Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 703: The villain’s little wife is not quite right (5)

Hua Wu made a tailor-made “Criteria for Marrying into a Rich Family” plan for Li Enning that night, and woke up a little later the next day.

But no one called her. When she went downstairs, there was only Lan Guanyue dressed in jewels in the hall.

Hua Wu was hungry and planned to eat something first.

The coffee cup in Lan Guanyue’s hand “snapped” down, “Now people can’t bark anymore!”

Hua Wu turned around and said politely, “Good morning, Auntie.”

Lan Guanyue: “…”

Lan Guanyue originally wanted to find an excuse to reprimand her, but she was so “sensible” that she couldn’t perform well, so she was embarrassed.

Hua Wu is still very polite: “Can I have breakfast?”

“Waking up so late at such a young age, what are you talking about!” Lan Guanyue finally found a reason to criticize her.

Hua Wu sighed, and said melancholy: “I didn’t do this to complete the task my uncle gave me, but to find a way to make Yin Bei love me. I couldn’t sleep at night, so I got up late. If Auntie has any good ways to share with me, I will also Don’t go to bed so late, and delay getting up early.”

Lan Guanyue: “…”

This little girl means that she doesn’t help, so she has the nerve to reprimand her for getting up late?

Lan Guanyue was furious in her heart, but when she thought about the business, she swallowed the fire back.

She waved her hand in disgust, motioning for her to leave quickly.

Hua Wu had just sat down in the dining room, before Aunt Hui delivered breakfast, Su Xuan sat opposite her.

Su Xuan didn’t look at her, holding a tablet in his hand, as if he was looking at something.

Hua Wu: “…” Strange.

“Young Master.” Aunt Hui was taken aback when she saw Su Xuan, “What do you want for breakfast?”

“Anything works.”

“Then you wait a moment.”

Aunt Hui put down Hua Wu’s breakfast and hurried into the kitchen again.

Hua Wu drank two mouthfuls of milk, and then glanced at Su Xuan.

Su Xuan’s appearance did not inherit from Su Yan, but more from his biological mother. When he is silent, he gives people a kind of elegant dignity.

After reading the things in his hand, Su Xuan closed the tablet and looked up at her, “What are you looking at?”

“Aren’t you busy?” A busy person who can’t see the end on weekdays, how can he have time to have breakfast in this home he doesn’t like!

“You don’t need to care about whether you are busy or not.” Su Xuan’s words were stinging, and he didn’t give her face.

Hua Wu smiled indifferently, and buried herself in her breakfast.

But Su Xuan didn’t seem to intend to end the chat, instead he asked, “How are you thinking?”

“What are you thinking about?” Hua Wu asked vaguely, and then remembered something: “What about the divorce?”

Su Xuan didn’t say a word, but it was obvious that he was asking about this matter.

“Brother, I can’t take charge of this matter.” Hua Wu spread his hands, “I’m just a poor little foster child in Su’s family.”

“As long as you have the will, I can help you.” Su Xuan was not happy to see Su Yan getting involved with the Yin family.

So now it is best to let her give up this idea.

“Oh…” Hua Wu ate a few more mouthfuls, seeming to be thinking.

Su Xuan didn’t ask any more questions, because Aunt Hui brought his breakfast.

Since what Su Xuan says is fine, what Aunt Hui prepared for him is the same as what Huawu prepared.

The two finished their breakfast quietly, the atmosphere in the restaurant was indescribably weird.

When Huawu finished eating, she wiped her mouth, “It’s not impossible to divorce, anyway, I don’t want to marry too much.”

Su Xuan raised his eyebrows, he thought she somehow wanted to marry.

After all, the Yin family is really good. It is much easier to leave the Su family and work as a young mistress in the Yin family than in the Su family.

“But?” Su Xuan said for her.

“However…” The girl smiled slyly in her agile eyes, “Brother has to do something for me first.”

Free tool people, don’t use it for nothing, hee!

“What is it?”

Hua Wu looked around, “Are you sure

Say something here? “

Su Xuan and Hua Wu left the restaurant together, ready to go out.

Passing by the hall, Hua Wu caught a glimpse of Lan Guanyue talking to someone, she looked carefully, then suddenly left Su Xuan and went straight to the hall.

“Okay, you do this first…”

Lan Guanyue didn’t say a word, Hua Wu ran over, she immediately shut her mouth, her beautiful eyes stared at her.

As for the people standing in the hall, when they saw Hua Wu approaching, they immediately moved to the side, as if “don’t hurt me”.

Hua Wu had a smile on her face, as well-behaved as she wanted, and her voice was even a little sweet: “Auntie.”

“…” Lan Guanyue looked at her suspiciously, “What’s the matter?”

She looks like this…why is it so strange?

Hua Wu raised his finger to the young man who wrote “Mo Bei Lao Tzu” all over his body, “I want to borrow him for a while.”

Without waiting for Lan Guanyue to speak, Hua Wu immediately gave the reason: “Didn’t I find a way to make Yin Bei fall in love with me? I have a lot of things to do, and I need someone to help me. I think he is very good at… business.” Very capable.” Z.br>

Hua Wu coughed twice, to cover up her quick talk just now.

Shen Wu turned his head and glared at Hua Wu, no matter what kind of grudge, he still refused to let himself go!

Lan Guanyue seems to have no intention of borrowing someone, but for business: “I will arrange for you…”

“Auntie, I’m familiar with him, but I’m not familiar with the others. I still have to get in touch with each other. It’s too late.”


Huawu’s tone is sincere: “You and uncle have been kind to me in nurturing me, and I want to repay your kindness as soon as possible.”


Lan Guanyue looked at Shen Wu, thought for a few seconds, and finally nodded: “Then let Shen Wu follow you first.”

Let Shenwu watch her as well.

Shen Wu: “!!”

He does not! !

Shen Wu subconsciously looked towards the corridor outside the living room.

Hua Wu followed his line of sight to look over, and Su Xuan showed half of his body over there.

Shen Wu looked at it for a second and then looked back, but still caught Hanagiri’s sight.

He smiled calmly, then lowered his head.

Hua Wu also pretended not to see it.

Wanting a prostitute for nothing, Hua Wu said to Shen Wu with a smile on his face: “Although I am not the one who pays you, I will treat you well in the future.”

Shen Wu: “…”

Thanks, you don’t have to.

Hua Wu took Shen Wu away on the spot.

Shen Wu is obviously not happy, but his professionalism is still there, and he keeps smiling to face his temporary employer.

Outside the hall, Su Xuan was still waiting.

When the two sides met, Shen Wu took advantage of Huawu and walked to the front, showing a bitter expression to Su Xuan.

“What are you doing flirting with my elder brother?”

Shen Wu was so shocked that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Hua Wu didn’t look back, but there was a small piece of glass decoration on the side, and what she looked at was glass.


Being by Lan Guanyue’s side for a long time, he was almost assimilated by Lan Guanyue’s IQ! !

Why is this little girl so sensitive~IndoMTL.com~Miss Ning was joking, I didn’t flirt with the young master. “Shen Wu said calmly: “Just say hello to the young master.”


Hua Wu did not delve into it, and continued to move forward.

Shen Wu: “…”

As if nothing happened, Su Xuan took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Shen Wu immediately received Su Xuan’s message.

[Follow her first. ]

Shen Wu: “…”

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