Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 589: Starry Night (27)

The next day.

Hua Wu finished her breakfast and planned to visit Liu Siwei first to complete her plan A.

“His Royal Highness, last night…” Fang Lang was very serious, “No, it should be early in the morning when Mr. Yin approached you and said he had something to tell you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I didn’t… didn’t say it.”

Huawu felt that if she didn’t say it, it shouldn’t be very important, so she decided to go to work first.



The news of Liu Siwei’s escape from prison has already been known to the royal family, and they are now searching everywhere.

I don’t know, the people they searched were locked away from the palace at this time.

Liu Si’s hands and feet were tied, her eyes were blindfolded, and she had no idea where she was.

She was shot in the body, and the other party checked her rudely and seemed to be sure that there was no threat to her life, so she never cared about her again.

She slept a few times, but was woken up quickly by the sound, and she couldn’t even tell how much time had passed in her daze.


Liu Siwei heard the voice again.

She straightened her body subconsciously, her head tilted in the direction from which the voice came.


Someone removed something from her eyes, and the harsh light made her eyes uncomfortable and sore.

It took her a while to adjust before she felt what was in front of her from blurry to clear.

“Nian… Qi?”

Liu Si’s bloodshot eyes reflected the dignified and elegant figure of Her Royal Highness in the pale light.

Hua Wu hooked her lips with a chuckle, her tone was friendly and casual, as if it was a good friend meeting, “Miss Liu, good morning.”

Liu Sihuai was clenched tightly by the tied hands, she struggled twice, “What do you want to do? You dare to tie me privately, even if you are a princess, you can’t be lynched!”

Hua Wu was amused, “Look at what Miss Liu said, at most I am arresting a prisoner who escaped from the prison, why did I tie you privately?”

“Why did you keep me here?”

This is clearly not a normal cell.

She didn’t want to lynch what was it?

Hua Wu said slowly: “On the way to the chase, the prisoner resisted and was eventually killed.”

One sentence seemed to herald her end.

She’s going to kill herself.

Then tell the world that she escaped from prison and was shot to death.

The narrow space and the pale light made Liu Siwei feel a little more fearful, “You dare…”

“You dare to attack me, what can I do?” Hua Wu bent down and looked straight into her eyes.

Her smile is like slow motion in an old movie, magnifying infinitely in her eyes.

That bright smile doesn’t give people a sense of pleasure, only some kind of icy fear.

She said, “Could it be that my princess is not as brave as you?”

Hua Wu took a step back, tsk tsk and shook her head: “Look at how you made yourself like this, why bother? Now the person you like doesn’t save you, even your father will give up on you.”

“My father…” Liu Si whispered, and the next second seemed to figure out something, “It was you… you were the one who transferred my father away.”

With what she knew about Father Liu, how could he ignore him.

There must have been something bigger that forced him to leave first.

Hua Wu chuckled, neither saying yes nor no.

She stretched out her hand to the back, Fang Lang quickly put the iron rod that had been prepared in Hua Wu’s hand.

Hua Wu weighed the iron rod and said with a smile, “Don’t be afraid, baby, I will take it lightly.”

Fang Lang: “…”

Fang Lang couldn’t bear to look at it, covered his face and turned away.

She’s really scary.



Ten minutes later.

Hua Wu came out of the room, threw away the iron rod in her hand, and took a clean handkerchief and wiped her hands.

“Your Highness, what will she do?” Persin asked her.

“I didn’t say it before.”

Bo Xin recalled what Hua Wu said just now, “I understand.”

Flower Mist will leave the rest to Bai Xin to handle.

After she got into the car on the return journey, she opened a bottle of wine for herself and drank three glasses in a row to celebrate her completion of the first task, and then she turned to Yin Feng’s communication page.

When the connection there, she spoke first: “Fang Lang said you have something to do with me, what’s the matter?”

Yin Feng had a calm face, not knowing what he was thinking, and did not reply immediately.

Flower mist urged him, “Speak.”

“Three days ago, my people discovered the Zerg on a barren star.”

“What’s so strange about finding a zerg on a barren star?”

Zerg live on most planets.

Some will attack people, and some can coexist with humans without attacking power.

“Six months ago, it wasn’t a barren star, there were pirates and some ordinary people on it.” Yin Feng said.

But now there are only Zerg left on that planet, and their numbers are too large.

Yin Feng sent the video to Huawu.

The picture is not very clear, flickering, and the picture is shaking.

The angle of view is from a high altitude, and you can see the densely packed Zerg below, which look extremely busy and constantly moving.

Those with intensive phobia may die on the spot.

Although Huawu does not have intensive phobia, she feels that she is a princess, and it is not suitable to see this picture, so she just turned it off.

“What are they doing?”

“I don’t know.” Yin Feng said, “But it’s definitely not a good thing.”

Most of the Zerg groups live in groups, but their racial boundaries are still relatively clear.

But in those pictures just now, there is obviously more than one kind of Zerg.

“So many Zerg gathered together and haven’t fought yet…that’s only one possibility.”

Hua Wu raised her eyes to look at Yin Feng, and slowly spit out a few words, “Queen of the Zerg.”

According to their research, the Zerg uses special mental power to transmit information, and the Zerg Queen’s mental power is superior to all Zerg.

So the Zerg Queen can command all Zerg.

The birth of the Zerg Queen also means that all major galaxies will face a large-scale invasion of Zerg.

The Zerg Queen is like being born with the memory of the ‘Queen of the previous generation’, tirelessly expanding her power, trying to occupy all places, and spread their children and grandchildren throughout the universe.

Strangely, however, the Zerg Queen is not a specific race.

It was born in a different Zerg.

This phenomenon has been studied for countless years, but the real cause has still not been found.

Huawu remembers the appearance of the Zerg Queen, until the male protagonist’s strength is almost accumulated.

At that time, it was already in the middle and late stages of the plot.

It’s still years away.

Why now…

No, they haven’t played yet.

It was only discovered by Yin Feng by accident.

Now the Zerg should still be preparing.

Hua Wu pondered for a moment and said: “You send me the coordinates. If it is really the Zerg Queen, I will contact other galaxies to discuss together.”

Yin Feng quickly sent the coordinates.

“Is there any problem with Liu Shiquan?”

“It shouldn’t be too long.” Yin Feng said: “He has already found something wrong~IndoMTL.com~ They don’t really want to fight the Sixth Army. Liu Shiquan has already noticed the problem, and it is estimated that it will be today and tomorrow. Respond.

“It’s okay, I’ve solved it, you can just fight and withdraw.”


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