Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1207: Selection in the ring (38)

Chapter 1207 Selected in the ring

There is nothing new under the sun. Web

Everything is just a repeat of history.

The battle between Albert and Nimitz is exactly the same as the Tigers’ battle with Bedivere. Regardless of skill or talent, the opponent is better than Tiger, even better by numbers, and Albert can’t win no matter what he does.

Small tricks such as those tricks and plots may allow Albert to gain a small advantage occasionally. But Nimitz’s giant arms are still unstoppable. As long as there are those arms, there is no chance for Tiger to get close to the opponent!

The only thing that can surprise Nimitz is the original “that trick”.

The magic trick that can hide his aura in an instant, and even Bedivere was taken aback, to be honest, even Albert himself doesn’t know how to use it. Only under extreme conditions can tigers occasionally and unconsciously perform [Shen Yin]. In the countless nights after that, Albert tried to practice countless times, but failed to activate [Shen Yin] once.

Now facing a powerful enemy like Nimitz, in the tense battle full of disadvantages, Albert is even less confident to use that kind of advanced skills.

Too bad. What should I do?

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the battleship of Great Britain—[Attack Palamedis], two Knights of the Round Table watched the battles in various examination rooms through the big screen.

“It’s really unfortunate for that tiger to meet the giant Nimitz in the first battle.” Celestial Knight Kai sneered.

“Is the bloodline of the Frost Giant? It’s really hard to deal with.” The Knight of the Round Table also touched his chin and analyzed: “Fortunately, the money on Nimitz’s body is only enough to unlock the gigantic ability of the two arms. If this guy can The whole body becomes a giant, and it is estimated that it will be more difficult to deal with.”

“No, just the opposite.” Kai, who also has half giant bloodline, sneered: “Because this guy only unlocked two arms, he is the most difficult to deal with. Abandoning the gigantic ability of other parts of the body, Wholeheartedly attacking with only two giant arms, this is the real danger of giants.”

Cador frowned, puzzled: “How come I’ve never heard of such a thing?”

The red-haired knight of the round table smiled again, and asked his companion mysteriously: “Kador, how long do you think a standard-level [fireball] will take from casting to actual activation?”

“Um…a second or so?” Cador said ambiguous: “This kind of thing is inherently different from person to person. People with high proficiency can cast spells quickly. Surely spellcasting is much slower?”

Kay nodded lightly: “That’s true. But okay, let’s roughly count the casting time of [Fireball] as one second. Even the ivory tower would count that as the magician’s casting time. The standard of assessment.——Then let me ask you again, a fireball that takes one second to cast, if you want to cancel it, how long will it take?”

Cador smiled wryly: “Canceling a spell must be faster than casting a spell. It only takes half the time? Half a second?”

“One tenth of a second.” Kay, the Knight of the Round Table, replied accurately: “According to accurate measurements, the time to cancel the magic is always one-tenth of the time to cast the magic. Cast a spell ten times faster.”

“I don’t understand, what are you trying to say?” Cador was obviously more confused.

“You still don’t understand?” Kai laughed: “The huge size of Nimitz’s arms was not achieved by [casting] spells, but by [cancelling] spells!”

“Ah!” The Knight of the Round Table, Cadore, shuddered and suddenly realized: “So it is!”

Giant Nimitz originally had a huge body more than 30 feet tall, and now he just relies on shrinking surgery to reduce his body to a size similar to that of an adult man. What was applied to Nimitz was actually a [shrinking] spell, and this spell continued because of the effect of a specially made magic bracelet.

When Nimitz spent a lot of money to unlock his abilities and make his arms huge, it was actually equivalent to partially canceling the [shrinkage] spell. The giant’s arm is just restored to its original size. And it restores very quickly! It only takes about a tenth of a second! Because it’s not a [released] spell, but a [cancelled] spell!

A huge fist that only takes one-tenth of a second to punch, the power and speed are terrifying to the extreme! It’s no wonder that Albert is helpless!

“Damn! It’s such a dangerous ability! The risk assessment of this skill in the laboratory is far lower than the actual situation. We only let Nimitz spend 400,000 to unlock it!” Cador immediately beat his chest: “Knowing that this ability is so dangerous, we should have quoted more than one million!”

