Light Spirit Epic Chapter 775: Explore in the Temple (13)

Chapter 775 Exploring the Temple

Besides being surprised, Bedivere is also even more curious about Albert’s new ability!

Teleportation magic? I’m afraid that’s the only way to explain it. 『The **dagger*.. the thrown dagger became the anchor, helping El complete the teleportation.

But the question remains: Orcs can’t use magic?

So, is the magic an enchantment on the dagger in Albert’s hand, or is it a magical effect of this enchantment?

Isn’t that right? That small ancient dagger was obviously something they bought in a private weapon store before, and it was a “vase weapon” with no enchantment at all! Could that dagger really hide some power?

Impossible! A gadget worth only one gold coin, even the shop owner disdain it, sold it to Albert as a pure toy.

Such a powerful weapon just happened to be left behind in the people, it happened to be sold by someone who didn’t know the product, and it happened to be picked up by Albert? Is this probability too low?

The werewolf was even more puzzled, almost suffocated by this incomprehensible feeling of depression.

Albert jumped down and landed lightly in front of the marked stele while throwing a winner’s smile at the werewolf.

Bediver also landed, and stopped a yard in front of the tiger: “That’s amazing, [Tiger of Soying]. What magic weapon did the old landlord give you? Tell me.”

“No, no, no.” Tiger wagged his tail cheerfully, “As soon as the exam starts tomorrow, we will be competitors. How can I reveal my secret to you?”

(This ungrateful bastard.)

“Speaking of which—” Al picked up the signal gun in his hand and glanced at it: “Why is there no next signal? Is this the only one in [Treasure]?”

“Perhaps.” The werewolf also checked the signal gun in his hand. The structure of the thing is very sophisticated and complex, and it should be transformed from a very advanced instrument: “I don’t have a signal here, and I was also attacked by the same one just now. The signal is brought here. Maybe this [treasure] is really the only one.”

At this point, the werewolf is almost convinced. This Holy Spirit Sepulcher is a special space. They have walked for so long without reaching the end, which proves that there is no end here at all. It’s like a small planet. If two people go out at the same time and walk opposite to each other on the surface of the sphere, they will eventually meet on the other end of the sphere.

But none of that matters. They have completed their tasks and should leave as soon as possible to avoid another incident.

The **** tiger showed a sly smirk: “[Silver Lang], since this is a [treasure], should we dig it up and take a look?”

“What? Are you crazy?!” the werewolf scolded: “This is not a real treasure, as the man said, we are the one responsible for finding faults in these machines and marking them . These are servers of machines and systems, and have nothing to do with treasure!”

“Yes, yes, I know.” The tiger waved his hand disapprovingly: “But the man also said that these machines are very strong and will never be damaged. Meow, there should be no problem in digging. right?”


“Don’t be so old-fashioned!” Albert had already taken out his dagger, used it like a small shovel, and dug into the ground: “I just want to see, there’s something hidden underneath. .”

Curiosity killed the cat. This big cat is absolutely killing it. However, Bedivere did not stop Albert. On the one hand, the werewolf was also curious about what was buried here. On the other hand, he also wanted to teach the tiger a lesson, so that the tiger, who always took the initiative to die, knew the truth that if he tried to die, he would die.

Paza. Go down with a shovel (dagger), dig up the soft soil, and dig a small hole in the ground.

Paza. The tiger dug harder and the hole it dug became bigger and bigger.

“Uh, [Soying Tiger]?” Bedivere took a step back: “Those ghosts are starting to approach.”

As if alarmed by a tiger digging a hole, there are about fifty holy spirits, with Bedivere and the others as the center, slowly drifting to the place. Werewolves and tiger men were surrounded.

“Oh, don’t worry about them, they’re a bunch of slow-moving guys. When they’re really close, we’ll run away.” Tiger said of course. He had only seen these ancient Holy Spirits who were not disturbed, and thought they had always been so dull.

He was wrong. The “ghosts” floated towards the two of them, flying faster and faster, especially after they found the enemy!

