Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 558: Prostitutes will not easily lead dogs (35)

Wang Jianghua has been feeling flustered these days. She feels that she can’t stay any longer.

In the evening, Wang Jianghua found an excuse to leave Cuifang away so that she wouldn’t have to wait on her tonight.

In the dead of night, she took the things she had packed up and slipped out.

I went all the way to the back door of the mansion, but was not found.

However, just when she opened the back door and saw that she could go out immediately, there were footsteps behind her.

“Don’t let her run away.”


Wang Jianghua’s expression changed, and she opened the back door and rushed out.

“Quick, quick, ahead.”

“Catch her.”

“Go and call someone else.”

Wang Jianghua looked back as she ran, followed by the servants of the Xu residence, and the distance between them kept shortening.

Can’t be caught by them.

Run faster…

She walked through dark alleys after another, and the noise behind her did not diminish in the slightest.


“Ah!” Wang Jianghua screamed and rushed forward.

His body hit the stone slab with a muffled sound.

The package in Wang Jianghua’s hand fell out, and the silver notes and jewelry were scattered all over the place.

She clutched her legs, her whole face contorted in pain.


“Quick, quick…”

The people from the Xu residence rushed over and surrounded Wang Jianghua.

The crowd was moving, and Wang Jianghua vaguely saw a person standing on the corner in the distance, someone holding a torch and slanting down there.

She saw the man in the dark.

The girl was leaning against the wall, the flames flashed across her face, and when she met her gaze, she couldn’t avoid or flicker, but instead smiled.

That smile fell in Wang Jianghua’s eyes, and it exploded like dynamite, making her dizzy.

As if there was an invisible hand, strangling her throat, making it impossible for her to breathe.

How could she be…

“Take her back.”

“Pull up, hurry up.”

Wang Jianghua was dragged up, no one cared whether her leg hurt or not, and dragged her back in the direction of Xu residence.

She turned to look at the alley.

The dark alleyway was empty, as if she had misunderstood before, and everything was an illusion.

But she knew it wasn’t an illusion.

She really saw Lu Chu.

Wang Jianghua thought of Lu Zicheng again. How did he know that he was not from Xu Yi?

Is it possible that Lu Chu is the same as himself…

Wang Jianghua quickly lost the mind to think about this issue. She was taken back to the Xu residence and thrown in the lobby.

At the same time, the silver coins that Wang Jianghua took away were also thrown down.

Sitting in the hall was a heavy-faced father Xu and an unbelievable mother Xu.

Someone suddenly came to the door today and said that their daughter was not the real Xu Yi, but was impersonated. They still didn’t believe it.

But before they could figure it out, their ‘daughter’ ran away.

This is no doubt telling them that this is true.

Their daughter…

It’s not the person in front of me at all.

Hua Wu stepped on the cold moonlight and returned to Yizhu House, but saw a carriage parked outside Yizhu House.

A jade plaque with the word ‘Shi’ hangs on the carriage.

The person leaning next to her saw her coming back, and after a while, she discriminated, and tentatively said, “Miss Lu?”


The other party immediately took a box, “This is given to you by our son.”

The flower mist opened and took a look, it was fragrant…

“The little one said goodbye first.”

Hua Wu watched him leave with a carriage, stood for a while, and entered the courtyard with a box.

“Send it to my mother.” Hua Wu handed the thing to the butcher who was still asleep.

The butcher wiped his hands and took it: “Is it… Mr. Shi brought it?”

Huawu nodded casually.

“Girl, what happened to you and Master Shi?” The butcher asked boldly, “It was obviously fine before?”

Hua Wu lowered her eyes and chuckled, “It’s not just a passerby.”

The butcher scratched his head vigorously, unable to figure out why he was not the same.

“Will Wang Jianghua shake me out? If the Xu family knew that I was plotting against them, then…”

Lu Zicheng paced worriedly in front of Hua Wu.

“What are you afraid of, you will know if you know it.” With the halo of the heroine covering you, what are you afraid of, stand up! !

“What am I fighting against Xu Jia now?” He has grown a little bit during this time, but only a little bit.

Compared with the Xu family, that is, the ant meets the elephant.

“They don’t have time to talk to you.” Hua Wu asked him to sit down: “You are now the head of the Lu family. Be calm and know that? Don’t be so restless…”

The Huawu Small Classroom has started again.

When Lu Zicheng left, did he realize that he came to her to listen to her?

How could she be so foolish! !

Lu Zicheng was apprehensive, but instead of waiting for the Xu family’s revenge, he waited for another major event in Beijing.

Concubine Lan fell out of favor overnight and was thrown into the cold palace.

Not only that, Concubine Lan’s family was also arrested.

The people outside don’t know what happened. They only know that Concubine Lan’s party has lost power.

The fire burned quickly and quickly.

The Xu family was soon found, and none of them escaped.

Hua Wu heard that Wang Jianghua was also arrested and wanted to be sent to the frontier together with other female relatives.

Wang Jianghua’s legs were injured, and it was a question whether she could reach the frontier.

On the day that Wang Jianghua left the city, Huawu sent it away in a ceremonial manner, drawing a perfect end to this mission.

Shi Yu made a contribution to the case of Concubine Lan Gui, and was promoted to rank, which was very popular.

In just one year, he became a first-class incense master.

This incense master is not very good-tempered, and can even be said to be a bit gloomy, but he is mostly studying incense and is not very interested in other things.

Every two months, Shi Yu will send someone to deliver incense to Yizhu Residence.

That incense is beneficial to the Liang family, and Huawu will not refuse.

After all, Rong’s incense stick was given to him by her, and she didn’t feel that she was taking it for nothing.

“Young Master, there is no one today in the Bamboo House.”

“…Then let’s go tomorrow.” The person standing in front of the desk said softly.


However, when I went the next day, there was still no one in Yizhuju.

On the third day, no one.

The fourth day…

Seven days later ~IndoMTL.com~ Shi Yu’s carriage stopped in front of Yizhuju.

There are people in and out of Yizhu Curie, and there are a lot of sundries piled up outside, which are being moved inside.

Shi Yu walked to the door, “What are you doing? Where is the owner of this house?”

The other party didn’t dare to offend him when he saw that he was extravagant, and answered cautiously: “Our master just bought this house, and we moved things over today.”



The expression on Shi Yu’s face was blank for a while.

After a while, they heard the young man chuckle coldly, then turned and walked away.

“Young Master, it’s done.”

“Let them restore the house and lock it.”


A heavy lock was dropped on the gate of the quiet and beautiful courtyard.

Shi Yu stood outside, as if he heard that the deepest part of his heart was also locked by that lock, and all the previous things were locked in the deepest part.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

The ending is BE, buy carefully.


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