Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 598: Delusions of the Starry Sky (36)

Miao Si sent a batch of battleships of the goddess sequence to Bai Xin. For this sequence of battleships, the legion must be careful against them. At this time, they are willing to fight against the Zerg with them, and Bai Xin is naturally happy.

And this also solves the problem of whether they want to retreat.

With the addition of the battleship of the Goddess of Life, they can last for a while until the ordinary people behind them evacuate.

The addition of Miao Si relieved their pressure.

But the number of Zerg far outnumbered them. After a long time, they still couldn’t hold it and began to withdraw.

“We won’t be able to hold on like this.”

“Is there any support yet?”

“What support is there, everyone’s troops are on the front line.”

“The Seventh Legion suffered heavy losses, and they have already retreated to Si Mingxing.”

“If we hadn’t had the support of the Goddess of Life, I’m afraid now…”

At the meeting, everyone looked solemn, and one after another, bad news hit them, pressing down their little confidence.


At this moment, someone came out from the next room, and the voice was faintly excited: “General, sirs, come and see.”

Persing got up first and entered the inner room.

The zerg around them are retreating.

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know, but it suddenly started withdrawing.”

“They looked… as if they were panicking.”

The evacuation of the Zerg is not an orderly evacuation, it is more like something happened and the whole team is in chaos.

The room was silent for a few seconds, and someone said their guess: “Is it the Zerg Queen…”




A deafening explosion resounded throughout the space, and surrounding buildings began to collapse.

Hua Wu sullenly supported Yin Feng and walked quickly through the narrow passage.

A few Zerg followed behind them, ignoring the collapsed environment and trying to grab them.

“You don’t mind me, you run by yourself.” Yin Feng wanted Hua Wu to let go of himself, he was injured and would slow her down.

It took them a lot of time to find the Zerg Queen before. Fortunately, some of the teams that were scattered with them also touched the vicinity.

After they meet, the final plan begins.

At first they planned to paralyze the Zerg Queen with drugs first.

However, the effect was not very good, and was discovered by the Zerg Queen.

So I can only temporarily adjust the strategy and bomb it directly.

The Zerg Queen is huge and inconvenient to move around, but there are many Zerg that can be driven around her.

It took a lot of effort to get the explosives to the Zerg Queen.

In the end, it’s the self-sacrificing attack of the avatar warriors that can detonate the explosives.

However, the Zerg Queen was not killed immediately, so they, the survivors, were full of hatred.

While fleeing, Yin Feng was accidentally injured.

If Huawu hadn’t come back to drag him, he’d probably still be in there now.

The explosion behind her continues. The Zerg Queen isn’t dead yet, but it shouldn’t be alive when all the explosives they set up are detonated.

The most important thing right now – get out of here.

Or else they’ll be buried here too.

“Don’t move.” Hua Wu was angry, “We came together, we have to go out together.”

If it’s thrown here and he crawls out on his own, that’s fine! !

He’s going to miss out!


“Shut up!”

Flower Mist growled at him impatiently.

The Zerg behind him caught up, Hua Wu pressed him beside him, held the weapon in one hand and shot back in a circle, then dragged him into another passage.

The ground shook and shook, and the whole world was falling apart, and the vicious Zerg rushed after them, their harsh roars scraping through their bodies and swinging back from the front.

The roar in my ear suddenly became a little distant.



Yin Feng didn’t quite remember how they escaped later, but when he woke up, he was already on a spaceship — the Zerg spaceship.

A humanoid warrior stood beside him, and when he saw that he was awake, he scanned his entire body without saying a word.

Ignore him after sweeping and go straight out.

Yin Feng: “…”

Yin Feng went out with the humanoid warrior, the Zerg spaceship passageway was oddly shaped, and the color was either black or gray.

He followed the humanoid warrior down two passages, and soon saw Huawu and the others.

Not many survived, and the Sims lost about the same amount, leaving only three.

“Mr. Yin is awake.” Someone saw him coming and greeted him immediately, “Is it better?”

“It’s fine.”

“Then come and sit down, we are having lunch…” Although it is a nutrient solution, it is more ceremonial for everyone to eat together.

“Is the Queen dead?”

“No.” Hua Wu said solemnly: “Am I not living well? You curse me to death when you get up. Is our revolutionary friendship so weak?”

Yin Feng twitched slightly and added, “…the Zerg Queen.”

The person next to him held back a smile: “It’s already dead. Thanks to Her Majesty the Queen, otherwise it wouldn’t be so smooth.”

Yin Feng: “…”

What else happened next?

Yin Feng walked over and there was only one seat left beside Hua Wu, so he had to sit next to her.

Flower Mist threw two nutrient solutions.

Yin Feng didn’t dislike it either. During the time he was on the run, he ate even more unpalatable things.

Yin Feng inquired about what happened later from these people.

After he passed out, several detonating points that had been arranged did not explode, and the Zerg Queen, who was injured but not dead, actually moved.

Its huge body is like a small monster, it constantly devours its own kind to restore its power.

It was Huawu who made the decision to let them go first, and she went back to detonate the explosives again.

If it weren’t for Huawu, they would probably have become the belly of the Zerg Queen by now.

Yin Feng waited for these people to leave one after another, and only after he and Hua Wu were left, did he ask her, “Aren’t you afraid of dying there.”

Hua Wu faced him, pointed to her face, and asked seriously: “Do you think I look like a short-lived person?”

Yin Feng: “…”

Is this kind of thing solvable?

“I am the chosen one.”

“Who selected?”

Flower Mist stretched out a finger and pointed to it.

“God?” Yin Feng hehe, “God probably got his head caught in the door.”

Flower fog: “…”

Hua Wu rolled her eyes, retracted her hand and put it in front of her, “How can a mortal like you understand what a great miracle my existence is.”

Yin Feng: “…”

Yin Feng took out two pills out of nowhere and put them in front of her, “Take some medicine.”

Flower fog: “…”

Yin Feng: “…”

The two looked at each other silently, and both felt that the other was sick.

Suddenly, Hua Wu suddenly came over and stared at him with a faint look, “I got you out, won’t you say thank you to me?”


Yin Feng took a deep breath~IndoMTL.com~ can’t deny that she was brought out by her.

He is still very aware of current affairs and sincerely thanked him: “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Hua Wu sat back contentedly, “Do you know what my greatest wish is?”

“Universal Peace?”

Hua Wu gave him a resentful look.

Yin Feng squeezed out a fake smile.

She doesn’t have a normal brain, and only this answer fits her temperament best.

As for her true wishes…

Yin Feng thinks it shouldn’t be a normal wish.

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