Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 654: I’m working in an infinite stream (54)

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“Why did you kill those things.” A player asked Hua Wu in a low voice, he no longer called them people.

Last night they were still suspicious.

But seeing these other eight people today, they no longer have any doubts that these things are definitely not players.

Hua Wu slowly wiped her hands, “Make room for them.”

Player: “???”

Hua Wu gave him a look: “If you don’t kill them, are you going to play Lianliankan, so that they will disappear face to face?”

Since they show up with the same face, the two sides will either break out into conflict or become more difficult to fight together.

No matter which one, it is their group of players who are unlucky.

So it is necessary to strike first to avoid conflict.

She’s doing this for everyone’s sake!

Today is also a day of empathy and helpfulness!

Player: “…”



The clock reaches eleven o’clock, and the quiet waiting room seems to be locked in a different dimension, and the people sitting in all directions are like frozen sculptures.

The red-haired spirit boy who didn’t know where to hide suddenly appeared with a stack of new registration forms in his hand.

The registration form is the same as before.

No changes have been made to Flower Mist and Time Sorrow, so they fill up quickly.

But it’s harder for players who lose a partner.

The eight people on the opposite side don’t know anything, how do they determine their relationship?

If the relationship is wrong, will they also be possessed?

Someone looked up at the eight people on the opposite side, and saw the person on the opposite side looking at them with a strange look.

Meeting the player’s gaze, the man over there smiled again and lowered his head as if nothing had happened.

Players are anxious and uneasy, they know there are dire consequences for filling in wrong, but they don’t know what the consequences are for not filling in.

“It’s better to kill them too.” Seeing them so tangled, Hua Wu kindly gave them advice.

“Kill… kill them?”

“Anyway, I’m pretty sure they’re not players now, so what can’t be killed?” Hua Wu spreads his hands: “This can’t be a way to save people.”


Although I feel that Hua Mist’s proposal is a bit outrageous, but…what’s the matter with a little heartbeat.

The eight people have filled it out long ago, they just need to get their relationship form and copy it according to what they filled out.

They will die if they fill in the wrong one…

And likely died inexplicably.

It’s better to fight.

When Hua Wu killed those eight people, it didn’t look difficult to kill.

A few people discussed and decided to fight.

Hua Wu was only in charge of making ideas and didn’t plan to help them, so she dragged Shiyou to find the best viewing spot.



These eight impostors are not as difficult to deal with as the previous two monsters. I don’t know if it is because the group attack power is also scattered, or it is another reason.

After the players killed the eight impostors, they got their registration form.

“…nothing is filled in.”

The relationship column on the registration form is blank.

“What the **** does this mean?”

“They’re dead, should we be safe for now?”

“So it’s fine if you don’t fill in?”

“This A-level copy is too difficult!”

The red-haired spirit boy appeared silently. He instinctively walked around the flower fog and walked to the other players, “Give me the registration form.”

People don’t know what the consequences of filling in or not filling in are, so some people choose to fill in the original, while others just leave it blank.

After the red-haired spirit boy left, a player said: “Let’s quickly find out what’s going on at this station, otherwise we’ll be too passive.”

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