Light Spirit Epic Chapter 155: Redemption in the Shackles (Part 2)

Chapter 155 Redemption in the Shackles (Part 2)

Greenville walked into the farmhouse and looked at the leopard boy who was still huddled, (pretend) softly whispered: “Don’t be afraid, child. My sister is going to perform a minor operation for you now. Repair your damaged internal organs first. Then your body will be back to health soon. I hope you don’t be afraid of surgery and be brave, okay?”

The leopard boy To’vir looked at Greenwell, as if trying to understand her words.

“Nod your head if you agree to the operation. Shake your head otherwise?” Greenville asked.

The leopard boy thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

“Good boy.” Greenville said, while reaching out to touch the leopard boy’s abdomen, “Is it painful here? The peritoneum is about to be torn. Don’t worry, after the operation, take a rest for three or four days. , it won’t hurt right away.”

After some arrangements, a tent-like sterile operating room was deployed in the farmhouse, while Greenville was busy preparing various surgical equipment.

“Do you have to perform surgery here? Don’t the Knights of the North have a more complete operating room?” Arthur asked suspiciously.

“I don’t think it would be a good idea to just take this kid into an unfamiliar environment. And, even if you do, to apply for permission to use the operating room for an outsider would be a lot of tedious procedures. Greenville said, “Don’t worry, although it is such a simple portable sterile room, it is still very safe to use. It was also used for Kay’s surgery before——“

“Wait a minute, what?! Did you operate on Kay? When, where? The surgery for what?!” Arthur hurriedly asked, “Has Kay been seriously injured?! He How is it now?!”

“Does this have anything to do with the fact that you asked me for serum before?!”

In the face of Arthur’s series of questions, Greenville revealed an expression of [No, I missed it! ], [It’s so troublesome to explain! ] expression.

She waved her hand and said perfunctorily: “Since you are so worried, why don’t you ask him yourself? Why do you ask me, an outsider, instead of me?”

Arthur frowned and said nothing.

Ten minutes later.

“Okay, I’m going to start the operation, let’s all go out. Unless you want to see the **** scene where I disembowel people.” Greenville said.

“I’ll stay here.” Arthur said coldly, “Lianne, do you see any problem with this? I had hoped that you could deploy here with protection spells ready to use at any time.”

“This machine can handle extreme conditions, no problem.” Lotus sound mechanically said.

Tristan took a peek at the sharp scalpel: “Well, I’m used to seeing all kinds of big scenes, and I’m not afraid of anything. However, there are so many people crowded here, and the air is really hot, so I’m still here. Keep watch outside.”

“Me too…” Bedivere shuddered when she saw Greenville holding a needle, and immediately slipped out.

“Huhu, a group of brave little boys.” Greenville sneered.

“You told them to go out?” Arthur spat.

“Noisy! I have to concentrate on the operation now, don’t disturb me!” Greenville said.

Arthur swallowed the words that came to his mouth, holding back his breath.

“Okay, I’m going to give you an anesthetic, don’t be afraid, okay?” Greenville said, stabbing the needle into Tover’s arm. At first the Leopard boy seemed a little scared, but he relaxed immediately and the anesthetic started to take effect.

“The operation begins.” Greenville picked up the scalpel and made the first incision on the Leopard Man’s abdomen with precision.

(After shaved) Tol’vir’s belly was oozing with a blood so thin that it was almost invisible The abdominal cavity of the leopard boy was opened.

“Sure enough, the situation is worse than expected.” Greenville said, “There is a lot of bruising, and the bruising has existed for a long time. It is estimated that the child has been abused so that it does not resemble a human shape, and has suffered a lot of internal bleeding. If it weren’t for the strong vitality of the Hungarians, he would have died countless times.”

“Humans have always been so cruel to aliens.” Arthur muttered.

“Do you need to be so nervous?” Greenville said, “Do you have to hold all your swords and be on guard for an operation?”

“Don’t worry about me, just concentrate on completing the operation.” Arthur said with his weapon, “I just have a bad feeling.”

“Ahahaha, a bad feeling? Could it be that there will be assassins attacking at this time—–“

“The enchantment sensed the invasion of the enemy, and the number…about sixty people.” Lian Yin said.

“Oh, Arthur, you crow’s mouth!” cried Greenville, “no matter what, stay here and don’t let anyone into the sterile room!”

“You don’t need to say that I have the same plan!” Arthur shouted, “Tristan and Bedivere! Separate to guard the front and rear doors! Lian Yin, don’t relax the protective barrier!”

The sound of fighting was heard outside the door, and it seemed that Tristan and Bedivere were not idle.

“Be careful Arthur! A few people missed and rushed into you!” yelled Bedivere outside.

