbling below.

This is the natural uplift of the air after it reaches its destination.

But Zhang He didn’t know, he thought there were prawns there.

The two surfaced, and Zhang He said: “There are so many bubbles, it must be a big guy, let’s wrap it on the left and right, and eat it tonight!”

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “Okay.”

The two took a deep breath, dived again, came to the piece of coral from left to right, and looked into the gap with their heads.

After finding that there was nothing to see, Zhang He broke it open.

I didn’t see the prawn, but I saw the small hole.

Although the small hole was silted up with sand, it was already clear after being dredged by fish and then filled with gas.

Jang He got down on the ground and reached out to dig into the hole.

Suddenly I wanted to touch something, but when I pulled it out, it turned out to be a small fish.

Little fish escaped after struggling, which made Zhang He feel discouraged.

At the same time, Mo Poor excavated directly, enlarged the small hole a lot, and continued to deepen it.

Zhang He thought he had to find the prawns hiding in it, so he also helped dig it.

The sand was very soft, and they dug half a meter deep with ease.

But soon Zhang He stopped and motioned for Mo Poor to surface.

The two came out, Zhang He shook his head and said, “That doesn’t look like a shrimp hole.”

“I also think it’s deep and narrow, and it’s still steamy inside. What do you think it could be?” Mo Poor said.

Zhang He thought about it for a long time, but he still felt that this would only happen if the prawns were inside.

“It’s strange…the hole is too small, so much air, it’s definitely not what ordinary shrimps would emit, only prawns can exhaust.” Zhang He said.

Mo Poor said with a smile, “You’ll know if you dig it open?”

Zhang He nodded and said, “Let’s get on board and bring our equipment.”

The unknown of the sea can only be known by discovering it. Zhang He is an idealistic navigator with a high degree of curiosity, which is why Mo Poor chose to discover it with him.

Switched to Xiaokun and others, they probably just ignored it.

Put on the diving suit, took the tools, and the two came to the small hole again and started digging.

Unexpectedly, when they dug to a depth of one meter, they dug up the bones, which were buried in the soil and soaked in the sea for an unknown number of years.

After digging out several pieces, Zhang He suddenly realized that they were human bones.

“Damn it…” Zhang He hurried to the surface of the water.

When Mo Poor came up, he said, “This nima can still breathe out the breath of a dead person?”

It is normal to find bones dug in the mud on the seabed, and it is not known how many years ago they died here.

Mo Qiong said with a smile: “It’s just a bone, you are also afraid.”

Zhang He shook his head and smiled, “I’m not afraid…it’s just that I didn’t expect to dig out human bones.”

As he spoke, he suddenly got excited and shouted: “Xiao Mo, let’s keep digging, there might be something good around here!”

“Why?” Mo Poor was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this means that there is a treasure?

Zhang He said with a smile: “This bone has been here for hundreds of years at least, maybe there are old things around here.”

“Xiaomo, trust me, there is definitely a surprise here.”

Mo Qiong understands that feelings are a good thing.

Obviously, Zhang He has never thought about the direction of the pirate’s treasure. For him, there are some belongings near the skeleton, which can be preserved until now, which are all treasures.

Speaking, Zhang He got excited and dived down on his own.

However, Zhang He, who didn’t know that there was a treasure underneath, excavated horizontally, cleared away all the surrounding corals, dug out a large piece of mud, and found that many bones were buried here.

As for Mo Poor, he continued to dig deep, staying where he was and digging.

At a depth of about two meters, Mo Poor suddenly dug into a box.

It was a mahogany box with a damaged surface. When the mud was removed, Mo Poor saw the jar he shot out at first sight.

“The crown is in the box, my can knocked the box open.” Mo Poor said helplessly.

He saw that the jar was also crushed, and the GPS inside was even useless. Obviously, it was squeezed all the way to a depth of two meters, and the jar couldn’t bear it anymore.

Mo Poor held the pot and swam out of the deep pit. Seeing that Zhang He didn’t pay attention, he threw the pot far away and let it chase a group of fish away.

After a while, Zhang He looked over and saw Mo Poor gesturing to him.

When he also swam into the deep pit and saw the treasure chest, he was stunned.

From the damaged opening of the box, you can directly see that there are a lot of jewels inside, and there is also a gorgeous crown inlaid with more than forty pearls placed on top.

“This is a treasure trove!” Without any further reminders, Zhang He realized it instantly.

He wanted to pick up the treasure box, but the box was so heavy that it was difficult to float up while holding it.

But when he opened it, he found a corner of another box exposed in the mud next to it.

“There are still around!” Zhang He looked at Mo Poor and motioned.

Mo Poor nodded, and together with him, he dug out a few more boxes, but the more you dig out, the more you can see there are more around.

The two played for so long and planed for so long, the gas cylinder was exhausted, so they had to float to the surface.

“Fuck! There’s a treasure buried here!” Zhang He said excitedly as soon as he got up.

Mo Poor was also very excited: “Is this the good thing you said?”

Zhang He grabbed Mo Poor and growled, “It’s so much better! I thought some ancient coins would be good, but I didn’t expect there to be so many boxes, treasures! Do you know what treasures are!”

Seeing that he was so excited, Mo Poor took the opportunity to test: “But how do we bring back so many boxes?”

Zhang He said: “Are you afraid you won’t be able to take it back after finding the treasure? Let’s go, let’s ask everyone to come over and help, find all the boxes and move them onto the boat. The things in these boxes are absolutely valuable.”

“Then did we post it?” Mo Poor asked with surprise.

Zhang He smirked to himself: “I actually found the treasure, this is my first time! Hahahaha!”

“Xiao Mo, do you know? In the circle of ocean exploration, finding treasure is one of our greatest joys. A few big guys I know just scooped up some ancient coins and found some broken clay pots. Even if you find a treasure here…”

“But we found a real treasure chest! These treasure chests must have been buried here hundreds of years ago. This is a real underwater treasure!”

“Hahaha, we found it so easily!”

“I must be the explorer of fate! I will follow the fate, and I will wander for a few days when I go to sea!”

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