Light Spirit Epic Chapter 681: Death to the Demon God (2)

Chapter 681: The Death Battle Against the Demon God (2)

“One of the real ancient relics that the foxes dug up from the ruins of the ancients. “K**Y**first*(..)”” Tut approached the golem and knocked on Finney “We had an argument with the foxes, and they lost, and this golem fell into our hands. —— Of course, with such a small cockpit, we are like humans.” You can’t sit in. We don’t have the time and technology to remodel.”

Tutan took a puff of cigarette and moved the long smoking rod from his mouth: “King Arthur, this golem is yours. Its shield is the same level as this warship, and it will definitely block the dark smoke. As for how to overcome the darkness, it is up to you to judge for yourself.”

“Thank you.” Arthur jumped into the golem’s cockpit without saying a word, activated the system, “Time is running out, you’re welcome. I’m out!”

“Open the hatch!” Tut ordered to his hands.

“Open the hatch!” Like people shouted, opening the hatch of the warehouse.

“Good luck to Your Majesty!” The elephants gave Arthur their polite salute.

“Good luck to this world too!” The King of Knights saluted back, driving the Fenir Golem to jump out of the warehouse!

Silver Shadow dashes in the dark ocean, surrounded by almost invisible pitch black.

It doesn’t require navigation, and ahead lies the endless plains of the Underdark.

It doesn’t need to know the direction, the darkest place is where it’s going.

“Arthur, go to sleep first.” Merlin had already been possessed by the Fenir Golem and controlled the golem’s actions, “The next battle will definitely not be won by me alone, you need to raise your essence. Accumulate.”

“I know.” But Arthur couldn’t sleep no matter what, he could only close his eyes for a while.

Bediver is dead, everyone is petrified, and the world is dead silent.

Even if the Dark God can be defeated, can this damaged world be restored to its true form?

In this world deeply polluted by darkness, is there really hope?

Even so, Bedivere’s voice kept repeating in Arthur’s head.

Don’t give up hope!

Eastern Europe, in front of the wall of the world.

The dark deity stopped in front of the huge wall, silent for a moment.

As if summoned by the [darkness] on the other side of the wall, for reunion;

Or, just think the wall of the world is annoying;

The Dark God stretched out a hand and released a huge ball of darkness, smashing into the wall of the world!

Extraordinary power, ultra-high concentration of dark sub aggregates, has the amazing power of destroying the world.

The world has tried their best to make a flower mark on it, and the wall of the world, which is so strong that people can point it, collapses like a building block in front of the dark ball!

The countless metal blocks that collapsed were instantly petrified, and then turned into fly ash in the next instant! The dark ball pressed straight over, leaving a deep tunnel on this massive huge wall, leading directly to the eastern dark continent!

On the other side of the world hundreds of millions of dark creatures have been summoned, as if to worship the “God”.

They surging, wriggling, wriggling, and “kneeling” to God in their own hideous gestures.

The creatures eroded by darkness have no thoughts, no memories, and no senses.

But they have the instinct to worship something higher than them.

The [God] before them, this superior and sublime darkness, could not help but sneer. There was contentment and dismay on his dark face.

Let these dark armies wreak havoc in every part of the world! Let this world be destroyed and a new order be established!

Then, they will break through the obstruction of the [Great Storm] on Earth, rush into the universe, and bring the boundless darkness to every corner of the universe!

May [Silence] come and let the whole world be shrouded in silence!

May everything be in eternal peaceful sleep, no fighting, no killing, and no grief!

Let the world be a whole day, even time and space become one, eternal stagnation!

The world that never flows will have no fear and anxiety, it will be a sweet dream, a blissful paradise!

This is the peace and quiet that the darkness prays for, the silence of death!

However, the Dark God will not do so. A golden light rushed to the front of God, blocking the wall of the world.

Arthur raised the sheath of the king without a word, the [Spellbreaker] exploded, and the golden light ripped through the darkness!

The dark creatures that rushed forward were burnt to death by the golden light, and they all stopped and retreated in fear!

The sword of the holy king was submerged in the scabbard of the king, and under the impetus of more magic power sources, the [Spellbreaker] exploded again!

Golden light spreads in the dark night. The darker the world is, the brighter this golden light is!

[Spellbreaker] Blast, Blast, Blast! ! The continuous golden light is constantly emerging, diffusing to every corner of the surrounding, it repels the darkness and revives the frozen time.

The Dark God was scared half a step back by the dazzling light, and at the same time, the [Wall of the World] behind Arthur was also recovering. The huge wall with amazing resilience is no longer affected by the darkness, and the repair speed is lightning fast! In just ten seconds, the giant wall was completely blocked!

The Dark God was furious and looked at the horse in front of him.

