Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1101: Searching for secrets in the sand sea (23)

Chapter 1101 Searching for secrets in the sand sea (twenty-three)

As Bedivere feared, the cavalry crashed magnificently into the glass floor, smashing a large pit.

The heterogeneous glass floor with toughness protects the cavalry to the maximum extent, so that this machine is not completely scrapped.

It’s hull is quite twisted from the impact, but as long as the engine is still there and the operating system is still running, it will be able to ride again.

The werewolf scratched his head and took a repair kit from the cavalry’s trunk. If you have the materials and tools, it’s just a matter of time before you can fix this.

But [time] is his biggest problem.

Bedivere’s sense of hearing and smell are exceptionally well-developed in dark environments, and can sense wind and grass within a radius of hundreds of feet. The more sensitive he feels, the more he can understand the terrible situation.

Bedevier knew she was not alone. He could already feel the quiver of the ground–the footsteps of the hordes; and a certain stirring in the air–the low growl of beasts. There is some kind of hostile creature approaching Bedivere in the dark, seemingly ready to cut the hapless werewolf into pieces for dinner at any moment!

Not good, too bad!

Bediver fell from a high place and suffered from both internal and external injuries. His body was so painful that he would take a long time to recover. It’s not wise to fight those enemies in the dark now!

He can only repair the cavalry as soon as possible to escape from life!

Bedivere took out the wrench and gently removed the metal casing of the cavalry, trying not to make too much noise.

Nevertheless, every time his wrench turns a screw, making a slight creak, there is a commotion of discontent from the creatures in the dark. The less friendly things got closer and closer, and the werewolf could only vaguely see their outlines by the red light from the depths of the ground.

Is it human? But with that huge body that is several times taller than ordinary people, coupled with the huge claws on the hands and feet that are like big swords, these guys should be monsters, right?

Bediver pretended not to see, did not hear, tried not to stimulate these creatures in the dark, and continued to speed up his maintenance of the iron cavalry. Only now does he feel that he was a servant under Arthur and learned the repair and assembly techniques of iron cavalry, which is really good!

He was lucky, however. Falling from such a high place, the iron cavalry’s propulsion, exhaust system and engine were not particularly damaged. After patching with the tools on hand, it was finally able to be used. The navigation system and control system of the iron rider in question can be changed to manual operation. The iron cavalry is an actual combat weapon that the British knights have experienced for a long time in combat practice, and have been continuously optimized and improved over a long period of time. It is not only made very strong, but also has a special design to protect the most critical parts, so that the iron cavalry that is constantly damaged in the artillery fire, no matter how tattered it becomes, can be used until the last moment.

In short, as long as you fix the power part, grab the control stick and slam the accelerator, this cavalry can escape from this hell! Regardless of the accuracy of braking, navigation, or operation, Bedivere can at least escape far away, escape this ghost place!

With the last screw being screwed in, the emergency repair of the cavalry is complete. The monsters in the dark also got closer and closer, surrounding the werewolves!

Here it is! When those creatures got close enough, werewolves saw what they really were for the first time.

That’s the army of desert sharks! !

There are at least a thousand desert sharks surrounding the pit where Bedivere is located! They are coming from all directions, and the number is still increasing! Even if Bedivere is in good physical condition, fighting these monsters one-on-one is a bit incapable. After all, the werewolf doesn’t have any decent weapons, and the magic power is sealed by the magic bracelet.

And now, there are thousands of them? !

“You damned beasts are really arbitrary.” Bedivere endured the pain in his abdomen and climbed on the iron cavalry: “But I don’t have time to play with you! Goodbye!!”

Bedivere raises the tungsten tongue whip in his hand to make way! A blow swept away, and the whip with thunder and lightning frightened the monsters in front of them to retreat.

These desert devil sharks are indeed those desert devil sharks encountered in the Sahara Desert before. They have seen the power of the whip in Bedivere’s hand, and they are extremely wary of the tortoise-tongue whip! These beasts with seemingly low IQs may not know the fact that they will die if their tail fins are cut off. They only know that this whip has killed countless compatriots in seconds, thinking that there is some kind of terrible special power on this whip!

“It’s exactly what I want!” No matter what the sharks think, the werewolf is a good thing to be feared by opponents! He slammed on the accelerator, started the iron cavalry, and rushed out!

Clap! ——The werewolf’s whip fell down, hitting hard from top to bottom, smashing several desert sharks in front of them directly to the ground! !

Whoosh! ——The iron cavalry slammed into the desert sharks who fell to the ground, but they didn’t collide. It originally relied on the electromagnetic engine to slightly float on the ground, and when it encountered a low obstacle, it used this momentum to soar upwards! ! It flew higher and higher, gliding over the heads of the desert mackerel army!

