Perfect World Chapter 830: Chongguan

Blue Stone Road is very quiet. It has been so long since ancient times. When apart from came in, there was a group of geniuses. Other times, it was very desolate and the needle was audible.

A trace of Primal Chaos mist, Three Thousand and Ancient Road, with the mottled years, silent.

Shi Hao sits down, thinking silently, if you go on, you will most likely endanger your life. Ancient will not end well on this road.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Hongguang Chancan, this is a sacred medicine like a red coral, which was seized from Underworld Clan. He sacrificed it and gave it to Sovereign Butterfly in the distance.

“You are so eccentric, kid. This is an sacred medicine. I gave it so generously. I asked you for a few stones so hard.” Divine Striking Stone said without hesitation.

“Sorry to say such a thing?” Shi Hao glanced at it obliquely, and said, “Whether it is Destiny Stone or Universe Origin Stone, which piece of comes out will not shock Upper Realm? It ’s all for you.”

“Uh.” Divine Striking Stone was very disappointed. He hit a burped in satisfaction on the spot, and he stopped talking.

Sovereign Butterfly turned into an golden beam and rushed towards it, holding red coral-like precious medicine , and began to eat. At the same time, it did not forget to express its gratitude to Shi Hao.

“I once said that entering Immortal Antiquity will definitely help you find all kinds of great medicines and make you metamorphose.” Shi Hao smiles.

Sovereign Butterfly had helped him a lot during Devil Island, leading the Insect Clan army to sweep the army, and that role and power made him feel dazed at the time.

Furthermore, Shi Hao also wants to take a look at how strange and powerful the Sovereign Butterfly in a legend will be once transformed.

According to the vague records on Bone Book, only one Sovereign Butterfly has ever appeared in history. From the deepest part of Upper Realm Uninhabited Region, then Mortal World.

It has few records. With only one light wave of the wings, the three Heavenly Deitys turned into powder, which was instantly annihilated, and it was for this reason that they were remembered by future generations.

Of course, it was only remembered in Mortal World.

In Upper Realm, there is not much legend about it. Few people have seen it dance Supreme like dancing Heavenly Deity.

“One hundred and eighty types of Dao Rule flames have been pulled, which have not yet been reflected in any special place.” Shi Hao lightly said. Touched his arm, there were scars and bloodstains.

When confronting Luo Dao, the opponent ’s hair suddenly skyrocketed, tangling his forearm, causing a certain amount of damage, although not fatal, but also injured.

Shi Hao reflection. At present, the Dao Rule flame of Blue Stone Road ignites itself, which has not really reflected the heaven defying. His current strength is entirely based on his own foundation and accumulation of the past.

“Unless you light up hundreds or even thousands, by that time. Should there be a different vision?”

However, 108 of them have already wounded him and burned his body. If there were hundreds or thousands of species, how terrible it would be!

Shi Hao knows. His journey has only begun, and everything is just beginning. The real crisis and life and death test is still behind.

Otherwise, after since ancient times so many beautiful cultivator set foot on this road, it is either died during meditation or it is abolished.

“Get started!”

Shi Hao calmed down and began to retreat.

In the next few days, he was motionless, like petrify, without any waves.

He is adjusting, and at the same time he has completely healed his earlier injury. He will continue to rush through the cusp with the highest attitude, ignite Dao Fire and achieve transformation.

Qingfeng blows through, the mist is diffused.

Five days later, Blue Stone Road is no longer quiet, and one road after another emits a faint light that turns into Symbol, spreads to one place, and entangles a boy.

One road, two roads …

Soon, 108 roads have been reached, and the flames are flooding him, drowning him, magnificently intense here.

If you look closely, you can see that the fire contains symbols, dense and numerous, net-like pattern intertwined and constructed, evolved into a vigorous raging flames, wrapped Shi Hao.

This is what he has experienced, and now walks again without harming his body.

“Next, the real crisis is here.” Shi Hao took a deep breath, the flames soared from the mouth and nose into his belly, covered with divine flame.


Shi Hao started Furnace Cauldron, taking heaven and earth as the material, intercepting void, and constructing a “big device” to cultivate oneself.

void is distorted and blurred. A Furnace Cauldron slowly takes shape, wraps him, puts him in the middle, and then starts to draw the power of heaven and earth into a simple and unadorned device.

Other Blue Stone Road glowing, there are Symbol spread, there is a fire condensate, burned the mouth of Furnace Cauldron, rays of light, and burst into the clouds.

Ancient Land is no longer quiet, the test of life and death of Shi Hao begins, Dao Fire increases, one by one, both hope and Divine Chain entangled.

“One hundred and nine, one hundred and ten …”

The increase is one after another. Over time, it has been increased to one hundred and fifty. Shi Hao feels hot and irresistible, all of them are in pain and will be burned through.

Sure enough, it was life and death grinding. Only dozens of them were added. fleshly body was injured, and there are so many behind. How to go?

He is not frustrated or discouraged. He firmly believes that step by step, he will succeed, with hope in his heart, divine light profound in his eyes, and firm conviction.

One hundred and seventy, flames burning the heavens!

At this moment, all the people who saw the scene outside were moved, adding dozens of words, but the power was stronger than great distance.

Looking at it this way, the flames swelled there, drowning everything, the lines and patterns were intertwined, like Lightning, there was a horrible scene, which made people feel scary when they looked at it.


Shi Hao coughed out a black blood. The fire was too strong, and the Furnace Cauldron of that day was almost burned through and it was distorted.

He endured the pain and watched the Symbol and Dao Rule in the flames silently. He didn’t want to repeat the path of his predecessors. He just watched them and used them as a fire to burn a True Self.

