Capture the Jade:

According to Abbot Yuanjue’s arrangement, Du Tinglan was to be sent back to Teng’s Mansion or Du’s Mansion immediately, but Du Tinglan insisted on staying with Teng Yuyi in the temple for one night, so she also went to Dayin Temple together.

Dayin Temple occupies a large area, more than four times the size of Yuzhennv Guanguan. The abode in the backyard is divided into the east wing and the west wing. The east wing is for female guests, and the west wing is for male pilgrims. In the middle of the two wings, there are Buddhist halls, incense halls, relic towers, cloud halls, etc. They look at each other from a distance without disturbing each other.

There used to be four abbots on the east wing, but the roof of Quanfang Pavilion leaked a while ago, and Mengliang Pavilion is a bit old. Now these two places are being repaired, only Xuanpu Pavilion and Libai Pavilion can be seen. For female guests.

The monk Mingxin in the temple was in charge of arranging the accommodation. After listening to the abbot’s arrangement, he led Teng Yuyi and others to the gate of Xuanpu Pavilion.

“The east wing of Xuanpu Pavilion is ready for the queen to come to pay respects to the Buddha at any time. For the time being, only the west wing is available for accommodation. Now there are two suites. As for Libai Pavilion, this pavilion is at the back of Xuanpu Pavilion , the environment is more secluded… Tanyue people can discuss with each other how to live.”

Peng Huayue and Peng Jinxiu hurriedly said: “Master, let’s live in Xuanpu Pavilion.”

Teng Yuyi knew what the Peng sisters were planning. Xuanpu Pavilion not only had plenty of sunlight, but it was also closer to the Buddha Hall. This time, although she lived in Dayin Temple again by mistake, she was absolutely unwilling to step into Xuanpu Pavilion again, so she went along with the flow: “Then I will live in Libaixuan.”

Li Huaigu asked Mingxin: “Dare to ask Master, how many rooms are there in Li Baixuan?”

It looks like he wants to live in the same building with Teng Yuyi.

Ming Xin said: “This pavilion was remodeled from a corner of the garden, and it is narrow with only one suite.”

Li Huaigu had no choice but to smile and said, “Alright, then I will live next door to Aunt Peng and Erniang Peng.”

A few people were about to settle down separately, and another monk hurriedly led them over.

Walking in the front was a little lady wrapped in silk, with a double bun on her hair and emerald pearls on her temples, followed by several maidservants.

Master and servants are walking in a hurry.

Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan looked at each other in surprise: Duan Qingying.

Master and servant Duan Qingying soon approached.

The little monk who led the way said to Ming Xin: “Duan Tanyue said that he also talked to the monk in the peach forest, worried that evil things would come to her, and insisted on staying in the temple for a few days.”

Duan Qingying bowed in panic: “I’m bothering the abbot and all the mages.”

Teng Yuyi was puzzled, how could she be so scared? If Abbot Yuanjue hadn’t personally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Duan Qingying, she really would have wondered if Duan Qingying was infected with evil spirits.

Duan Qingying can live in Li Baixuan with Teng Yuyi, or in the same room with Li Huaigu. Mingxin asked her where she lives, and Duan Qingying glanced at the Buddha not far away. Hall, said without hesitation: “I live in Xuanpu Pavilion.”

So Teng Yuyi lived alone in Li Baixuan at the back, while Li Huaigu, Duan Qingying and Peng’s sisters lived in the west wing of Xuanpu Pavilion.

Although Li Duan and Li Duan lived in the same apartment, there was a chess room between the two bedrooms, so as long as the door was closed at night, they couldn’t hear each other.

Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan had just sat down and had a sip of tea when Cheng Bo personally sent the luggage over.

Because he was not sure that Teng Yuyi would stay in the temple for a few days, he wished to send all the things Teng Yuyi used in daily life.

Not to mention clothes and jewellery, there are also the books that Teng Yuyi often reads, the tea that he often drinks, the pens, inks, papers and inkstones that cannot be separated, small puppets, embroidery stretchers…

Even Teng Yuyi prepared two sets of men’s headdresses and clothes.