The knight king riding on the silver warg golem doesn’t seem to be afraid of the dark.

The powerful protective shield of the Fenir Golem allows Arthur to operate in the boundless darkness of the world, and has the last resort against the dark gods.

However, all this is ridiculously small.

In the face of the power of [God], human beings are just a grain of sand in the sea, a speck of dust in the universe.

“Small creature, why are you struggling?” The voice of the Dark God resounded throughout the world, full of majesty and terror.

“Because… I have hope.” The King of Knights drew his sword: “Albert, wake up! This is not what you should be! This is not what Bedivere wants to see you!”

“I’m not Albert. I’m a god.” The **** of darkness stretched out his hand and transformed into a very black magic sword – a magic sword that was entangled in endless darkness and was still dripping dark liquid. — Tyr Feng.

“Stupid human.” A black dragon was born at the feet of the dark god, and he instantly rode on the back of this extremely black dragon: “Just let you see the gap between us!”

Hey! ! The black dragon roared and took off!

“Merlin, the control of the golem is all up to you!” Arthur tied the golem’s seat belt to his body, jumped on the wolf’s back, and raised his sword to fight!

He had already expected a fierce battle, and only hoped that with this death battle, he would create a miracle!

The black dragon attacked, and Albert on the dragon’s back drew hundreds of sword flowers. The darkness gushing from the magic sword suddenly blended with each other, turning into black sword arcs, sweeping towards Arthur!

The black arc formed by these dark sub-solutions is as sharp as a blade, and inherits the characteristics of the Slashing Demon Sword [Cut Time and Space], which can be said to be invincible!

Merlin is attached to the Warg Golem, controlling the giant metal monster as if he were controlling his own body. He jumped and ran swiftly, deftly dodging the attack of the black arc.

Arthur, who was on the wolf’s back, saw the opportunity. When the black arc came and Merlin couldn’t dodge, Arthur moved the Holy Griffin Shield and used the absolute defense of the shield to deflect away the darkness. attack!

After several rounds, although Albert is a “god” and has an absolute advantage in power, he cannot hurt this person!

Albert, who was a little impatient, released a huge dark ball into the air, the dark ball burst, and shot billions of dark darts!

Fist-sized dark darts rained down, pressing down on the King of Knights with overwhelming force. Even if the Griffin Shield can block it for a while, it is impossible to prevent all the rain of darkness! And being hit once, this person will instantly become petrified when he rides, and there is no hope of victory!

Arthur smiled and put away the holy sword. Instead of deploying the Griffon Shield, he moved the [Spellbreaker]!

The golden light explodes, purifying the darkness! Although the falling dark rain was as sharp as a knife, it lost its terrifying petrification ability.

The golden light exploded again, purifying more rain of darkness.

The golden light explodes continuously! Purify the darkness again and again!

With the Sword of the Holy King in its sheath, Arthur’s [Spellbreaker] will be able to connect. Controlling the frequency of movement can completely prevent the rain of darkness!

“Uh ah ah ah ah!” The Dark God released more dark **** and rained down dense rain of darkness.

No use! The golden light began to rise and fall, reflecting each other, infinitely superimposed! Their interference range is very large, enough to prevent the dark rain from falling and hurting Arthur’s ride!

“Hey, hey, Albert, you have this kind of power, so you claim to be a god?” The King of Knights sneered, “Show your real kung fu!”

No matter how dense the rain of darkness, the King of Knights is no match. While realizing this, Albert also changed his tactics.

He transformed into a gigantic, three-hundred-foot blade of darkness, sweeping toward the King of Knights! !

Arthur is also quick-witted and draws his sword! It is also a huge golden light blade of 300 feet, which happened to meet Albert’s dark blade!

Touch! ! The blade of darkness and the blade of light collided sharply, evenly divided!

Until both decay at the same time, Albert retracts his sword and strikes again from the other direction! !

Arthur also saw the opportunity and drew the golden giant blade!

Touch! The golden blade and the black blade collided again, offsetting!

Pick up! ! Albert draws out the dark giant blade with increasing speed!

Shake Shake! Arthur also used color at a faster The Sword of the Holy King continued to overtake, and the golden light blade sprayed out was big and small, but it always corresponded to the opponent’s attack one by one, and it was always incomparably appropriate. Power to block the opponent’s attack!

The blade of darkness and the blade of light dance wildly in the night sky, endlessly entangled, shining, and slaying!

Even with his god-like powers, Albert couldn’t prevail in the battle against Arthur! The King of Knights is resourceful and has unimaginably rich combat experience.


The huge dark ball with a diameter of 300 feet rolled over, which was exactly the trick that opened a big hole in the wall of the world just now!

The powerful dark ball that can easily destroy the walls of the world will soon devour the King of Knights! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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