One hundred and eighty Dao Fire flames, some holes in the body of Shi Hao are very scary, and dozens of Dao Fire light is added into his body to illuminate his whole body.

This is misery, and it’s also a chance, the pattern of burning bones, and dozens of Dao Rule entanglements, making his body sing and sing.

Time passed, Shi Hao didn’t know how many days had passed when he lit the 200th Dao Fire flame. His body is withered, extremely weak. Almost out of life. He was covered with scorched black, which was more serious than the first time. He had many transparent holes before and after and was burned through.

He sat there, motionless, fleshly body was gone, but his eyes had bright and amazing light, like two Golden Lamp. Light up here.

He no longer adds flames, bears silently, realizes carefully, Ren Erbai Dao Fire light flows, burns blood and bones, remains silent.

Until many days, he got used to the incineration. fleshly body has nothing to burn, black old skin is wrapped around the bones, and many net-like pattern imprint in the fire are on it, like a dragon swimming, flowing to the whole body.

Shi Hao has a sense of Transcendence, although it is going to burn itself. But it seemed as if he jumped out and looked at all this, sometimes forgetting the pain, there is only one right comprehend(ing).

A long time later, the two hundred Dao Fire lights went out. Furnace Cauldron disintegrated and Shi Hao fell to the ground.

“Boy. Are you crazy?” Divine Striking Stone rushed over, and Sovereign Butterfly also held sacred medicine, which had not been eaten yet, turned into a light beam and landed beside him, very anxious.

“Anyway.” Shi Hao stood up.

His apart from or Human Form is almost invisible, black old skin is cracked, his eye socket is deep, and he is completely withered.

Also, there are two hundred light clusters in the body, the fire light magnificently intense, still burning.

“It’s just a small injury, it’s good to have two days.” Shi Hao said, this is not a minor injury, of course, the body penetrated back and forth, serious to the extreme.

With nearly one hundred Types of Dao Fires, might is not only as simple as doubling, it is even more so!

If he is not already to become a Deity, his strength is great, and he will definitely become ashes and die completely.

“I don’t have time to delay. Everyone is moving forward to improve their morale. Now we must heal the injuries as soon as possible.” Shi Hao took out a sacred medicine.

This is not the time to hesitate. Even if sacred medicine is rare, it can only be reduced to rations now.

Divine Striking Stone and Sovereign Butterfly stepped back and said nothing more, just defended the law for him and watched closely.

A black sage with a length of more than half a meter appears in the hands of Shi Hao. All the leaves are dog-shaped. It is the dog-leaf vine. When the leaves move with the wind, Black Light magnificently intense, and the barking sound of the mastiff.

Shi Hao swallowed leaves one by one, sending out Black Light, which is a rolling medicine essence, and rushed to his limbs to make up for his losses and repair his wounds.

sacred medicine, can be life and death human flesh white bone, has heaven defying magic effect, and can nourish Primordial Spirit.

Shi Hao is changing rapidly, aura of Life gradually flourishes, old skin cracking, and autonomously absorbs essence between heaven and earth, the whole body gradually bulges.

However, the cost is also very high. It took a few days, and he ate half of the sacred medicine. The holes in his body healed and gradually recovered.

If it is other injuries, just take a bite of sacred medicine, and he eats half of the strain!

“You’re doing chronic suicide like this.” Divine Striking Stone said, this road is too dangerous, this is just the beginning, and it will be more difficult in the future.

“Looking for the road, this is the case, any road is difficult. If it is simple, the most amazing group of people in history will not die or die.” Shi Hao sighed.

He didn’t delay, he started to retreat again, and tempered himself.

This time, it faded over time, he added another hundred Dao Symbol flares, calcined fleshly body and Primordial Spirit, the whole person was dry and his injuries were more serious.

Three hundred Dao Fire lights have burned out the clouds and shrouded vault of heaven.

When stopped, Shi Hao swallowed the remaining half of Indica canadensis and ate half of the golden grass, which is equivalent to eating a whole sacred medicine.

Because the situation is more critical and more medicinal fluids are needed.

When the four hundred Dao Fire light was burned, Shi Hao swallowed half of the golden grass and one whole Desert Silver. I felt that it was still a little worse. Finally, I simmered more than a dozen Flood Dragons and ate them all. Do it again.

“It ’s terrible, the injuries are getting heavier, and the consumption is getting worse. You have no sacred medicine, and you are exhausted,” Divine Striking Stone said.

Sovereign Butterfly flew in, and gave him a piece of the red-colored medicinal plant, only a little left.

“No, I still have a Void Deity Vine.” Shi Hao touched it, smiling softly.

Divine Medicine is amazing. The light emitted by Void Deity Vine is as bright as a round of platinum Huge Sun. It is like a True Dragon in the dormant light group.

After the five hundred Dao Fire was incinerated, Shi Hao decayed badly, but after eating a leaf of snow white, his body crackled, and soon it was blood energy boiling.

When the 600th Dao Fire was burned out, Shi Hao ate a piece of Void Deity Vine leaf and a section of stalk, and recovered again.

As the fire continues to increase, he feels like he is becoming stronger!

It feels wonderful!

After the nine hundred Dao Fire was burned, Shi Hao took Void Deity Vine, and saw a picture after another. This is the imprint contained in leaves and vines. He was on the spot petrify.

“What’s that?” He thought big change, the picture was too shocking.

“You swear that you will not eat me completely.” Void Deity Vine communicated with him with a special “wave”.

Shi Hao nodded and said: “I said long ago that it is impossible to exterminate a godlike root like you, only take a part of vine leaves and heal my Great Dao’s wound.”

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