These things alone filled two small carts, and Cheng Bo didn’t think it was enough, so he also packed and sent the two big servant girls, Chunrong and Biluo.

When Chunrong and Biluo came, the quiet Libaixuan immediately became lively.

The little ladies in the Xuanpu Pavilion were not much better, the boxes were being carried in, and the maids and women were shuttling in the courtyard. Amusement in the temple. If the two great monks Mingxin and Jianxing hadn’t come out to stop them with gentle voices, I don’t know how many things would have been sent in.

Teng Yuyi took advantage of the chaos to find Duanfu and asked him: “What happened before the accident in Guanli today?”

Duan Fu’s face was still not good-looking, and he said: “When the strange thunder came, the old slave was staying on the ginkgo tree on the north wall. The tree is tall. As long as you hide in the treetop, you can see the peach forest The old slave saw the lady returning to the Taolin with his own eyes, and was worried about the change when he heard the strange thunder, so he decided to follow the lady in the forest. How could he know that the old slave just jumped off the tree, and a person passed behind the north wall. , wrapped from head to toe in a black cloak—”

The black cloak man? !

Teng Yuyi almost stood up in shock: “Do you see clearly?”

Duanfu nodded.

Teng Yuyi only felt the blood rushing to her head, and she was confused for a moment, trying her best to keep calm: “Okay, you continue.”

“The old slave remembers that the lady said that she had dreamed that this man in black cloak killed herself. Unfortunately, the mansion has been searching for so long, but they have not been able to find out the origin of that man. Today, the old slave suddenly saw that man in the temple. There is a difference, not to mention that this person’s attire is exactly the same as the lady’s description, and even the lightness kung fu is rare in life. The person crossed the north wall and disappeared in an instant. If you don’t catch up, you may not have the opportunity to find out the origin of this person in the future …”

Duanfu said while recalling the situation at that time. In a hurry, he first took a look at Taolin, and found that Teng Yuyi and his companions were playing in it, and then looked at the Yunhui Hall in the distance. Don’t lose time and come back again, but if you change others, you will definitely not be able to catch up, so you have to ask Ding Er, Wang Changgeng and other guards to go to Taolin to guard the lady, and chase after the north wall by yourself.

Duan Fu’s lightness kung fu and internal strength are both superb, but he hesitated for a moment after all, and the black cloak man’s martial arts seemed to be inferior to him. Someone was chasing him, intentionally making various detours in the alley. Duan Fu realized something was wrong after chasing for a while, and hurried back to Yuzhen Nu Guanguan, only to find that the situation in the peach forest had already changed, and the lady was nowhere to be seen. …

After listening to these words, not only Teng Yuyi looked strange, but even Du Tinglan was stunned: “Ayu, I heard that man seems to be deliberately leading Duanfu away…”

Teng Yuyi’s mind was in a mess, but what she was afraid of was not this, but something deeper.

If that person knows Duanfu, he must also know that Duanfu is her savior. Unless something extremely urgent happens, Duanfu will never leave her without authorization.

But that person seemed to expect that Duanfu would be lured away by a “man in black cloak”.

Strange, how can that person predict it?

Thinking about it, she stood up abruptly.

Could it be that the other party knew that their master and servant were looking for a “black cloak man”? ! This scene was deliberately arranged, other than to attract Kai Duanfu, the real intention was to test her.

To test her… To test her to see if she can remember the past life.

A thunderous thunder exploded in Teng Yuyi’s ear.


I immediately realized that this is not impossible.

She can remember things from her previous life, why can’t others remember.

This conjecture made her brain buzz.

Could it be the man in black?

It’s possible, after all, after she and Duan Fu died that night, only the people in black cloaks knew how their master and servant were killed.

The first thing she did after waking up was to check on the man in the black cloak, and the man in the black cloak seemed to be aware of this. In order to find out the details of her side as soon as possible, he deliberately arranged today’s visit.

She looked at Du Tinglan subconsciously, it’s not surprising, after all, her side has already exposed her flaws.

The biggest flaw is the elder sister beside her.

A sister was killed in the bamboo forest in the previous life, and in this life she encountered a tree demon in the bamboo forest. If she hadn’t arrived in a hurry, the sister could not have escaped her fate.

