Light Spirit Epic: Part 1: World View (3) Regional Introduction


1/04: Geographical Introduction

World map: /zQajxlr

1/04/01: Regional Introduction (1): The Grand Wall

From the South Pole, it circles the earth and finally divides the earth into two halves, a huge wall. Historical data records that several ancient civilizations worked together to build, the materials used are still a mystery, and it has ultra-high hardness walls. The most powerful weapon of the existing human beings can’t even draw a trace of flower marks on the wall of the world.

In continental Europe, the western cross-section of the World Wall is at about 40 degrees east longitude. Since no one knows the thickness of the World Bi, it is impossible to speculate on the exact location of its eastern cross-section. But scientists have tried to measure the thickness of the World Wall using a variety of sonic measurements, and a rough measurement is that the World Wall is about 1,000 kilometers wide.

1/04/02: Introduction to the region (1): The Relucent domain

The human settlements formed by Pantolaken and the coastal countries of Western Europe, including Sweden, Norwich, Switzerland, Prominence, France, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine), etc., are called [Bright Regions]. Almost unaffected by the shadow of the World Wall, the average daily sunshine time is long, the land is fertile and warm, it is an ideal living environment, and it is also a coveted land by the Hungarians (orcs).

1/04/03: Territory Introduction (2): The Twilight domain

The homeland of the Hungarians generally refers to the entire area of ​​Eastern Europe affected by the shadow of the [Wall of the World]. Since the world wall is a very high obstacle, the sunlight in the dark area from morning to noon will be largely blocked by the world wall, causing the average daily sunshine time in most areas of the dark area to be no more than six hours, creating a dark area. The cold and desolate region.

The Underdark covers an area of ​​approximately 6 million square kilometers, 90 percent of which is uncultivated wasteland or swamp. It is not only cold and desolate, but also full of various terrifying giant beasts. Humans cannot survive in this harsh natural environment, and only Hungarians with strong vitality can barely survive.

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