Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 595: Delusions of the Starry Sky (33)

It is of course impossible to catch Nianyang here to perform. Nianyang plays an important role in another line of defense.

Even if Nian Yang was really brought over, she wouldn’t be able to completely replicate the route the male protagonist took.

And the time is not right now, so it may not work.

After this plan was passed, Huawu quickly figured out another way.

The Zerg will capture humans, and these humans will not die immediately after being captured.

It is very likely that they were brought back to the Zerg Queen and used as petri dishes to contribute to the reproduction of the Zerg.

Humans who are favored by Heaven will also be favored by other species.

I will take it home to use it as fertilizer.


That’s the trouble with being human.

Of course this also provides them with convenience.

You can have people follow them back to find out where the Zerg Queen is, and if you have the opportunity, you can also take the opportunity to kill her.

Only if the Zerg Queen dies, the Zerg will be destroyed.

Hua Wu excitedly went to someone to discuss the plan.



“Your Majesty, an unidentified ship is approaching us.”

“Unidentified?” Hua Wu planned to go over to take a look. Just two steps away, there was a communication request on her personal terminal. She looked down and said to the others, “You guys go first.”

Wait for people to walk away, Huawu then connected, “Is something wrong?”

“I’m outside your home.”


Unidentified ship?

Half an hour later, Hua Wu boarded Yin Feng’s spaceship.

Hua Wu’s face is full of question marks, “What are you doing here?”

Yin Feng: “Passing by.”


How can I pass by to reach her.

Hua Wu was very considerate and did not dismantle it, and asked him: “Do you have anything to do with me?”

“Are you going to kill the Zerg Queen?”

“Um… how do you know?”

Yin Feng looked at her with a look of ‘I’m not stupid’: “If you don’t kill the Zerg Queen, the war will not end.”

Flower Mist silently applauded Da Clever, “I have already figured out how to find the Zerg Queen.”

Yin Feng: “You want to go in person when you find it?”

Hua Wu smiled: “Of course, saving the world is my innate duty.”

Yin Feng was silent and suddenly said, “I’m going too.”

Hua Wu snorted in disbelief: “This is a showdown between our queen and the queen, what are you going to do?”

Yin Feng: “???”

What queen vs queen showdown?

Yin Feng ignored her nonsense, “It won’t do anyone any good if the Zerg Queen doesn’t die.”

The Zerg don’t care if you are a pirate or someone else, as long as they are of a different race, they will all be attacked.

“I’m for the goddess of life.” Yin Feng added.

Hua Wu patted the table and said loudly: “Okay, be righteous! As expected of a brother who was born and died with me!”

Can’t a double halo deal with a Zerg queen?

The corners of Yin Feng’s mouth drooped down, “Who will die with you?”

Hua Wu exaggeratedly clutched her chest: “Have you forgotten the past when we lived and died together?”

Yin Feng suddenly got up and said indifferently, “It’s time for you to go back.”

Flower fog: “…”




One month later.

Huawu unites the major galaxies and wants a group of well-trained talents.

After all, this kind of thing that benefits the whole galaxy, can’t sacrifice all the people on her side, it’s too unfair.

Be a hero, everyone has a share!

Huawu didn’t let anyone else go, but let Bai Xin give it to a group of humanoid warriors.

They command better than humans and are more suitable for dangerous places.

After a few days of tacit training, everyone went to the nearest planet that was being infested by Zerg.

Yin Feng was neatly dressed and sat beside Hua Wu, “Why didn’t you bring your number one general?”

Fang Lang, the number one general who opened her mouth and closed her mouth, is not here at this time.

“He wants to stay behind.” Hua Wu said.

Fang Lang can’t go, Yin Feng can understand, after all, he only has the title of No.

He went, maybe Huawu had to spend all her energy to protect her number one general.


“Persing is also not going?”

Hua Wu: “Who commanded him when he left?”

“So, you’re going alone?”

“Isn’t this a human?” Hua Wu pointed at the others and the sim warrior: “Can’t you see them? Are your eyes okay?”

Yin Feng: “What if you die?”

“How could I die?” Hua Wu’s face wrote “what are you kidding” in big characters, “I won’t die if you die.”

The big heroine won’t die so easily! !


There’s no need to curse him like that.

Yin Feng was probably **** off by Hua Wu, so he didn’t speak anymore, turned his head and started to organize his equipment.

Someone next to Hua Wu asked Hua Wu to discuss a plan for a while, but the two didn’t speak any further.

until the ship lands.

It was night, but the entire planet was under constant artillery fire, and half of the sky was as bright as day.

They stalked through the barren areas and headed for the war zone.

Their mission is not to fight the Zerg, but to find an opportunity to sneak in and let the Zerg capture them.

The war zone was chaotic, and after they entered, they were quickly swept away by the Zerg.

But this was to be expected, so everyone went according to plan.

Flower Mist is lucky to be with most of the Sims warriors, and Yin Feng is also next to her.

Two hours later, Hua Wu, Yin Feng and others were successfully captured by the Zerg.

“Huh…that’s disgusting.” Hua Wu fell out of a cocoon-like thing, covered in sticky mucus.

Yin Feng pulled her up, “Are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” Hua Wu endured nausea and cleaned the mucus from her body, “Already come in?”


Huawu got the other people out first, and then checked the equipment, and found that there was no signal in it, and they couldn’t contact others.

Flower Mist: “I can only ask for more happiness.”

Yin Feng looked at the ‘cocoon’ hanging around him, “Do you want to let these people out?”

Hua Wu raised her eyebrows to look at him, and suddenly patted his shoulder, with the kindness of an old father, “Yes, there is love.”

Yin Feng: “???”

When they were in the ‘cocoon’, they didn’t feel breathing difficulties, and the mucus didn’t have any corrosive effect, so there should be nothing wrong before reaching the destination.

“It’s more dangerous for them to come out, just let them stay inside.” Hua Wu quickly made a decision.

Even if people are rescued ~IndoMTL.com~ they can’t send them away.

If they are discovered by the Zerg, they will eventually be unable to escape, and their mission will be affected.

Yin Feng is obviously not very caring, just ask.

Huawu said this, he accepted it readily, and began to look for an exit from here.

They have to hide in a safe place and wait for the Zerg to bring them to the Zerg Queen.

“What if they don’t go back?”

Hua Wu helped down the non-existent glasses and said in a deep voice, “Then we have to hijack this Zerg spaceship.”

Yin Feng: “…”

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