These originally appeared to be just a hazy white light, seemingly stupid and dull spirits, and they began to show their hideous faces one by one. Giant claws and fangs erupted furiously, and the ancient gods took on the shape of a beast—although the shape was mutilated, it was not a complete spirit beast.

“[Soying Tiger]!!” The werewolf showed his weapons and prepared to fight, and at the same time urged: “Enough is enough, we really need to go!”

“Wait a second! You’ll be able to dig in soon—“

Keng! His dagger made a screeching noise as if it had dug into something.

“Ah, I found it! My treasure!” The tiger put away the dagger and turned to dig it with both hands.

The werewolf cursed inwardly, wouldn’t it be more efficient to do this from the start? The sharp claws of the orcs are much more useful than that dull dagger!

But this **** tiger is afraid of getting dirty. If there is no conclusive evidence that there is treasure buried in the ground, he will never dig with his bare hands and get his hands dirty.

Swish swish. Albert opened his eyes when he saw Qian, and clawed away the dirt like crazy. Bedivere waved the vine whip to scare the surrounding Holy Spirits away: “[Soying Tiger]! Hurry up!! What are you playing!”

“Treasure! Immediately dug up—? Wow!”

What he dug up was not a treasure. What he dug up almost scared him to death.

Al stepped back hastily, seemingly frightened. The werewolf then turned his head suspiciously, trying to see what was in the pit.

When I saw that thing, not only Albert, but even Bedivere jumped up in fright, his head numb from a strong nausea.

There is no treasure there. Instead, a corpse.

About two or three years of death, the body is festering and severely decomposed. Countless maggots crawled on it, frantically eating the rotten flesh of the corpse, it was really disgusting to the extreme!

“Gag!” The urge to gag rushed down the werewolf’s throat. But he knew that he had to fight a large group of Holy Spirits next, and it was not the time to vomit at all. He tried his best to suppress the urge to vomit, and he kept waving the whip in his hand to drive away the approaching Holy Spirits!

“[Souying Tiger], you’ve seen enough, it’s time to go? If we don’t go, we’ll really die here!” the werewolf roared.

“Yes, Dangdangdangdangdang of course meow. I’m fed up with this **** place meow!” Al cried out in a panic, obviously frightened a lot, with more meow accents than usual.

He rubbed furiously on his clothes, wiped his soiled hands clean, and put his arms around the werewolf’s waist.

“Hey, what are you doing?!” This time it was Bedivere’s turn to be upset.

“Shut up, don’t move!” Albert threw his dagger hard.

The dagger still spooked out thirty yards and stopped eerily in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, the werewolf realized that the scene around him had shifted, and he appeared in mid-air thirty yards away, and was hugged lazily by Al. The tiger, on the other hand, rested lightly on the hilt of the dagger with one foot.

Bediver turned to look at the group of Holy Spirits who were left far behind: “Well, we got rid of it. Then what?”

“One more time.” The tiger’s long sword flew out, but the long sword was obviously heavier than the dagger, and it stopped after flying only twenty yards.

Then another flash. The tiger had already teleported to the position of the long sword with the werewolf, and he lightly placed one foot on the sword.

It appears that it’s not just the dagger that can use teleportation. The weapons on Albert’s body can become the anchor point of the teleportation technique, and as long as it is thrown out, the tiger’s body can be teleported to the corresponding position.

“You have to tell me what’s going on with this teleportation technique.” The werewolf was even more curious: “It has nothing to do with weapons, is it your own ability?”

“Perhaps.” Tiger mumbled, not intending to tell Bedwellville at all.

“Hey, I’ve helped you so much, do you have to hide this little secret from me?!” Bedivere was really angry: “Albert, you’re not enough friends!”

Seeing the Holy Spirits chasing after him furiously, Al took the dagger he had just retracted and threw it from a distance of thirty yards again: “Can we talk about this when we have time?”

Whoosh! The two teleported again to the position where the dagger stopped, and the tiger did not make any pause. Just after the teleportation, he threw his long sword again for a second teleportation.

Whoosh! Teleporting farther, the dagger is retracted and thrown far away! Whoosh! Send again!