But sister is still alive and well.

Not only is my sister alive, but my aunt is no longer sick because of my sister’s sudden death like in her previous life.

This series of changes is enough to make the black cloak suspicious.

Teng Yuyi stood by the table, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, what to do, before she could find out the details of that person, that person actually acted ahead of time. Suddenly I heard my elder sister ask Duanfu in surprise: “Who is that person who scared Ayu like this… Think about it carefully, did that person reveal other flaws?”

Teng Yuyi was taken aback.

Yes. Flaws… She never expected that after this time, the man in black cloak was no longer the vague shadow in his memory, but a living person.

In the past, she could only draw a portrait from memory, but this time he couldn’t bear it anymore, and unexpectedly delivered it to her door.

Even if Duanfu failed to fight him, he could always recall what that man’s martial arts was like afterwards, and all of this might be an important opportunity to find out the details of the blackcloak man. The point is, they knew the escape route of the man today, as long as they followed the investigation, they would not worry about finding clues.

Thinking like this, she quickly regained her composure and asked Duanfu: “Is Grandpa back?”

The fox finally showed its tail, and she had to notify Grandpa immediately.

Duan Fu said: “Master went out of the city early in the morning to deliver a letter—”

Before the words were finished, Chunrong said outside: “My lady, the master is here. It just so happens that Abbot Yuanjue has also returned from the palace. The master is talking to the abbot in the Yunhui Hall.”

Du Tinglan’s hanging heart fell to the ground: “Okay, no matter what the origin of that person is, let’s tell Uncle about it first.”

Teng Yuyi nodded, and suddenly thought, the black-cloaked man appeared to lure Duanfu away as soon as the strange thunder appeared today, whether it was just a coincidence or intentional. If it was intentional, and the heavy-duty suddenly appeared in the world, would it have something to do with the black cloak man?

This conjecture is really astonishing, but thinking of the three tragedies that Lin Chengyou investigated, and the rumored Tongjun Yueshuo, I vaguely feel that these things are inextricably linked.

No, she has to remind Lin Chengyou as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked out the window. There were many people in the temple, and Peng Huayue and others lived in the courtyard next door.

How to remind it.

She touched the little Ya sword in her sleeve, quickly made up her mind, and whispered: “Go ask Lin Chengyou if he is still in the temple. If he is still there, send a letter to the two priests for me .”


Lin Chengyou agreed to **** Abbot Yuanjue’s scriptures, and he didn’t dare to neglect at all. He entered the temple and watched the monks put the scriptures into the Sutra Pavilion. Scriptures related to weight resistance. Juesheng and Qizhi knew that the matter was very important, so they also helped to find it.

Monk □□ brought someone over to deliver tea, Lin Chengyou turned his head and took a look, and suddenly said: “Master□□ is wearing a rhombic mirror?”

□□Looked blankly: “I didn’t bring it. Does the prince want to look in the mirror now?”

Looking at the scriptures on the shelf, Lin Chengyou smiled and said, “Oh, I need to use it for investigation, and I can’t go to the street to buy it temporarily, so I have to borrow it from the temple first.”

Juesheng and Qizhi scratched their heads in wonder, what kind of case would they use the Linghua mirror?

“So that’s how it is.”□□Put your hands together, “Hold on a moment, son.”

Not long after, □□ someone sent a small rhombic mirror.

Lin Chengyou put the mirror in his arms and continued flipping through the scriptures in his hand. After a while, he turned his head and glanced at Juesheng and Qizhi over there.

He put down the scripture scroll in his hand, took a step back, turned around, and immediately walked around to another row of bookshelves. After checking that there was no one around, he took out the rhombic mirror from his arms.

Only when I took out the mirror did I realize that I looked like a thief, and before I started to take pictures, the weird feeling came back in my heart, my heart seemed to be beating a little faster, and my throat seemed a little dry.

Then he scoffed again, isn’t it just a confirmation, there’s nothing to panic about. He calmed down, put his left hand around his shoulders, pulled open his neckline, raised the mirror with his right hand, aimed at the back of his neck, then turned his head and turned his gaze to the back as much as possible. This posture is quite awkward, but only in this way can he Look at that piece on the back of the neck.

