Light Spirit Epic Chapter 602: The twists and turns in the return (5)

Chapter 602 The twists and turns in the return (5)

At the same time, Fort Brindisi.

“Huh?” Arthur followed General Selnas to the dungeon, and the more he went down, the more puzzled he became. Why is Bedivere in such a place?

When Sernas brought Arthur to the prison, Arthur’s doubts deepened.

In the dungeon, a figure is busy eating.

He seems to be very hungry and is now gorging himself on the food with relish.

Arthur seems familiar with such a vulgar way of eating. Bedivere eats and drinks like this when he is hungry.

However, there seems to be a difference. Does Bedivere look like this?

“Your Majesty!” Knight Cador saw King Arthur’s presence, and immediately knelt down and salute.

Arthur waved his hand, telling Cador to stay silent.

“Beddie?” he called.

The tiger man put down the spoon in his hand and turned to look at Arthur: “Ah, Arthur?! You are finally back!”

It’s true that Bedivere is good. Although his appearance has changed, his voice has changed, but Bedivere’s gestures, every little movement are inscribed in his soul, and Arthur can recognize it at a glance.

“Yes, I’m back.” The King of Knights smiled, “I have a lot to tell you, but now, let me confirm a few things first.”


“General Sirnas, release this child from the prison.” Arthur ordered.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. This is the only thing I can’t do.”

“I won’t say it a second time.” Arthur put on the air of king, “I really want me to ask your Roman emperor for his approval?”

“No, this ——“

“That’s my knight, and I’m going to release him from prison now. Dissatisfied?”

“No, how dare you——” In desperation, Cernas instructed his subordinates. The soldiers opened the cell door.

The cell door creaked open, and Albert (Bediveville) rushed out.

“Arthur!” The tiger man walked up to the king of knights and wanted to give a hug, “I have a lot to say to you——“

“Those will be discussed later.” Arthur pushed him away (because El was so dirty), put his hands on the tiger boy’s face, and looked up and down, left and right.

No, it’s a tiger. It looks like a tiger anyway.

Could it be that the death of the white wolf changed the law of causality and turned Bedivere from a wolf to a tiger? is it possible?

No, the world is full of wonders. Arthur once used the power of the [Fourth Miracle] to change the lives of the three Palamidis and his sons, and even changed their names.

It’s not impossible for a werewolf to become a tiger man…isn’t it?

“Beddie,” Arthur asked, just in case, “Think about it, has your body changed recently? For example, lack of some kind of emotion…. ..or memory, etc.”

Albert (Beddieville) didn’t understand Arthur’s question, but replied with a blank expression: “It doesn’t seem to have changed much…I think?”

The death of the Holy White Wolf left Bedivere forever without the memory of his brother Papalov. It’s not [forgotten], but, from the beginning, I didn’t know about Papalov’s brother.

So, even if he was asked “what he forgot”, he couldn’t remember it.

What does not exist in memory, did not exist in the first place.

“Really?” Knowing that it was useless to ask, Arthur quickly gave up.

(Only long-term observations can find out what Bedivere lost.)

(Since he has no consciousness of [what he has lost], then the things he lost are probably insignificant and will not affect Bedi’s life, right?)

(That’s fine.)

Arthur sighed, “Let’s go, the battle on the German side is urgent, and I may need your help.”

“Your Majesty?!” Cernas couldn’t hold back anymore. It’s acceptable to release this dangerous orc from prison, but King Arthur actually wants to take this orc away? !

“What?” Arthur glanced at the Roman general: “You want to get in my way again? Do you want to die, General Cernas?”

“But, Your Majesty, he is a dangerous orc——“

“I’m also very dangerous, do you want to lock me up too?”

Cernas was speechless when questioned. The Grand Duke of Lyon Dickens was holding back a painful smile, his face turned black, and he almost suffocated.


Just then, Arthur’s stomach made a loud noise.

Arthur looked away, hiding the shame on his face.

“Don’t tell me, Arthur, you haven’t had dinner yet?” Bedivere turned around and grabbed the drumstick from the plate. “This is a good thing I saved for last. Do you want to eat it?”

Cernas was shocked: “Bold! He actually handed the lowly prisoner’s food to His Majesty——“

“Thank you, Brady.” Arthur casually took the drumstick and ate it in front of everyone.

No, it doesn’t count as eating in front of people. The chicken leg disappeared at lightning speed in Arthur’s hands, and in the blink of an eye only bones remained.

“Well, it tastes a bit strange. Is it Roman?” Arthur took the handkerchief Leon Dickens offered him and wiped his mouth.

“I’ll never learn your magic trick of eating in an instant.” Albert (Bediver) glared at him.

“Then,” Arthur turned to Cernas, “It’s none of your business here, General Cernas. Go and do what you should.”

A drop of cold sweat fell from the forehead of Cernas.

Freeing Albert is a secondary issue.

King Arthur ate the poisoned drumstick, and something was going to happen.

Poisoning His Majesty the Allied King!

If it is found out that he is the mastermind of this incident, it will not be enough for Sirnas to die a thousand times!

But he couldn’t tell the inside story of the incident, so he had to hurriedly retreat.

“?” Grand Duke Hall heard the news of King Arthur’s arrival, and hurried to the dungeon, just passing by Cernas. (The other party didn’t seem to see Hall and was thinking about other things.)

“Your Majesty!” Hall exclaimed as soon as he saw the crown on Arthur’s head, “Congratulations, Your Majesty! Your Majesty is mighty!”

“Stop coming.” Arthur looked at Hall, “Hall, what happened here? Why did my knights——”

“It’s not Duke Hall’s fault, it was I who offered to swap bodies with Al.” Albert (Bediveville) rushed to defend Hall.

“Swap bodies?” Arthur wondered.

“It’s the [Soul Exchange Stone], the national treasure of Pantoracken.” The Holy Spirit Crown on Arthur’s head spoke.

Arthur looked at Hall, and then quickly scanned Albert’s body.

The image of a cat came to the mind of the King of Knights.

Hall’s cat, Wallace.

The white tiger boy in the cell.

Cernas’ unnatural attitude.

With his amazing ability to integrate logic, Arthur understood everything in an instant.

He was annoyed: “Hall, you are so daring. You use the national treasure of Pantoracken privately, just to take advantage of my face to save your son?”

“ What a meow?!” The tiger man boy exclaimed.

“My sins deserve ten thousand deaths!” Hall knelt down and begged for sin.

Arthur looked at the tiger boy again: “Beddie, is this the friend you mentioned?”

“Yes. He is Albert.” Albert (Bediveville) casually talked about the owner of his body, as if introducing a friend he thought was not there to Arthur.

Arthur snorted: “Is this the reincarnation of Karma (destiny)? A life that should have disappeared has returned to this world in the form of a time-space projection——“


“No, it’s nothing.” Arthur looked at Hall and said unceremoniously, “You have a good plan, old fox.”

“Your Majesty is wise, His Majesty has seen through everything.” Hall still knelt on the ground and sighed.

“Fate always favors you.” Arthur sneered, “Well, let’s talk about your punishment later. Just keep on guarding Brindisi.

I, Brady and Leon Dickens are going to Germany, help me prepare transportation. “

“Your Majesty, please use the dragoon of the sinner. If you use that, you should be able to reach Prague before dawn tomorrow.”

“Very well, get ready now,” Arthur ordered.

Hall nodded and stepped back to run errands.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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