As soon as he finished speaking, an assassin rushed in in front of the door! But before he took two steps, he was cut in half by Arthur with a sword!

“This is… a Romani?!” Arthur was a little surprised to see these diminutive foxmen. “Isn’t this an assassin sent by the parliament?!”

Two more foxmen broke through the window, one of them was immediately cut off by Arthur’s sword, and the other slipped through Arthur’s crotch and stabbed Arthur in the leg! While Arthur shrank his foot, he broke the guy’s rib with one foot, and then stomped on the assassin’s head with another foot!

Renine fired three fireballs, directly killing another assassin that Arthur had prepared for a sneak attack!

“There are more rushing in through the back door!” Tristan, who was guarding the back door, shouted and reminded.

“Tsk!” Arthur rushed near the exit of the bedroom and stabbed the assassin who was rushing towards him from the corridor there! Another Assassin slipped through the gap in the side of the previous one’s fall and attacked Arthur’s ribs. Arthur knocked down the opponent’s weapon with his elbow, and punched the assassin in the face. Taking advantage of the opponent’s rigidity, he slashed down with one sword, splitting the enemy in half from head to tail!

The magic ice spear that Renine fired pinned the foxman who jumped at Arthur’s back to the spear! Arthur swept away with a sword, smashing the enemy together with the ice!

“Is it over?” Greenville asked.

“No!” Arthur looked at the dust shaking off the roof, “They’re going to overturn the roof! Lian Yin, any means is fine, hold the roof up!”

As soon as the voice fell, the roof was blown up by the bombs made by the fox people! However, Lian Yin just caught up with the release of a tornado. The rubble that should have fallen in the explosion was immediately swept away by the tornado, and flew out like cannonballs, killing and injuring the assassins deployed on the roof, one by one flying all over the sky. .

Even so, several foxmen jumped off the roof and rushed towards Arthur! Arthur rushed over and chopped off one with a sword, then chopped off the other with a sword, and then smashed the other with one punch. With the ice arrow shot by Lian Yin, he killed the last one!

“Ha, ha, ha. Is it over?” Arthur asked, panting.

At the moment when Arthur was slack, the fox who should have been cut in half was split in two and rushed towards Greenville’s surgery tent at the same time!

It turned out that it wasn’t “one” fox man at all, but an illusion made by two fox men with extremely short stature stacked together! The cunning fox man actually thought of deceiving people in this way!

Arthur quickly chased after him and chopped off the head of one of the assassins with his sword! However, another assassin completely bypassed Lian Yin’s protective shield and rushed to the front of the operating room! The assassin raised a dagger full of poison and stabbed it, the blade pointed directly at the Leopard boy Tovir who was undergoing surgery!

“Ugh!” Tovir opened his eyes at this moment. At this critical moment, he reached out and grabbed the foxman’s hand, blocking the opponent’s poisonous dagger an inch away from his throat!

It’s not over yet! The foxman grabbed another poisonous dagger in his other hand and stabbed Tovir once again!

Arthur just arrived at this time, he had no time to hesitate, he could only stretch out his hand to take the blow! The dagger pierced Arthur’s arm fiercely, but Arthur also pierced the fox’s heart with one sword!

“Ouch! Damn fox bastard! Damn poison dagger!” Arthur cursed one after another as he endured the pain in his arm.

“Get out of the sterile room and find a way to make up the tent! Do you want to ruin the operation?!” Greenville roared.

“Got it!” Arthur slammed out, when Tristan rushed OK, OK! I’ll try if this works! “

Tristan pulled the torn tents together, then immediately used ice magic to freeze the large openings between the tents together, and then sealed some small holes with ice, and one ice wall was completely Freeze and gag the torn tent.

“Okay!” Greenville asked Tovel while spraying the sterilizing spray everywhere, “Why did the effect of the anesthetic wear off so quickly?! Do you feel pain? Do you want to give you another anesthesia? ?”

The leopard boy shook his head, indicating to continue in this situation. The **** operation did not frighten him, this child is probably used to such a scene.

“Okay, the operation is almost finished, please bear with me a little longer!” Greenville continued the rest of the operation at a high speed and smoothly. It didn’t take long for all the sutures to be completed, and the abdominal cavity of the leopard boy was used. The catgut is sutured.

“Ugh.” The sweaty Leopard boy saw the operation was over, his tense nerves finally loosened, and he immediately fainted.

“Looks like that’s for sure.” Arthur had already carefully pulled out the dagger stuck between his arm bones. The poison on the dagger made him a little dizzy, “These foxmen are not here to kill us. Yes, their purpose is to kill this kid. Why would a group of foxmen kill a leopard kid? That’s weird.”

After speaking, Arthur collapsed beside the table with a snap.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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