Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 717: The villain’s little wife is not quite right (19)

“Brother, are you okay?” Hua Wu looked at Su Xuan with the eyes of “Are you sick?”

“Su Yan will not let you go.” Su Xuan knows Su Yan very well, “Even if you and Yin Bei break off the engagement, he will arrange someone else for you. But if you promise me, you can get rid of this situation Fate.”

That was indeed Ning Ning’s fate.

But it’s not hers.

Hua Wu is very strange: “Why did you help me? Do you like me?”

For such a request out of nowhere, Hua Wu would not think that he likes her, he must have bad intentions.

Su Xuan: “You are a smart person.”

Hua Wu agreed with the compliment, “Well, what then?”

“For me, it doesn’t matter who my wife is.” Su Xuan said: “I just give you a choice, whether you want it or not is up to you.”

Su Xuan doesn’t care who his wife is.

But it also does not allow others to intervene in his marriage to try to manipulate him.

Su Yan’s hand stretched too far recently…

But since he wants to see him get married so much, then he can satisfy him.

As for Ning Ning…

Compared with others, Su Xuan felt that he was more interested in her.

Since you are interested, it doesn’t hurt to stay by your side.

“Since it doesn’t matter who it is, why me?”

“Is it important?”

Hua Wu spread her hands, “It’s just strange, the rabbit still doesn’t eat the grass beside the nest.”

Su Xuan suddenly took two steps towards Huawu.

He was taller than Huawu, standing in front of Huawu quite oppressively, Huawu took a step back subconsciously.

Su Xuan stared at her, “Do you like my face?”

Hua Wu: “???”

Although Hua Wu’s head is full of question marks, but… Su Xuan’s face really makes people’s heart flutter.

Huawu doesn’t really matter.

After all, the beauties who come to your door automatically…

“You really have no other purpose?”

Su Xuan chuckled, “Do you think there is something on you that is useful to me?”


There seems to be no problem with these words, but Hua Wu always feels that he is offending herself.

Hua Wu pulled the corner of her lips, “Okay.”

When Su Xuan heard Hua Wu’s response, he was a little surprised.

However, this happened in an instant, and he quickly returned to normal, “Then when will you break off the engagement with Yin Bei?”

Hua Wu didn’t answer, but instead asked, “How is Yin Bei’s life recently?”

“After tonight, it will be hard.”

“That’s good, I like adding insult to injury.”

Su Xuan didn’t go back to Su’s house tonight, he sent Hua Wu to the door and left.

When Hua Wu went back, Su Zi hadn’t come back yet, so she waited in the living room on purpose.

As soon as Su Zi came back, she waved to her enthusiastically.

Su Zi looked her up and down, “Are you okay?”

“What can I do with Li Enning’s tricks.”


Su Zi is in a bad mood, Hua Wu is fine, and she is in a bad mood, ready to go upstairs.

Hua Wu followed behind her: “I’ll tell you something.”


Su Zi didn’t want to hear it.

But she couldn’t twist Huawu, so she could only let Huawu into the room in the end.

When Hua Wu finished his business, before leaving, Hua Wu mentioned Song Tianrui.

“I’ve made it clear to Song Tianrui that I don’t like him. If you have any hatred in the future, don’t draw it on me. If you have a grievance, you have a debtor. If it’s a man’s business, find a man.”…

Su Zi: “…”

Is the term “the debtor the owner” used in this way?

When Su Zi reacted, Hua Wu had already walked to the door, Su Zi immediately shouted: “Do you like him or not, tell me!”

The door slams in response to her.

Three days later.

The Yin family.

Mrs. Yin was sitting in the living room with a gloomy face, and she stopped Yin Bei as soon as he came back.

Yin Bei hasn’t slept much these two days, and he’s not in the mood to deal with Mrs. Yin, “Mom, I’m very busy, so I’ll talk to you another day.”


Mrs. Yin let out a stern voice.

“Mom…” Yin Bei also became a little impatient.

But when Mrs. Yin raised her hand, a stack of photos fell on her.

“What did I tell you? Did you listen to me? Are you trying to **** me off?”

Amid Mrs. Yin’s scolding, Yin Bei looked down at the photos scattered on the ground.

It is a photo of him and Li Enning together.

Mrs. Yin is still scolding: “Are you trying to make me happy? You bastard…”

“Mom, where did you get these photos?”

“Where do you care where I came from?” Mrs. Yin was furious, “I tell you, Yin Bei, if you insist on getting entangled with that woman, then don’t recognize me as a mother from now on!!”



Mrs. Yin left aggressively.

With a gloomy face, Yin Bei asked someone to come over and ask, someone put the photo at their door.

Yin Bei asked someone to call out the surveillance camera. The person who posted the photo was caught, but the face was not.

However, Yin Bei is very familiar with the opponent’s height, exposed hair, and some details.

It’s Li Enning.

Of course Yin Bei would not think it was Li Enning just because she looked like her.

But he asked the property management to check the surveillance, and at that time, Li Enning really appeared at the gate.

Some of the occasions in these photos are very private venues, and it is impossible for ordinary people to enter.

Besides, the meeting time between him and Li Enning is not fixed, how could he be photographed every time?

But what if Li Enning took the initiative to inform?

Before Yin Bei could figure out why Li Enning did this, the Su family came to break the engagement.

Su Yan came over aggressively holding the same photo.

The Su family who were unwilling to terminate the contract before life and death, but now they are eager to terminate the engagement as soon as possible.

Yin Bei felt that Su Yan had heard the recent rumors that the Yin family was going to be in trouble, so he came to break the engagement at this time.

Su Yan insisted on breaking off the engagement, still holding the intimate photos of Yin Bei and Li Enning in his hand.

If he doesn’t agree, it will be even worse for the current situation if he still has an affair with other women when he has a fiancée.

So Yin Bei agreed.

Mrs. Yin disagreed, and chatted with Su Yan for a long time.

Although it failed to change Su Yan’s decision in the end.

Su Yan came out of Yin’s house with a gloomy face. After getting into the car, he looked at the people next to him, “I really didn’t expect that after so many years, I would raise a white-eyed wolf.”

Hua Wu sat upright and elegant, and said unhurriedly: “Uncle, you are serious, I am only for myself, just like you are for yourself, Uncle.”

“…” The corner of Su Yan’s mouth twitched, he skipped the topic, “Where’s the thing?”

Hua Wu handed the things beside him to Su Yan, “It’s all here.”

“You didn’t keep a backup?”

“I am a person who keeps my word~IndoMTL.com~heh…”

Su Yan obviously didn’t believe Hua Wu’s words.

He doesn’t know where the **** girl got these things.

Once these things are known to Su Xuan, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

Su Xuan will not only kick him out completely, but maybe also…

Su Yan didn’t know what he thought of, and his face paled a bit. .

Mo Ling

, next time I update it, it will be convenient for you to continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!

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