Heart of Empire: Testimonials

From June 20 to today, 79 days and nights of creation, a total of more than 370,000 words of updates, an average of 4,700 words of creation per day.

Listing these data is not to say anything else. Compared with some tentacle monsters, this kind of data is much worse, but the hard work involved is hard to explain to outsiders.

From the beginning of the update of this book, except last week because it was ready to be put on the shelves, there was an update for three days. In other days, my update has always been considered stable, with two updates as the base, and occasionally three updates. This is almost the limit of part-time writing.

My job is not easy. I get off work at 8 o’clock every night, eat, take a car to take a shower at home, and it is almost ten o’clock. When you need to write 5,000 words after ten o’clock every day, and you have to get up for work after seven o’clock the next morning, the feeling is like drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not.

Being a writer has never been a glamorous profession. You can’t earn much money, and you’re often told that you’re not doing your job properly. When others cast contemptuous glances at you, sometimes you really don’t have the energy to refute, and you don’t have the confidence to refute. .

It’s really tough.

Actually, no one forced me. Although I get off work late enough at night, I still have a few hours to relax, play games, watch movies, listen to music…or have a drink with friends, what’s wrong? Sitting in front of the computer and knocking out tenosynovitis with your fingers? (I really got tenosynovitis in July, and my fingers hurt when I type.)

I forcibly endured it.

There is only one reason why I can bear it: I am not convinced.

Zong Ling has written a lot of things, and his grades have been ups and downs, messy, to support himself? Don’t be kidding, the manuscript fee is estimated to be just enough for the cigarette money I smoked when I was thinking about code words these years.

I still have some hopes for this book. On the one hand, when I write it, I will feel passion and enthusiasm because of the plot, setting and story. When I told the story, I don’t know how many cigarettes were wasted.

From the beginning of the update of this book, except last week because it was ready to be put on the shelves, there was an update for three days. In other days, my update has always been considered stable, with two updates as the base, and occasionally three updates. This is almost the limit of part-time writing.

And now, it’s about to be put on the shelves. This is the hardest standard to test the performance of a book! Sincerely implore everyone, if you still like this book, be sure to give this “Empire Heart” a better first order data when it goes on sale tomorrow!

Support genuine, this is the author’s motivation to continue writing! I hope you can support us a lot, thank you again!

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