Light Spirit Epic Chapter 444: Moving to disaster (4)

Chapter 444 of the calamity (four)

The cool wind that swept across the male star’s face brought great comfort to the dragon. He has flown countless times in the sky, and he has not seen such scenery before. But this was the first time he had run so close to the ground, and the surrounding scenery flew in front of him, bringing the thrill of extreme speed. It turns out that running on the ground can also be so free, and freedom is not the patent of creatures flying in the air.

The sky shows pure sky blue, and the sea is a deep and boundless blue. The two tones are tanned together in a high-speed world, revealing a harmonious scene.

The evil star watched carefully from the horse’s back, in order to keep all this in the memory forever. —— In order to really live, he needs to look carefully.

After reaching the coast, the Roman emperor stopped by a strait. It was a bowl-shaped atoll with a small lake a dozen feet wide on the shore at low tide.

“I have brought Alexander to this place countless times. This is our favorite campsite.” The Roman emperor jumped off his horse, and the evil star got off the horse curiously, leaned over and asked, “What are you doing– -“

The emperor drew his sword.

“——What?!” Before the evil star could finish speaking, the emperor had already swung out a sword. The sword’s edge stopped in front of the dragon’s throat, only half an inch away from cutting his throat.

“Tell me.” The Roman Emperor murmured in a low voice: “Why are you so like Alexander. Even the little things are exactly like him. What did you do to Alexander?”

“——As I said, he is alive in my body…” Shaxing replied in a low voice.

“…You ate him, right?” The emperor’s tone changed from low to tough, from questioning to questioning. He has been observing the evil star for a long time, and this doubt has slowly formed in his mind, and now he just wants to take the opportunity to ask the evil star—if he doesn’t ask now, he may not have the opportunity to ask in the future.

The evil star did not answer. His golden eyes looked at the Roman Emperor Justin I, not guilt or guilt, but pure sadness.

“Why don’t you speak? Answer me!”

When Alexander appeared in front of the dragon, the boy was helpless. The dragon wasn’t happy to eat him. However, even explaining it to Justin I was of no use. Sha Xing’s words are just self-justification, and no one will believe it.

Also, the evil star doesn’t have much time left. When he died, Alexander died with him. The sadness in the dragon’s eyes was not for himself, but for the emperor in front of his compassion: Justin I was about to lose his son again. This time, lost forever.

The selfish dragon, for the first time, took pity on others.

“Humph!… It’s useless to ask you, right.” The emperor sighed and retracted his sword: “Enough, don’t worry about it. Let’s have lunch.”

“Lunch? Here?—“

Before the dragon could finish speaking, Justin I had already waved his sword towards the water. His blade was enchanted with high-frequency vibration, and the moment it touched the water surface, a violent shock wave was raised. It looked like a white wave on the water, but on the bottom it was like a gust of wind blowing through, instantly shaking dozens of sea fish into a daze, and they surfaced feebly one after another.

“Hehe, a great harvest.” King Justin I laughed and jumped into the water to catch fish: “Go, Alexander, while I cut the fish, go and pack some firewood. This lunch will be very rich. .”

Sha Xing said nothing, turned and walked towards the woods by the coast.

Twenty minutes later, a skewer of fish and meat, which was pierced by branches and grilled by the campfire, was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and was put into the mouth by the evil star.

That should be a kind of cod. Because there is no seasoning, the taste is relatively mild, but after being scorched, there is a faint tempting aroma. Long tried to take two bites, and immediately devoured it.

“Is it delicious?”

“Well, it’s okay.” The evil star didn’t stop, and agreed vaguely while eating.

“Eat this too.” Justin I brought a half-open sea urchin. The thorny sea creature was cut in half, like a small bowl, containing the golden-colored sea urchin meat. Steamed sea urchins, which are heavily wrapped in leaves, exude a tantalizing sweetness.

Shaxing took the sea urchin and used a knife to dig out the sea urchin meat and put it in his mouth. The taste is not too bad, but there is a bitter and volatile pungent taste. When the sea urchin meat slid down the throat, its sweetness became more intense.

Sea urchin meat is full of magical flavors that dragons have never eaten before. There are countless delicacies in this world, and it would be nice to have more time to taste these delicacies.

(I don’t want to die. I really want to live longer.)

(There is so much happiness in this world that I have never tasted, if I die like this, I will not be reconciled!)

(Does Alexander, who was on the verge of death, feel the same way?)

Seeing Xinghuilong who was silently shivering and shivering, the Roman emperor snorted softly: “I have one thing to repent of. I am sorry for Alexander.

My political enemies kidnapped Alexander and threatened me with his life. However, I did not surrender to them. I even sacrificed my own son in order to become the emperor. The one who really killed him was not you, but the sinful man. “

Shaxing paused for a while, then put down the half-eaten grilled fish: “If you had to choose again, would you give up the throne and save Alexander?”

The Roman Emperor had a calm expression on his face: “No. It is my dream to revive Rome again. For this dream, I have worked hard all my life and sacrificed everything. It is impossible to give up under the threat of others. Even if they threaten me with their son’s life. I am indeed sorry for Alexander, but I will not regret my choice.”

Tears fell from the eyes of the blond boy, and he didn’t even know why. He couldn’t stop himself from crying. Perhaps it was a part of Shaxing’s body that wasn’t originally a dragon crying.

“You’re such a cruel person.” Shaxing whispered, wiping his blurry eyes.

“I know…I know. I’m sorry, Alexander.”

The evil star cried even harder. He confuses his own background with that of Alexander, and he can’t tell which is his own memory and which is the memory of others. The dragon in the chaos only remembers that he was abandoned by his parents and cast aside by his clansmen, and lived alone and lonely.

Live, but never really live. It’s almost the end of my life now. Ahead of him was just more darkness and loneliness, coldness and emptiness.

Live, but it is meaningless to live.

That is, how unbearable.

A large hand was placed on the blond boy’s head.

“Don’t cry.” The Roman emperor only said briefly. The voice was low and powerful.

Shaxing removed his hand from wiping his eyes, and at that moment, he really saw the figure of Dragon Emperor Titans in his blurred eyes.


“It’s obviously me who is at You shouldn’t cry for me. I won’t allow it.” The emperor whispered. His big hand pressed harder on Shaxing’s head, and the dragon could feel the warmth of the opponent’s hand.

What is this? This wonderful feeling, as if something warmed from the heart, spread to the whole body.

This feeling the dragon has never experienced before. The Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Queen have never loved the evil star. Therefore, Xinghuilong never knew what love was.

He just instinctively yearned for this warm feeling, thinking that it would be good to keep this warmth forever. In the cold and dead world he was about to face, he needed this warmth.

However, he eventually pushed the Roman emperor away.

That warmth doesn’t belong to Xinghui Longshaxing, it belongs to the young Alexander who once lived. This warm shelf life is over.

“It’s already noon. I’m sorry, I only have so much time for you for Alexander.” Long pretended to be calm and wiped the tears off his face, “The remaining half of the day is my own play time. Goodbye.”

He turned and stood up, jumped on the white horse, and prepared to leave.

“Alexander… son, goodbye.”

“My name is Shaxing.” The dragon patted the white horse’s back, and the little white horse neighed and walked away.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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