Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 581: Delusions of the Starry Sky (19)

Half a month passed in a flash.

The king’s wedding officially kicks off.

The streets near the palace were already crowded with people who came to watch the ceremony, and it was difficult to move a step.

In order to facilitate these people to watch the ceremony, the passage of other means of transportation is simply closed.

Looking down from the sky, all the streets centered on the palace are filled with human heads.

In fact, the audience is also through holographic projection. They can’t come to the scene, and they are the same wherever they see it.

But it seems that this can be closer to the king, and I can tell my descendants in the future what a grand scene I have seen.

So many people are still happy to be in the crowd.

No one noticed that a side entrance of the palace was filled with festive military vehicles.

The soldiers guarding the gate didn’t check carefully, but just took a casual look and put the entire convoy inside.



The square outside the main hall.

The surrounding area is covered with veil, and flowers are placed all the way from the entrance to the square, connecting the steps of the main hall.

One after another, the arches of flowers are dreamy and luxurious.

In the center of the square is the four big characters “Hundred Years of Harmony” made up of flowers.

The scent of flowers fills the air.

At this time, people came and went in the square, and people in twos and threes gathered to chat, creating a festive and harmonious atmosphere.

All around are photos of Nian Yang and Liu Siwei playing in reincarnation.

“The king and Miss Liu are a perfect match.”

“Yeah, it’s really enviable to see the two of them standing together.”

“Today’s wedding is really grand, and I don’t know if there will be a chance to see such a wedding in the future.”

Someone whispered: “I’m afraid I won’t see it. Today’s wedding, I heard that it was held according to the wedding designed for Her Royal Highness…”

Although it was not yet time for the wedding, Her Royal Highness wanted to prepare for herself in advance, so she asked a lot of people to start designing.

It is a pity that Her Royal Highness the Princess could not wait for her wedding.

“The wedding design of Her Royal Highness? This…isn’t it?”

Her Royal Highness is gone, why are you still using other people’s wedding designs?

Are you not shy?

Some people gossip: “I heard that it was Ms. Liu’s request.”


“No way, where did you hear the rumor.”

“I heard it too. I don’t know if it’s true or not. Anyway, it doesn’t have much to do with us. Just watch the fun.”

“Come, come, the king and the queen have come…”

When they heard the sound, everyone looked in the direction of the main hall.

His Majesty the King dressed in a white background and with a gold rim, and Liu Siwei, who was wearing a wedding dress, came out of the main hall.

The two stepped on the petals all over the floor and walked towards the flower arch.

The flower arch is connected to another high platform, and they walked up to the high platform and waved to the people in the square.

People outside the screen can also see it, so they are also greeting the people watching.

After this session is over, the wedding vows.

The godfather, escorted by the soldiers, ascended the high platform and stood in front of Nian Yang and Liu Siwei.

Liu Si curled her head to look at the person beside her, excited and nervous.

This life…

She’s finally going to be his rightful wife, who will live and die with him and create a legend.

“In your lifetime, will you love her, respect her, protect her, be loyal to her regardless of health or suffering?”

Nian Yang: “I do. I will love her, respect her, protect her, and be loyal forever regardless of health or suffering.”

“In your lifetime, will you love him, respect him, protect him, be loyal to him regardless of health or suffering?”

Liu Siwei: “I do. I will love him, respect him, protect him, and be loyal forever regardless of health or suffering.”

The godfather looked down: “Is there any objection to the union of these two?”

People were all smiling and congratulating, and no one seemed to object.

The godfather waited for a moment and was about to move on to the next item when someone shouted, “I object!”

The crowd backed away with a clatter to make way.

At the end of the passage, a man in armor strode forward.

“I object.”

The man walked to the front of the high platform and looked up at the person above.

Liu Siwei knew him, the Marshal of the Third Legion.

Always opposed her and Nian Yang’s marriage.

But it’s a bit too much to come here at this time…

Someone persuaded: “Marshal Ai You, why do you object? Don’t make a fool of yourself, this is His Majesty’s wedding, and everyone in the galaxy is watching”

Ai You ignored the people who persuaded her, and said in a loud voice, “Liu Siqiao, she is not worthy of being a queen!”

“Why not?”


“Ms. Liu is the only heir of the Sixth Legion. On the battlefield, Ms. Liu handles the Zerg with ease, and she can afford this queen no matter what.”

Ai You snorted coldly and said loudly: “She is the culprit who framed Her Royal Highness!”


Everyone looks at AI You.

On the high platform, Liu Siwei’s heartbeat almost stopped at that moment.

How could he know about this…

“What nonsense are you talking about!!” Nian Yang snarled, “Take Marshal Ai down!”

“I have evidence and witnesses to prove that what I said is true.” Ai You unafraidly looked at Nian Yang’s gaze and dropped another bombshell: “I have found Her Royal Highness.”

Nian Yang’s pupils shrank: “What did you say? Xiaoqi has already…”

“Your Highness is not dead.”

His Royal Highness is not dead!

These four words, like a thunderbolt from the blue, exploded in Liu Siwei’s mind, intertwined with fear and panic, and climbed up her back, all the hair standing on end.



“Your Highness is not dead?”

“Really? It’s not Marshal Ai You’s nonsense, right?”

“This kind of thing, can’t talk nonsense?”

“The king he…”

His Royal Highness didn’t die. That year, the king of Yang… Is it still a count?

He’s not of royal blood after all.

If His Highness is not dead, will Nian Yang give up his position?

The royal family doesn’t care whether a man or a woman takes the throne.

As long as it is in the blood of the royal family and has the ability to become a “king”, the royal family will fully support it.

When Yang ascended the throne this year, he was criticized by many people.

Now His Highness is back…

“No one saw it, maybe Marshal Ai You said nonsense in order to oppose this marriage.”

“That’s right, he’s already dead, how can he still be alive?”

“What if…what if it’s true?”

They had seen the funeral with their own eyes.

The royal family can’t make such a mistake, can it?

The officials who reacted on the high platform immediately scolded: “Quickly turn off all projections!! Turn off!!”

However, the episode just now has been broadcast ~IndoMTL.com~ can’t be saved.

Anyone watching the wedding saw it.

The news that Her Royal Highness was not dead spread across the galaxy in an instant, causing a national uproar.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

The last day of the holiday, if you have a monthly pass, please vote~~

Chong Chong Chong Duck~

Heart to heart~~

Provide you with the fastest update of “Quick Cross: After the Villain Heroine reaches full level” by the great **** Mo Ling. In order to check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save your bookmarks!

Chapter 581 Starry Sky Delusion (19) Free read.

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