Light Spirit Epic Chapter 553: Dive into the Dark Abyss (16)

Chapter 553: Sneak into the dark abyss (sixteen)

Within a quarter of an hour, the rest of the people who went to rest also rushed back to the control room. When Elaine, the bear boy, arrived, he hid behind Constantine with shame.

“It’s about to go ashore, all sit down and keep quiet.” Tristan put away his smile and sat back on his captain’s seat to command.

The Ice Crystal is expected to make landfall in the seaport of Tulcea, southeast of the Romanee Territory. The time happened to be in the evening. Although it was a good choice to go ashore with the help of the dark twilight, it would inevitably be ambushed by the enemy, and the process of landing would probably be very dangerous.

“Confirm again,” Ivan asked in a low voice, “Are you sure the enemy thought we were dead?”

“Well, God knows.” Tristan shook his head.

The bottom of the Black Sea is dark and hidden, and the Ice Crystal sailed all the way under its cover without being attacked. Once ashore, the situation is completely different: everyone walks in the wilderness of Romany, like a live target, and will be attacked by the fox people at any time. Their security is based entirely on [not being detected by the enemy], which is… not very reliable from the start.

The ship floated silently from the bottom of the sea, kept barely touching the bottom of the sea, and slowly docked.

“Turn on the optical camouflage to the maximum. Let’s go ashore,” Tristan commanded.

The shell of the [Ice Crystal] has the ability to deflect light, and it looks almost transparent from the outside world. With an additional layer of enchantment protection, its transparency has been enhanced again. The boat is safely parked among the reefs on the coast, hiding itself perfectly in the black sea reefs, almost blending in with the environment.

“Okay, there is nothing abnormal around, let’s go.” Evan waved his hand while warning.

Tristan jumped out of the hatch first and landed lightly on a large flat rock in front of him.

Ivan jumped down immediately. He calculated the rhythm of the tide hitting the coast, so that the impact of the landing was drowned out by the tide.

The very conspicuous dragon man Golem Bols is covered in a black cloak with a metallic luster all over his body. He picked up the white bear boy Elaine and jumped off the boat, landing (surprisingly) silent.

Mage Merlin used a light fall technique and floated down lightly. He controlled the magic so skillfully that the excess light emitted when the magic was used was suppressed so that it was almost invisible.

Jaglow and Pasiva also jumped down. Although their movements were not very light, they did not make much noise.

Lian Yin brought Constantine down, and also used the light fall technique to come down. Her control over magic was no less than that of Mage Merlin, and the excess light of magic only appeared for a moment, and it was so dim that it was almost invisible.

Bediveville (Albert) also tries to land lightly. Inside him was Albert’s consciousness, and the big cat still landed in his feline way, landing on all fours at the same time, spreading the impact.

“Huh?” Evan groaned. Bedivere’s movements didn’t look the same as usual?

The last thing left is Ryder the Rabbit. He was about to jump off the boat when a strong wind suddenly came. The half-jumped rabbit was overturned by the strong wind and fell to the ground with an ugly clatter.

“Shh! Be quiet!” Evan urged in a low voice.

“Hug, sorry…” Ryder reluctantly got up and patted the mud on his body.

“The clothes you just changed are dirty again. I really can’t help you.” Tristan said with a sneer, “My brother will give you a bath when you go back, hehe.”

“No thanks!” Rabbit sullen.

“Now,” Evan turned to Elaine the white bear: “Can you feel anything? Where is the destination?”

“Ugh…” The white bear boy clutched his forehead and sensed attentively. From the moment he entered Romani’s territory, he had a very nasty feeling. Now, he’s trying to find the most annoying one out of those annoying feelings.

Full of malice, thick as a quagmire, with a rotten breath, whispering hatred and resentment.

You can’t go wrong. The endless darkness is here.

“In…. in that direction.” Elaine held out her finger. His instinct made him want to run away from it immediately, but his fingers seemed to be magnetically attracted, pointing to the [dark place] impartially.