“Hahaha! Goodbye, idiots!” the werewolf laughed. Although the iron cavalry’s engine cannot fly high, under its anti-gravity device, no amount of encirclement is meaningless! Taking advantage of this momentum, the werewolf can easily escape from the encirclement of the devils!

——Or maybe not!

The desert sharks on the ground aren’t vegetarian either. They see Bedivere’s iron cavalry flying over their heads, so they acted aggressively as a matter of course! These ferocious beasts are wielding their claws and dancing around, scratching and scratching! In order to attack the iron cavalry, they didn’t pay attention to the life and death of their companions at all, and the sharp claws waving frantically kept scratching their companions, and the ground flew all over the ground for a while! !

On the trajectory that Bedivere’s iron cavalry flew over, the sharp claws of a large group of sharks were surging like a tide, and they were like a forest of blades stained with blood, which was terrifying to the extreme!

The chassis of the cavalry is used to generate anti-gravity, but it is a very fragile part! If the sharp claws of these monsters catch it, the problem is serious! !

“Wow ah ah ah ah!!” The werewolf manipulated his cavalry and twisted randomly, making an irregular and completely unpredictable travel route, making these monsters unable to react in time, and their claws could not correctly grasp the cavalry. the chassis. On the other hand, he raised the tungsten tortoise tongue whip, frantically whipping the army of monsters on the ground.

The whip fell like raindrops, and it was overwhelming. Although not lethal, as mentioned before, it has a certain deterrent effect on sharks. In the entire area it hits, the sharks will be frightened for a moment, and some desert sharks will even scramble themselves, foolishly trying to dodge in this crowded sea of ​​sharks—but they hit On the body of the companions, make a bigger stiffness!

Thanks to this interference tactic, the werewolf drove the iron rider for a long distance without any problems for the time being, but he also knew that the chassis of the iron rider was caught and damaged, it was only a matter of time! No matter how hard you try to dodge, no matter how hard you try to contain it, the chassis of the Iron Cavalry will eventually be caught by the chaotic claws of the sharks. If it goes on like this, the situation will only get worse and worse. It is better to give all your strength and rush out of this circle of death!

With this thought, the werewolf withdrew his tungsten tongue whip. He stomped on the accelerator, increasing the propulsion of the iron cavalry to the limit, and at the same time swung out his left hand with all his strength, stabbing the tungsten turtle tongue whip straight ahead! !

Yes, although it is a whip, it uses a [thorn]! After a high degree of electrification, the hardness of the tungsten turtle tongue whip is like an iron rod, and it can pierce completely vertically!

Zha! ! It deeply pierced the head of a desert shark!

With this reaction force, Bedivere’s cavalry was pushed even higher, and the height was raised ten yards at once! ! The iron cavalry, whose propulsion force was raised to the limit, flew away in the outer sky like a meteor, drawing a long arc of light! !

Get rid of it! With the help of the impact force brought by the hardened tungsten turtle tongue whip, the iron cavalry made a wonderful pole vault-like action and flew high over the shark army! ! Thousands of desert sharks have been left behind by werewolf cavalry! !

However, the electromagnetic engine of the iron cavalry, which was unable to fly in the first place, was unable to maintain this height in the end, and kept falling down! !

The only thing Bedivere can do is to use the tortoise-tongue whip to do the next “pole vault” at the right moment, using the whip’s reaction force to slow down the impact of the fall as much as possible! !

Zha! The cavalry is about to hit the ground! The whip in Bedivere’s hand stabbed out with full force once again! When it stabbed the glass floor obliquely, it instantly softened, and the reaction force raised the falling iron horse two feet into the air!

Very good! Just follow this momentum, and if you do it again, you will be able to land smoothly! The werewolf thought as he retracted his whip.

But how could the desert shark army behind him spare the werewolf? They have been chasing over at high speed, and dozens of devil sharks are flying towards the werewolf! !

“Meow!” As soon as Bedivere retracted the whip, he raised the whip and swept him behind his back!

Clap clap clap clap! ! The whip didn’t need to be aimed at easily swept the monsters that leaped. One is a swooping forward, the other is a high-speed swing obliquely backward, and the relative speed between the two has already exceeded the speed of sound, which makes the collision between the two amazingly powerful!

As a result, the tortoise-tongued whip, which was obviously used as a blunt weapon, was like an extremely sharp blade, directly severing the dozen desert sharks behind the werewolf! A whip swept over, and the desert sharks were cut in half, with the explosion of flesh and blood scattered! !

“Deserved!” the werewolf cursed.

But while he concentrates on dealing with the chasing soldiers behind him, he forgets the crisis in front of him! By the time he noticed it was too late!

Touch! ! The iron cavalry’s head slammed into the ground, and there was a scream of metal tearing! ! –6139+xs216851–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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