Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 593: Delusion of the Starry Sky (31)

Nian Yang woke up and found Hua Wu sitting beside him reading a book.

He subconsciously propped up his body and sat up: “Xiaoqi…Where’s Liu Shiquan?”

This is his room.

“Caught.” Hua Wu closed the book.

Nian Yang touched the wound on his arm, and the scar has been treated.

When Liu Shiquan shot him, he hit him hard and the shot missed.

He looked at Hua Wu, and there was some expectation in his heart.

She’s here waiting for him to wake up, is she worried about him too?

“Xiao Qi, I…”

Hua Wu cut off what he was about to say, “Since you’re awake, let’s talk.”

“…” Nian Yang met the girl’s serious eyes, and had no choice but to swallow her full stomach, “What do you want to talk about?”

Hua Wu went directly to the topic, “You have been my king for more than two years, and now that I am back, should I return it to me?”

Hearing this, Nian Yang was taken aback for a moment, puzzled and shocked, and there was some kind of complexity in his eyes.

For a while, Nian Yang pulled the corners of his mouth and seemed to speak with difficulty: “This throne is originally Xiaoqi’s, and it should be returned to you.”

During this time, everyone around him was saying that she would take the throne back.

Although he thought it was possible, he also took a chance.

Hearing her say it herself, Nian Yang realized that the little princess in his mind was gradually blurring.

Over two years, she became a complete stranger.

Hua Wu glanced at him, no matter what he was thinking, with a light tone, “It’s easy if you think so, set a time, publish an announcement, and then do the handover ceremony.”


Nian Yang agreed so readily, and Hua Wu had nothing to say.

“Then I’ll go first, and we’ll discuss it when the time is set.”

“You…you waited for me to wake up just to say this?”

“Or else?”


He thought…

Thinking she was worried about herself.

“Xiao Qi.”

Nian Yang stopped her.

“Do you hate me?”

“What do I hate you for?”


Hate him for not finding out the truth about her disappearance.

I hate him for being with the person who framed her, and I don’t see Liu Siwei’s true face.

Hate him for letting her wander outside for two years and suffer.

“I don’t hate you, because your little princess is gone.” Hua Wu turned and left.

Nian Yang watched Hua Wu go out and didn’t call her again.

When she left, Nian Yang’s security officer came in from outside, “Your Majesty, do you really intend to hand over the throne? Your two years of hard work…”

He was outside just now and overheard their conversation.

Nian Yang leaned on the pillow and lowered her eyes, “This throne was originally hers.”


Nian Yang suddenly asked, “How much has the garrison in the palace been replaced?”

The security officer said: “Except for those who are usually on our side, most of the rest are raw faces.”

He hadn’t paid much attention before.

After all, the garrison is in three shifts.

Except for those on Nianyang’s side, he couldn’t remember all of them.

This time with Liu Shiquan, he realized that something was wrong with the garrison.

The garrison was supposed to be in the hands of the king himself.

But when Nian Yang became king, the royal family did not hand over the management of the garrison army because he had just become king and there were too many things to do.

So now the management is still with the royal family.

If they want to change people, they can easily do so.

Nian Yang: “Do you think there is any problem with those garrison troops?”

“I can’t tell…but it’s not like an ordinary soldier.” The security officer expressed his feeling, “It feels more professional than the soldiers in the legion.”

“The royal family has reservations about me.” Nian Yang wasn’t much dissatisfied, after all, he was used to the royal family’s attitude towards him.

He paused for a few seconds and continued: “What do you think will be the consequences of not returning the throne to her when they all support the little princess?”

Nian Yang raised his eyes slightly and looked at his security officer: “She handled Liu Shiquan’s matter so quickly and was well prepared. She is no longer the ignorant little princess she used to be.”

Thinking about this incident, the security officer couldn’t find anything to refute for a while.

But he was still not reconciled, “Your Majesty, the major legions are not all on the side of the royal family, we still have a chance.”

Nian Yang: “Do you want to start a war?”

“I just don’t want your two years of hard work to go to waste…”

When he first became king, the royal family didn’t help, and occasionally troubled him.

Those legions even made things difficult for him on the grounds that he was not of royal blood.

Now it’s finally getting better…

Nian Yang’s face sank, “Don’t let me hear this kind of words in the future.”


The security officer could see from Nian Yang’s face that he was really angry, he gritted his teeth, and didn’t continue talking.

Nian Yang didn’t seem to want to listen to him anymore, and waved his hands tiredly, “I want to be alone, you can go down.”


The security officer was even more anxious than Nian Yang, but at this time Nian Yang didn’t want to hear anything, and what he said was useless.

When only Nian Yang was left here, his body seemed to have lost his strength. He fell down on the steps, raised his hand to cover his face, rubbed it twice, palms up, and pressed his bangs against his head. side.

He has paid a lot for being this king in the past two years.

Is he willing to give it back to her like this?

Of course not.

But she opened her mouth, could he not give it back to her?



Perhaps Nian Yang has not yet become an all-powerful boss, and his kindness overwhelms his competitive spirit.

Perhaps it was because of the clever timing of Huawu’s return, his relationship with Liu Siwei was not that deep yet, and he always had Nianqi in his heart.

So Nian Yang was willing to give up his place.

Nian Yang’s subordinates were also unconvinced, but Nian Yang greeted them in advance, and when they handed over, there was no trouble.

The royal family happily celebrated that their orthodox bloodline was preserved, and the palace was buzzing for nearly a month.

During this period, Hua Wu only saw Nian Yang twice.

Although Nian Yang is no longer a king, his status as a prince cannot be revoked, and he is still the royal highness.

It’s a bit embarrassing to be a king, but to give up the throne to restore the status of a prince.

So Nian Yang doesn’t show up much.

Waiting for Huawu to see him again, it will be two months later.

He came to her and said he wanted to leave the Imperial City and go to the front line.

“You are still a prince and enjoy all the royal treatment, so you don’t need to go to the front line.” The heroine didn’t say what to do with Nian Yang, so as long as he was safe, Hua Wu didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

Nian Yang: “I want to go outside for a bit.”

He’s just going to make people unhappy by staying here now~IndoMTL.com~ might as well go out for a bit.

Nian Yang is the male protagonist after all, and it is normal to struggle and make progress.

Nian Yang insisted on going out, and Hua Wu didn’t say anything more, so he had to agree to his request.

“Why do we…”

Nian Yang said four words, but didn’t say any further, revealing a wry smile.

“Xiao Qi, goodbye.”

He remembered what she said, she said, his little princess was gone.

At this moment, he has a very clear feeling that he is indeed gone.

Nianqi is no longer Nianqi, she is Her Majesty the Queen of the Empire.

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