“Forget it,” Kay smiled indifferently: “It doesn’t help to regret it now. And that’s Nimitz’s talent. He originally had a huge 30-foot body. Let him put his talent on the table. It’s not so unfair to take it out to fight.”

Cadore calmed down: “However, it is still more powerful to be able to transform the whole body into a giant, right? Why do you say that only unlocking the giant’s two arms is the strongest form of a giant?”

“Because the giant with a huge body is not flexible enough.” Kai sneered: “Although size determines everything, the world is not as long as it is [big]. If you switch freely between ], if you fight for a long time, Nimitz will suffer from the bulky giant body.”

The red-haired knight coughed dryly, and then continued: “And, no matter what kind of ability, there must be weaknesses. There is no such thing as [invincible] power in the world.”

“Weakness?” Cador grunted in confusion. In his opinion, at least so far, Nimitz’s two giant arms are very impressive in terms of power and range, and there is no weakness at all. Maybe only Kai, who is half a giant, or Albert, who is on the battlefield, can see the weakness in it.

The red-haired knight of the round table narrowed his eyes and stared at the big screen: “It’s time that the tiger noticed, the Achilles heel of [Giant’s Arm].”

Meanwhile, the battle between Albert and the giant Nimitz is still in full swing on the battlefield of the Stone Column. Of course… the Tigers are still underdogs, absolutely underdogs.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha…” Albert panted heavily, trotting away just as he avoided Nimitz’s punch.

He still couldn’t fight back. After all, the lethality and range of the opponent’s attack far exceeded the tiger’s weapon, and Albert couldn’t even get close to Nimitz. Up to now, he did know Nimitz’s trump card: the giant can only gigantic two arms, and the gigantic ability of the rest of the body seems to have not been unlocked.

But even knowing Nimitz’s cards didn’t help the Tigers at all. Because Nimitz also knew that Albert had seen through his trump card, he no longer recklessly punched both hands, but attacked with one punch from the left and one from the right, and the rhythm was mastered very skillfully. While Nimitz forced Albert to keep dodging, he always kept one hand for defense, giving Tiger no chance at all.

And Nimitz always had the absolute advantage. He hardly moved much, but he was able to use the giant’s fist’s large-scale attack to force the tiger to dodge and run in a large amount. The tiger was sweating profusely, and his body began to numb from running for a long time. If this continues, even if he is not hit by the opponent’s giant fist, Albert will exhaust his physical strength and lose!

What should I do? !

Albert became increasingly restless and began to make mistakes. He stepped in the air and slipped on the ground! Nimitz certainly wouldn’t miss this great opportunity. The giant’s arm came in response, crushing like a mountain!

Crap! There is no time to get up slowly! Albert had no choice but to pull the triggers of both weapons at the same time, using the shock wave of the inserts on the Luna Steel Scimitar and the recoil of the shotgun blade to move quickly! This move saved him again, and the tiger rolled aside under the impact of the force. Although he was in a state of embarrassment, he at least avoided Nimitz’s left fist!

“Ha!” Seeing the tiger hiding so embarrassedly, Nimitz thought that the time was ripe, and he took the risk of being counterattacked and threw his right fist out to chase the tiger! In an instant, the huge giant fist slammed down heavily, and was about to smash Albert, who was still rolling on the ground, to pieces!

Too bad! Whether it is dodging horizontally or escaping into the air, Albert will definitely be hit by this huge right fist! Albert, who was rolling on the ground and had yet to get up, had no chance at all! !

Is this the final defiance to lose? !

No! It’s not over yet! !

Albert raised his two weapons unwillingly, intending to make a final counterattack at the giant fist that fell from the air!

Although he knows it’s just a waste of energy, he also intends to leave some small wounds on Nimitz’s arm at the end to get revenge! !

In that instant, a miracle happened!

Perhaps because of multiple consecutive uses in a short period of time, the trigger of Albert’s Storm Sword failed – it went off! !

Bah! ! ——It had an amazing explosion in its chamber, and a shot was fired! The contents of the cartridge case shattered instantly, and more than ten large-caliber steel **** flew out!

clang clang! ! Three of the steel **** just hit the Luna Steel Scimitar… In other words, it was the Luna Steel Scimitar that hit the bullets that had just been fired! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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