Light Spirit Epic Chapter 734: Wandering for the first time

Chapter 734 Wandering in the Trial

At the same time, King Arthur’s bedroom.

“Just like that, the lying child was eaten by wolves. When he shouted [Wolves are coming!], the villagers thought the child was playing a prank again, and no one came to save him.- –In the wolf’s belly, he regretted the lies he had told, and still cried until the moment he died completely.”

Arthur closed the book: “The story is over.”

Ha looked at the King of Knights with dissatisfaction.

“What’s the matter? I have finished telling you the story of [The Wolf is Coming]. Why are you still not sleeping?”

“However, this story is not true at all—“Xiao Ha spit out fiercely: “Why is that kid still crying after being eaten by a wolf? He is dead.”

“…This…can’t you stop being so particular about it?” King Arthur was immediately depressed. Modern children are not easy to coax at all, they are too smart.

“But, isn’t this a story about telling people not to lie? It’s lying to itself—“

The King of Knights explained with difficulty: “Uh, this is a fable, and the way of telling the story is a bit exaggerated—literary works are like this, you know—“

He felt like he wanted to beat the guy who wrote the story out in the first place.

“Umm…” Xiao Ha still looked dissatisfied.

“Hey, kid.” The king of knights patted the dog boy’s head: “Don’t think too much about it, okay? It’s your bedtime now, go to sleep. If there is a chance, my uncle will give it to you again. Storyteller. But now—put me to sleep!”

“Okay woo…” The little dog person used two dog paws to pull up the quilt, covering half of his face. He forced himself to close his eyes: “I really want Dad to tell Xiao Ha a story.”

“Where is your father?”

“…Mummy said, Dad is far away, far away. We won’t meet again.” Xiao Ha whispered.

“You will see your daddy again. If you keep being an honest, kind and good boy, your daddy will definitely come to you again.” King Arthur persuaded: “Santa Claus will fulfill your wishes—“

“Who is Santa Claus?”

Tell you later. “King Arthur quickly avoided the question, fearing it would be troublesome to explain. He gently stroked the canine boy’s forehead and used hypnotism.

Xiao Ha muttered a few times, and finally fell asleep under Arthur’s hypnosis.

“Phew. It seems that I learned this trick from Merlin, and it really was a wise decision.” If he wakes up Xiao Ha, it will be difficult to put this boy to sleep again.

Wang tiptoed back to his room and walked to his bed in the dark.

By the moonlight, the King of Knights saw a book on the bedside table, a book so worn that it was almost weathered.

“Are you studying this “Secrets of the Holy Sword War” again?” The King of Knights asked in a low voice knowing that his wife was still asleep.

“Arthur, don’t go to the Dark Continent in the East.” Greenville lay on the bed with her back to the king: “The Holy Grail may be anywhere in the world, but it will never be hidden in the Dark Continent. This trip is too If you are in danger, as a king, you should not take the risk yourself.”

The king agreed casually, reaching out and stroking the old book beside the pile of manuscripts, which was the result of Greenville’s labor over the years trying to crack the code in the ancient book.

However, despite her efforts, the thread is still broken. The key question, the location of the Holy Grail, remains undetermined because of the missing pages.

“The Holy Grail overflowing with hope, in the land of white night, Lin Weier whispered, that was the only clue found when cracking the code of the ancient book: “What does that [land of white night] mean, we still can’t in the end. understand. However, the land of white night definitely does not refer to the dark continent in the east. There is only death and despair in the dark continent, and it is absolutely impossible to hide the Holy Grail. “

“Do you really think so?” King Arthur took off his shirt, lay down on the bed, put his arms around his wife’s waist lightly, and persuaded in the sweetest voice he could eat: “All these years we have been in Europe , Africa, Antarctica, and even every corner of the Arctic Ocean, but there is no trace of the Holy Grail. The only possibility left is the Dark Continent. How do you know if you don’t try?”

“So you don’t understand—” the queen scolded softly.

The king of knights sighed again: “Greenville… let me go. Since those crab people from Nanliang Kingdom can survive in the dark continent for thousands of years, I am afraid that the land does not have you. It’s as hopeless as I imagined. The Holy Grail may have been taken away by the people of the East during the war at that time, and now it’s still sleeping in a corner of the dark continent.”

Logically, it is possible.

Even if the king said so, the queen’s heart was filled with unease.

“If…” She is only a woman after all, even if she is the queen of a country, she is only a woman.