The two teleported a distance of several hundred yards within ten seconds, and in an instant, the Holy Spirit behind them were freed from their shadows.

“[Silver Wolf], [Soying Tiger], is that you?!” The shadow walker’s voice came from the detector: “I received the signal from the letter device, well done It’s time to retreat, we’ll see you where we originally assembled!”

“Of course! I wish I could get out of this **** place soon. I’m waiting to receive my reward, huhu——hmm?———Pffff!!” Halfway through speaking, Albert suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood!

The unconscious tiger could no longer stand firm on the sword, and he fell with the werewolf.

“[Tiger of Sougui]?! Wake up! What’s going on?!” The werewolf had no choice but to turn around and put his arms around Albert in panic. One pull!

The werewolf landed firmly on top of the stele.

“Ai, Al?! Wake up!” He slapped the tiger twice, then shook it violently. But Albert didn’t respond at all. The tiger that was jumping around suddenly became like this, with blood oozing from the corners of its mouth, and only weak breathing.

What the **** happened? ! The werewolf was surprised and confused. The things that happened today are already complicated enough, so why add another mystery? !

The Holy Spirits chasing from behind are getting closer and closer. Although there was a distance just now, this distance is nothing at all. If you don’t run hard, you’ll be caught up in no time!

The werewolf didn’t have time to worry about what happened. He carried the tiger on his back, and threw out the vine whip in his hand, hooking the stone tablet ten yards away: “Ha!”

With the weight of a tiger on its back, the werewolf thought he couldn’t jump this far. However, the tiger was surprisingly light, and it even felt that there was some kind of force lifting the werewolves up, making Bedivere as light as a swallow. He flew over three steles effortlessly and landed on top of the fourth stele. Each stone tablet is five yards apart, which means that the werewolf jumped gently and flew twenty yards away!

Bedivere didn’t have time to be surprised, his whip was already fired, hooking the stone tablet ten yards ahead. Then there was another terrifying leap that even a werewolf didn’t know he could jump that far!

After more than a dozen leaps, Bedivere and the others have completely escaped the pursuit of the Holy Spirit, and the assembly point is near.

Clap! He landed next to the beacon at the assembly point, and the Shadow Walker arrived with a weight six or seven times his size. This behemoth was nothing but a comatose Elaine.

“Is that stupid bear in trouble?” the werewolf said worriedly. Elaine was covered in blood and seemed to be seriously injured, but the Ice Bear Man’s powerful recovery ability had already healed his wound completely.

“It was just entangled by the ghosts and passed out temporarily.” The shadow walker dragged the white bear’s belt with one hand and dragged the giant bear on the ground in a very rough way, and even dragged it out of the way. A very deep pit.

“What’s the matter with [Tiger of Souei]? Have you also been attacked?”

The werewolf turned to look at the tiger worriedly: I don’t know. We were running away from a group of saints… uh, ghosts, when he suddenly vomited blood and passed out. “

A look of surprise crossed Shadowwalker’s face: Could it be… called his real name? ! “

“Real name? What real—“

“Albert, you don’t have enough friends!” The words suddenly popped into Bedivere’s mind.

He did inadvertently call out Albert’s full name during the action just now. Before, they still called each other by code names, and only in that sentence, Bedi named Al’s full name, and the voice was loud, because he was really angry at the time.

“Damn—” Shadowwalker covered his face irritably: “Do you think I gave each of you an action code just for”

“Uh, isn’t it?”

“No! This is very important! I said it, and we call each other by code names during the action! Why don’t you listen?!”

(Did you say that?)

“Here! Especially in this computer room!!” Shadowwalker said nervously: “There are a lot of dangerous evil… uh, ghosts! Some ghosts are not friendly, they will curse people!”

“Curse, curse?!” The werewolf was again frightened by a completely incomprehensible supernatural phenomenon: “What curse, there is no curse in this world, don’t talk nonsense!”

“Oh, don’t you believe it?” Shadowwalker pointed at the unconscious Albert: “Then please explain, what’s the matter with him now?”

The werewolf was silent, it should be said that he was speechless. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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