By the light coming in through the window pane, he finally saw the back of his neck.

The scarlet gold brand is still there, not only is it there, it doesn’t even show any signs of fading.

Lin Chengyou was stunned, so the Gu seal is still there.

The Gu poison in the body has not retreated.

A blank look flashed across his face for a moment, he was stunned for a moment, and slowly put down the mirror.

What was going on in his head?

Isn’t this expected?

What he was dealing with was not an ordinary Gu poison, but “Wang Jiu Buju”. The extremely evil talisman Gu technique.

This technique is named after the Taoist Book of Changes, but in fact it is connected with witches and Gu, corresponding to the Nine and Three Lines, and there are Gu worms hidden in the copper cone.

“People who mistakenly practice this technique have Gu worms hidden in their blood. The Gu worms restrain the sixth line and destroy the sixth line. If a man practices this technique when he is young, even if he has reached the age of knowing how to use it, the Gu worm will be able to control it. Insects can also cause trouble in the heart veins, making people heartless.”

He has already familiarized himself with the words in this cheat book, and he will never make a mistake.

As long as he is incomprehensible for a day, it is impossible for him to be tempted by a woman.

So how could he be tempted by Teng Yuyi? That is simply impossible.

He recalled that passage, focused on reviewing the words “unfeeling and unintentional”, and quickly convinced himself.

Now that he figured it out, he had nothing to think about. He resolutely put the mirror back in his arms, went back to the scripture shelf, and stood facing the scriptures on the bookshelf. at a loss.

He frowned and thought for a while, then turned his head to look at Juesheng and Qizhi: “By the way, when did you two arrive at Yuzhennv Guanguan in the afternoon?”

Juesheng and Qizhi raised their heads: “I rushed over when I heard the news, and I probably arrived after my senior brother.”

“Master Jingchen said, you almost cried when you learned that Mrs. Teng was taken away?”

Qizhi rubbed his nose: “Ms. Teng is our good friend, and she is a good friend who has been through life and death. If something happens to such a good friend, can we not worry?

Lin Chengyou thought to himself, he and Teng Yuyi have dealt with each other so many times, and they are familiar with each other. Although she has a big temper and loves to hold grudges, she is smart and loyal. It wasn’t for Teng Yu’s intention to help, he couldn’t saw off the fangs of the corpse so quickly and smoothly. From this point of view, he and she have indeed gone through hardships together.

He would be so anxious in the afternoon, just because he heard that a friend who had been through adversity was in trouble. If Wudao of Dongming Temple was taken away by Naizhong, he would try to rescue him.

Thinking about it this way, the doubts in my heart seem to have eased a lot.

He glanced at the two juniors, and said again: “Do you often think of Mrs. Teng?”

Qizhi thinks this question is weird, but still nods: “Of course, we often think of Mrs. Teng. When we went to a Taoist event in Luoyang, Qizhi and I still thought of Mrs. Teng when we saw the dim sum on the street.”

“So do you want dim sum or Mrs. Teng?”

Juesheng tilted his head and thought for a while: “Miss Teng often gives us dim sum. We eat too much of her dim sum, so we will think of her when we see dim sum again.”

Lin Chengyou was stunned. Why didn’t he think of this? The reason why he would think of Teng Yuyi when he saw a rose was because he could always smell the fragrance of this flower on her body at that time. After wandering in front of him for a long time, he will also inadvertently remember the taste.

As for seeing dim sum, I will think of Teng Yuyi, of course, because I have also eaten dim sum in their house.

When I see wine, I think of Teng Yuyi, of course because I can always see her drinking in Caifenglou.

By analogy, almost all doubts have been explained.

That’s it.

He immediately relaxed, stroked his chin, raised his hand to take down a scripture, and suddenly a monk came to him outside: “My lord, a little Tanyue is looking for you.”

Little Tanyue?

Lin Chengyou walked out quickly, but the person who came was not Teng Yuyi.

Looking around, he didn’t even see Teng Yuyi’s shadow. He looked at the little lady standing in front of the steps again, and said lightly, “What do you want from me?”

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