“Northwest?” Although he had long expected that things might turn out like this, Evan was still not happy to see this.

Whatever Elaine pointed out, it’s in the interior of Romanee Territory. This means that this expedition may need to cover hundreds of kilometers of land, and this road cannot be completed within a few days or nights, and the dangers can be imagined.

“Is it really like this?” Tristan also expected all this, and immediately sighed: “Going on the ground is not a pleasant thing. Let’s rely on my little friend.”

The murloc prince instantly summons his familiar, an ice mole.

“Let’s do it.” Tristan gave an order. The Ice Mole had already burrowed into the ground and dug a hole in an instant.

“Mole?” Bedivere (Albert) whispered as he walked over to Tristan. “It seems like a long way to go. Can your little mole take it?”

“It can dig for three days and three nights in the eternal ice wall of diamond hardness without getting tired.” Tristan explained impatiently, “This dirt is nothing at all.”

The murloc prince turned his head and instructed the merman crew: “You stay to guard the [Ice Crystal], and if there is any movement, hide in the deep sea. Wait quietly until we come back, you know?”

“Yes, Your Royal Highness.” The mermaids saluted respectfully.

Tristan didn’t wait for the mermen to finish speaking, but he jumped into the tunnel first.

“What are you waiting for? Catch up,” urged Tristan.

Watching everyone jump into the cave, Ryder subconsciously touched the [Lord of Time and Space] in his hand and jumped in.

Clap! Something broke when it hit the ground. That’s the Achilles tendon in the rabbit’s heel.

I fell when I jumped off the boat, and my left foot, which was in pain, was now sprained by another strong impact.

“Ouch.” Rabbit muttered in a low voice.

“What’s wrong?” Everyone looked back at Ryder in surprise.

“Twisted his foot.” Rabbit tried to stand up, but tears came down from the pain.

“There were injured people just after the departure. How unlucky.” Evan groaned.

“I’ll take a look.” Merlin walked over to check on Ryder’s injury: “This is serious. The tendons are all twisted. How can you bunny be so weak…”

It shouldn’t have been that way. Ryder thought. This is actually one of the old wounds I got when I travelled through the [Great Storm] with the [Silver Shadow]. It was only a few days after the cure, and I didn’t expect it to recur by accident.

“Don’t say it, just help me connect.”

“It’s just a small operation, don’t worry. It’s just time-consuming.” Merlin turned to the crowd and said, “Let’s go first, I’ll cure the rabbit and catch up later.”

“That’s not possible.” Evan frowned. The lack of Ryder in the team has nothing to do with it, but Archmage Merlin must not be lacking.

Only Merlin and Renine in the team can use teleportation, and in an emergency, it is up to them to escape. One less person means more danger.

“Is that okay?” Tristan has already raised his hand to collect the moisture in the air to create a large block of ice. He continued to shape the ice, eventually creating a sled big enough to seat four people.

“I see, so I can do the surgery with peace of mind.” Merlin picked up the rabbit and walked onto the sled, “But——“

“Got it, make the tunnel as flat as possible, right?” Tristan hurriedly replied, “That’s not a problem.”

Originally it was a tunnel dug by an ice mole rat, and then using ice magic to fill in the small pits and holes on the ground, it is not a problem to make a flat road.

Although very troublesome.

“…You don’t have to do this. Leave me alone.” Ryder whispered, his tone filled with guilt.

“We never leave our companions behind.” Evan said, “Let’s go.”

In this way, the Ice Mole digs the hole to open the road, Tristan uses magic to fill the road, and the dragon man Golem Bolls pulls the sleigh, and the group marches forward in a mighty northwest direction.

Ryder sat on the sled watching all this, but his face was very ugly.

(Why do you take all this for granted?)

(Can you give me a reaction? Despise me, scold me, hate me, okay?)

(Why not?)

(Why… be so nice to me?)

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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