Light Spirit Epic Chapter 981: Fighting for Ziyan (15)

Chapter 981 The fierce battle against Ziyan (fifteen)

The leopard boy is rapidly formulating a combat strategy.

Yes! If you use [Acceleration Sprint] and [Spiritual Unity] at the same time, you may be able to catch up with the speed of the spider, and at the same time, you can accurately stab it with your sword!

However, is he really able to precisely control his shot timing and attack trajectory while moving at a high speed? ! It’s only a matter of one day for him to master these two combat skills. Can he really do it all well without training?

It is useless to think too much, so I have to bite the bullet and do it!

The leopard boy took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. When the little spider in front of him was only five feet away from him, he suddenly flew out and drew his sword!

[Accelerating Sprint] and [Spiritual Unity] move at the same time! The leopard boy, whose speed increased rapidly, easily caught up with the action of the spider, and Howl, who was highly concentrated, seemed to be playing the world in slow motion in his eyes!

Can hit! must be able to! Howl moved his arms with difficulty, attacking with precision in this slow-moving world!

Brush! ! Howl’s dagger made a deep scratch on the ground, but he did not hit the small spider, and slid past it an inch from its side!

No way! That thing is too small, it is impossible to hit such a small guy while moving at high speed! !

Why can’t it be done! ? Hal remembered that he had used the same technique before, raising his sword and stabbing Zhangren’s temple while moving at a high speed to kill his opponent!

However, he forgot one very important thing: Zhang Ren was petrified by the leopard boy at that time, the enemy did not move at all in a very short time, and let the leopard boy pierce his temple!

Howl is currently facing a completely different situation. This little spider has been running, and it is constantly changing the direction of running randomly! This is a true high-speed moving opponent, and its trajectory is too hard to touch, even using Spiritual Unity to hit!

The leopard boy stopped to take a breath. Not good! That **** little spider was still running wildly in the cave, it didn’t escape from the gap in the cave, obviously it was the idea of ​​the teenagers in the cave! Needless to say, Hal, even Husky and Calvin are targets of the little spider! Especially the two ignorant friends of the Leopard Boy! ——When Husky and Calvin logged into the game and climbed out of the tent unsuspectingly, the little spider would attack them and burrow into their bodies!

Once things turn out there is nothing to do! Even if Hal went to warn the two, they wouldn’t believe the baseless joke of the Leopard boy! A spider that burrows into the human body and attacks the victim’s dream world while the person is asleep? What a ridiculous statement that is!

And, even if Husky and the others believed Howl, things wouldn’t get any better! Halki and the others are just children, without the help of external forces, they are not rivals of the Black Reaper in their own dream world!

Be sure to stop this from happening, and kill the black spider before it invades the teens!

Hal swallowed, trying to calm himself down.

Yes! If the dagger doesn’t work, then——the leopard boy abandoned the dagger and opened his palms.

The hand of this human teenager, with not sharp claws, is slightly fat, and it is a veritable chubby little hand – even Hal himself finds it funny. This is probably what Hal’s cat’s claws look like in reality after removing the fur? God knows.

These hands are the only thing Hal can rely on at the moment! If the trajectory of the slash with the dagger is a line, the hands are a face. The attack range of [Line] is very limited, and a small mistake will miss, but [Face] is not! ——No matter how fast that spider moves, if you fish it with your hands, you can always catch something, right?

If it were normal, Hal, who was so afraid of bugs, would never have dared to catch a spider with his bare hands. He can be scared half to death when he sees a small cockroach! But now he doesn’t have time to think about it anymore, no matter how disgusting it is, it’s just a matter of a moment, grab the spider with his hand, squeeze it to death, and the little friends will be safe! !

Again! The black spider’s running trajectory was close to Hal, and there was only three yards left from the Leopard Boy! Howl dashed out without thinking much and started [High Speed ​​Sprint] at the same time!

The whistling wind passed by the boy’s ears, and he was rushing to catch up with the speed of the spider again, almost moving in sync with the monster!

This is the moment! Howl reached out and almost caught the spider!

Zha! – It hurts! Hal felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, which was impossible for him to feel, because the system had blocked everything! But this thing actually happened: a black needle stabbed out of the spider’s back and stabbed the leopard boy’s palm, causing this kind of inexplicable pain!

It’s rude! This thing is not a real insect! Change the shape and pierce people with needles from the body, of course it can be done simply!

Affected by the pain, Hal was unable to catch him, and he was so distracted that his fighting skills were also cancelled! That black spider slipped away from his palm again like this, and escaped!

“Damn meow!” The leopard boy stopped, full of anger and regret, and looked at his palm.