“If you go like this and never come back—what should I do?” Like all women, she is full of worries about the future and uneasy about her husband’s words and deeds.

—As if her husband could disappear forever at any moment.

The most important thing in her life is a stable life. She can not want glory and wealth, but she can’t stand her man going out to take risks, while she is alone in the empty boudoir.

“Everything will be fine,” said the King of Knights. Even if you are the king of a country, he is just a man.

As a man, he thinks the exact opposite of a woman: “I am stronger than anyone else, and I am more ruthless than anyone else. I have the most loyal subordinates and the most advanced equipment. I will definitely be safe on this trip. “

Since he’s a man, he’s doomed to have an adventurous nature.

In front of him is Longtan Tiger’s Den, but behind him is Chu Chujiao’s wife. Either way, a real man would choose the former.

He can abandon the country and the beauty, but he cannot abandon the passion to explore the unknown.

Men and women are fundamentally different, causing an instant crack in the feelings of this supposedly sweet couple.

“Okay, you can go.” Greenville was angry, and her worries suddenly turned into a curse: “It’s better to go and don’t come back. Forget about dying in the dark continent.”

Women are like the sea, changing rapidly. The first second was soft as water, the little bird was like a man, the next second he became angry, but it set off a violent storm and a huge wave of ten thousand feet.

“Greenville…” Arthur wanted to say something.

“Don’t touch me!” The queen angrily threw away King Arthur’s hand, preventing the king from getting close: “It’s night, I’m sleeping.”

Let’s do it. Good night. “King Arthur, who was looking forward to some sex, couldn’t help being disappointed. He got into the bed, sighed, and closed his eyes.

At the same time, in a small hotel on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

The old man goes to the basement, and the werewolf follows.

The basement is dark, damp, and musty. But the aroma of the spirit summoning ceremony ordered at the old man’s house poured in the moment the basement door opened, dispelling a lot of the musty smell of the basement.

When the smell is not so bad, the werewolf let go of his hands covering his nose.

And the landlord Senezel also came to a stone wall at the end of the basement.

The gray and faded walls are full of mottled rust from slightly leaking water pipes in the upper floors of the house.

Knock, knock. The old man groped around and knocked on the wall, and finally found the mechanism and stabbed his fingers into the two small holes in the stone wall.

Click, click, click! The sound of mechanical activity began to be heard from the stone wall. It’s supposed to be in disrepair, but the gears in it turn so smoothly and snap together harmoniously – this secret door seems to be in constant use?

The mechanism in the stone wall turned dozens of times, moving the entire stone wall aside. Take a closer look, although this secret door is old, it is an ingenious design – the old and rusty iron gears are hidden deep, away from moisture and air corrosion, so that the door still works as usual after so many years .

Who, and when, built these organs, it is impossible to know. Bedivere only thought that this should be related to the ancient religion that the old man believed in—Druidism.

After the secret door was fully opened, what appeared in front of the two of them was a seemingly endless secret passage leading to the ground. Since the candlestick in the old man’s hand could not provide very good lighting, it was impossible to understand how deep and how far this secret passage was.

Seeing the endless darkness in front of the secret passage, the werewolf flinched a little. If Cenezer was scheming, and deliberately lured Bedivere into such a ghostly place, the werewolf would not have enough lives to die.

Is it really okay to rush into such an unknown place without knowing whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend?

Simply seeing through the werewolf’s doubts, the old man Senezel smiled disdainfully: “I’m going forward. If you want to follow, it’s up to you. But I have to explain to you first– In front is the secret meeting place of the Druids, please pay attention to your words and deeds there, especially tonight—this [Spirit Calling Night].”

Anything that needs special attention? ‘ asked the werewolf in a low voice.

Senezel’s landlord thought about it: “Bright light and noise are strictly You’d better not turn on the lights, and you’d better keep your mouth shut and don’t shout too loudly …that’s all.”

“That’s all?”

“Uh, the smell is also strictly prohibited.” The old man suddenly added: “—Don’t fart. Hold your fart as much as possible.”

“cough—” I don’t know if the other party was joking or not, the seriousness of the conversation was completely destroyed by this sentence. The werewolf held back his laughter and said in a low voice, “Okay, I won’t let it go. Hold it until you die.”

“Then—” Old Senezel had already taken a step forward, taking a step towards the stone steps of the secret passage.

After some hesitation, Bedivere crept up to the old man. Although his heart is still full of unease, but standing still, things can’t progress.

Even knowing that there might be a trap ahead, the werewolf youth had no choice but to walk. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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