Light Spirit Epic Chapter 948: Searching for a secluded place in the land

Chapter 948: Searching for seclusion in the center of the earth (twenty-one)

After Cador’s explanation is finished, it’s the turn of the Knight of the Round Table Kai to take over. After the tall red knight cleared his throat, he explained in slightly vague words: “All candidates. Luoshan Volcano Palace. Looking for.

Everything about this item. We can’t go into details just yet. But when you see it. You’ll know.

The depths of the Volcano Dungeon are filled with mutated monsters. This journey will be very dangerous. And only one group of you will get it. Because it’s the only one. First come, first served.”

Wait…”One Team” – Bedivere has a bad feeling.

Kay paused for a while. He continued to explain: “The team that gets it will receive the biggest point reward for the second stage of the exam.

And other teams will not be busy either. The various monsters you defeat during your adventure will be automatically converted into points depending on their strength. The average reward will be given to each member of your team. Go straight for the treasure. Or sweep this dangerous area all the way. Earn points for sure – it’s all up to you. That’s basically all to explain.”

After Kay explained, he turned around and prepared to leave.

“That’s it. You said something was missing, Sir Kay.” Cador reminded quickly.

Kay grins again. Makes a mischievous look: “Oh yes. Last thing. And most important: The groupings for this exam are determined by lottery. Three groups. None Exception.”

As soon as this remark came out, the candidates present immediately boiled.

It’s already been a very long road ahead. A dangerous journey of life and death. It’s a good thing to be able to walk with friends who are used to working together. Of course, it’s the best thing. Let it be arranged by fate. Whoever it is, you have to cooperate with it. Even if the other party is the guy you hate the most

“One hundred and twenty-six candidates present. Will be divided into forty-two groups.” Cador took a large lottery box from a staff member: “Teams of three. Mark twenty The notes for the four groups. Put them all in this box. Please line up the candidates. Come and draw lots one by one. You can’t go back with anyone who is drawn. Unless you give up the test.”

Too bad. Bedivere gave Albert and Palamidis a look: “Looks like our partnership is here for now. Good luck to everyone.”

“Yes. Good luck to you too.” Albert shrugged helplessly. The cat’s face was smug.

He had this hunch before. He felt that the second stage of the test would not be possible for the little friends to walk in groups. The test organizer will definitely try to break up the tacit understanding of everyone – Tiger’s prediction is really correct.

Fortunately, they prepared well in advance. They evenly divided all the weapons that could be divided equally. Ensure that everyone’s combat effectiveness and survivability will not be too low. All this is due to Albert’s blessing.

The candidates line up in order and draw lots one by one. Although they are very dissatisfied with this annoying random lottery system. But since it is already a rule set by the test organizer, they can only do it.

The werewolves lined up behind the leopard warriors. Albert followed closely behind Bedivere. When Palamidis drew a note. The werewolves and the tiger men leaned over curiously.

No. 27. The leopard warrior took a quick look at the note and quickly closed it again.

Palamidis kept quiet. He didn’t read out his group number. It seemed that he wanted to leave it at the end to announce it – this is the same as most of the candidates present.

Because. Once someone says their group number. That is the final decision. Before that. If he secretly exchanges notes with other candidates, the grouping result may be changed.

While thinking so, the werewolf Bedivere put his hand into the black box. He took out a note. He took a peek at: No. 15.

It seems that these scumbags are very clever. They are reluctant to publish their group report immediately until the last minute – this is a good thing for Bediven and his party. They have a large group. And they can trust each other. They can secretly tell their peers their group number. Compared with other candidates who act alone, they will of course get more reports.

While thinking so, the tiger man Albert also put his hand into the black box. He took out a note. He took a peek at it: No. 23.

Bedevier’s group finished their draws. Immediately they secretly gathered together. They confirmed each other’s group number. Palamidis. Bedivere and Albert needless to say. Seglade turned out to be the same No. 37. Elaine is No. 23 – with the Tigers.

This group is coincidental enough. There are suddenly four less people to worry about.

Then. Palamidis’s mind began to spin rapidly. If you can find the remaining candidates with note number 3. Let Bedivere switch the note with him. Find the rest. Candidate with note 37. Let him exchange notes with Palamidis. The grouping is perfect.