There are no wounds on the palms, and the marks of the needle sticks seem to have never existed. That monster seems to have the ability to create pain, or a pain-like hallucination, but it can’t really hurt people! If you get too close to it, you will definitely let go because of the pain. The method of catching the spider with your bare hands really won’t work!

But here comes the problem again. You can’t grab with your bare hands, and it’s hard to hit with a dagger. What exactly should Hal use to attack? !

The leopard boy thought about it carefully, and immediately thought of a method.

He takes off one of his shoes.

This is a well-made, light and durable leather shoe. The sole is thickened with light metal, which is particularly strong. This is one of the clothes and suits they wore when they first came out of the Eternal Altar this morning. The teenagers were later arrested by Zhang Ren and taken into the cell. The equipment was stripped off. After many setbacks, they were recovered from the storage room of the dungeon. body equipment.

And now…Hal puts the shoe over his hands, using the shoe instead of his palm to protect his hands.

Yes, although it looks hilarious, these shoes can easily smack that **** little spider without getting stabbed in the palm of your hand by the spider’s spikes at the critical moment! And Hal, who took off his shoes, ran on the soles of his feet, moving faster and more nimble!

See where else you can escape this time! Hal thought to himself, intending to try to catch the spider again.

His [Spiritual Unity] has been used up today, and [Power Rush] has the last two left. The former can also be compensated by Howl’s own eyesight and concentration. After all, in the process of catching spiders several times, the leopard boy has gradually become accustomed to the speed of the little thing; while the latter has an absolute limit in physical fitness. If you don’t move [Powerful Sprint], Howl can’t reach that speed with his own leg strength!

In other words, here are the last two chances! Be sure to catch the black spider of unknown origin in these last two attempts to prevent it from harming Howl’s friends!

The spider moved randomly and quickly, approaching the leopard boy again. It probably thought that Howl could no longer pose a threat to it, and was now brazenly provoking the leopard boy!

But Hal calmed down. He knew that the opportunity was coming, so he quickly followed, and at the moment when he was the closest to the spider, he used the [high-speed dash] combat skill!

Whoosh! ! Howl’s speed increased again, and he caught up with the spider in an instant! That’s right, he didn’t need the delicate skills of [mental unification] at all. He wore iron shoes with both gloves, and the huge impact surface of these shoes alone was enough to kill the little spider!

The leopard boy shoots with his palms, and the two pairs of shoes press against the spider at the same time!

Bump! The shoes slapped the ground with a series of metallic sounds. Did you hit…? But it doesn’t seem to have the touch of a hit?

Hal frowned, wondering if he should let go and check. Shouldn’t the spider hide under the sole of the shoe and escape while the leopard boy removes his shoe? However, holding on like this is not the way to go. What if the spider had already slipped away?

The leopard boy looked around and couldn’t find any trace of the black spider. It’s obviously been hit by the shoe, so there shouldn’t be any reason for it to survive?

What should I do? Do you want to take your shoes off and take a look? After hesitating for a long time, Hal finally took the iron shoes off.

Huh? Nothing at all? The spider’s corpse didn’t stick to the ground or the sole of the shoe, it just disappeared out of thin air?

However? ! How does it do it? !

At this moment, there is movement on the ground!

Black spiders emerge from the crevices! This cave composed of volcanic rocks is full of uneven stone structures. There is a hole in the ground that Hal just took with his shoes, which is enough for the black spider to hide! Hal was still careless. The moment he removed his shoes just now, because of the tension and lack of lighting, the Leopard Man boy didn’t immediately discover the little spider’s hiding place, and now it’s too late! !

Hal raised his shoes without much thought and shot I hope this trend can be reversed! But the timing of his shot was already half a beat too late. The little spider had already slipped away from his shoes, and he also passed by Hal’s feet hatefully, biting the Leopard Boy’s toe bitterly! – Who told you not to wear shoes!

“Ow!” Howl was left in a state of disorientation again with a burst of heart-wrenching pain.

The little spider seemed to laugh at the stupidity of the leopard boy. He circled Howl twice before running away, not worrying about being trampled at all! ——In fact, the leopard boy was stomping his feet like a fool, but he was completely inaccurate because of the pain. The spiders were sneaking around at his feet, but Howl always couldn’t step on it!

“Hu, hu, hu, hu.” Hal was out of breath after a stupid, violent exercise. He stopped and looked at the black spider that had run away, and couldn’t help but feel very regretful!

He’s been toyed with so hard by this **** little spider! And he has only one [High Speed ​​Sprint] left!

What should I do? ! . .. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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