The question is. How to find it. Peek. Find by smell – just when the big cat has a bad idea in his mind. When trying to exchange the notes in the hands of other candidates. Cardo, the Knight of the Round Table in charge of the overall situation Er actually spoke up:

” Please pay attention. When you get the note, keep it well. The note in your hand has been implanted with a special magnetic code. Your magic bracelet can recognize this signal. This is your grouping Basis. If there is a candidate who wants to cheat, swap your note with other candidates. And let the magic seal bracelet in your hands recognize it——”

Beep beep beep beep -a rushing alarm interrupted Cardel’s words.

“That’s it.” Cador looked in the direction of the siren. The two candidates there were holding each other’s notes. It seemed that they were about to exchange.

“You. You two have been disqualified. You can leave now.” The Knights of the Round Table said: “Cheaters are not allowed in the Round Table Trial. Go away.”

The two candidates looked frustrated. They were escorted by several staff members.

This scene made Palamidis’ heart sink. He wanted to cheat just now. He just hasn’t done it yet. I didn’t expect someone to try it before the big cat did it. And got caught. They still I underestimate the round table trial.

Bediver gave Palamidis a white look. A miserable face: “Fortunately you haven’t done it yet”.

In this case. All the little tricks are meaningless. They can only rely on fate. Wait for the results of the grouping. In the worst case. The two candidates who were disqualified from the exam just now are Bedivere or Palamidi Teammates. And their team will be one less fighting force.

“So. Are you all ready?” Cadore saw that all the candidates had come to draw the lottery. Raise your hands. Show the note to everyone. Group 1.”

Three candidates in the crowd raised their hands. The raised hands displayed their notes. Three “ones” indeed.

“Once you find your teammates. You can start discussing the next tactics – the second group.”

Three more candidates raised their hands. They recognized each other.

Bedivere froze for a moment. He prayed that he wouldn’t be in the same group as the nasty guy. While he stayed, Cador had called their group number:” Group 15 – 15 Group. How come there is still one person missing. Express the number. Do you want to be disqualified from the exam”

“Um.” Bedivere came back to his senses. He raised his hand hastily. He looked around at the same time. Trying to find his teammate.

Oops. It’s so bad.

What he saw in the crowd. The two teammates who raised their hands. One was the troublesome guy Solal. And the other… turned out to be the **** murloc prince Tristan.

It’s really a bad fate. Bedivere’s heart is half cold. He and Tristan have completely fallen out before. They should not interfere with each other. Forced to be assigned to the same team.

Don’t even mention that weird guy in Solar – the magic swordsman has been entangled in Bedivere. He regards the werewolf as his own enemy.

The test-takers present began to riot. Not only was this the worst grouping for Bedyville. It was about the same for the other test-takers.

Solar has been a favorite in the round table trials for many years. Candidates who have participated in the previous exams are all wary of the magic swordsman;

Not to mention one of this year’s big hits. Tristan, the murloc prince. The “leader” of the first stage of the Trial of Power.

The werewolf remains. The other candidates really don’t know what he is from. But Bedivere traveled with Solar. The two are closely related. This is also very interesting.

This trio is probably the strongest combination among the candidates present. It is no wonder that other candidates began to protest in a low voice. They think that the lottery is too much water. There is a suspicion of fraud.

“cough” Kay’s loud cough silenced everyone present: “I know what everyone is thinking. But this draw is absolutely fair. It’s a completely random process. Having this result really makes Surprising. But that doesn’t mean anything – although Prince Tristan is the head of the first stage of the exam. But the other two are the tail of the crane. Their qualifying and points are in the bottom ten.

Because of the impact of their team’s average points. They will lose a lot of advantages in the next exam. So. The result of this exam may not be. Don’t worry.”

Don’t worry about it. Bedivere scolded inwardly.

According to the average points. He and Solar did drag Tristan down a lot. Makes the test “fair” a bit. But how much of an advantage their team will lose. Shouldn’t it be .Let’s come out with unfavorable conditions.

For example, tie an iron shackle on the foot to hinder the movement…etc.

There is a cool feeling behind the werewolf. I feel that there is more to this Walking Dead” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas, if it is found that its content violates national laws , please delete it, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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