Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 553: Prostitutes will not easily lead dogs (30)

The butcher boiled the medicine, and Hua Wu sent it to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu had no difficulty in drinking the medicine. He drank a bowl of medicine in one breath, as if it was not bitter at all, and he didn’t even see him frown.

In the past, when I got sick, I used to get through it by myself. If I could find medicine, how could I dislike the pain or not.

There may be sleeping pills in the medicine. Shi Yu started to feel sleepy after drinking it, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Hua Wu sat beside the bed and rescued Shi Yu from the quilt wrapped around him, allowing him to breathe smoothly.

She stared at the boy’s slightly sickly face, her fingertips fell on his forehead, sliding along the brows to the corner of her eyes, her palms slowly pressed against his face, her thumbs rubbed against his soft lips.

She slowly leaned down and kissed the boy’s lips.

It is bitter.

Shi Yu slept very deeply. When he woke up, it was dark outside, and the charcoal pot was burning in the room, which was as warm as spring.

He heard the rustling of snow outside the window.

Shi Yu sat up with his body propped up. He looked down at his body, only wearing a close-fitting underwear.

He remembered that he didn’t take off his clothes when he slept…

Shi Yu didn’t know if Hua Wu did it for him or the butcher did it for him.

Shi Yu pursed his lower lip slightly and tasted a hint of sweetness.

He froze for a moment, then carefully licked the corner of his lower lip, sure it was sweet.

Shi Yu was a little at a loss.


Shi Yu slept for a long time this night and didn’t eat anything. At this time, his stomach began to protest against him.

This cry seemed to completely awaken the hunger in his body.

Shi Yu looked at the room and didn’t know what time it was…

There is no one else in Yizhuju, so Shiyu can’t wake Huawu and the butcher, so he plans to go get some food to pad his stomach.

He picked up the cloak next to him and put it on, and slowly moved out of the bed. Although he was very careful, he still touched it several times, and the pain caused his face to twist into a ball.

He didn’t feel much pain when he was injured before.

But now he feels so bad…

Shi Yu moved to the door, a thin layer of sweat already on his body.

He opened the door, and the cold wind swarmed in with the snow wrapped in it. He clutched the ruffled cloak and couldn’t help shivering.

Shi Yu moved out of the room, and the wind blew the snow into the corridor, forming a thin layer of ice on the corridor.

Shi Yu leaned against the wall and walked towards the kitchen.

The icy corridor was slippery and difficult to walk. Shi Yu had to take care of his injuries, so he didn’t move out much for a long time.

He thought he would go to the kitchen soon, and he didn’t wear much clothes. Now the temperature on his body has completely disappeared, and his hands and feet are cold and numb.


The candle in Huawu’s room had been extinguished, but she was lying on the bed and didn’t fall asleep. At this time, she heard a loud muffled noise outside, and she sat up in shock.

Did Chen Cangdong send someone to silence him?

Is it so rampant?

What a big dog!

Hua Wu happily put on her clothes, stood by the door and listened for a while, but didn’t hear any abnormal noise.

She opened the door and went out, going to see Shiyu.

If he is killed…

Hua Wu stared at the dark shadow in the yard, doubts and daze all came to her mind.

Hua Wu moved to the corridor and looked at the people in the yard, “What are you doing at night…?”

Shi Yu: “…”

Shi Yu was speechless, he felt that the wound was open…

It was cold and painful.

Hua Wu jumped down the corridor and helped him up. Seeing that his body was cold, his face was ugly, his whole body was shaking, and he didn’t care why he was here in the middle of the night.

Hua Wu took Shi Yu back to her room, which was closer.

Shi Yu’s cloak was wet, she took it off twice, and touched the lingerie with her hands.

Fortunately, the undershirts are all dry.

Flower Mist tucks him into the quilt.

“What are you doing in the middle of the night?”

Shi Yu was somewhat embarrassed and replied in a muffled voice: “I’m hungry…”

“Then don’t you know what to call?” Hua Wu was speechless, “Is it because you think that you are not abolished, you have to toss and break your arms and legs?”

Shi Yu heard that Hua Wu’s tone was not very good, so he didn’t dare to speak again, his body under the quilt trembled slightly because of the coldness.

The quilt was very warm, with her breath, he hugged the quilt and absorbed the residual heat to warm himself up.

Hua Wu left the room aggressively, and returned after a while with a bowl of hot porridge and a plate of pickles in her hand.

Hua Wu brought a small table over with a cold face, put it on the bed, wrapped him up and helped him up, and rudely shoved the chopsticks into his hands.


Shi Yu: “…”

Shi Yu’s hands are still cold, he can’t hold chopsticks firmly, and he is sitting now…

Shi Yu looked at Hua Wu, “It hurts.”


Hua Wu endured and went over to help him adjust his posture and let him lie on his side, but this way he couldn’t eat by himself.

“Do I owe you something?” Hua Wu was upset and changed the spoon to feed him.

Shi Yu didn’t say a word, and tamely drank the porridge with the pickled vegetables. The temperature of the boiled porridge was just right.

The hunger in his stomach was quickly relieved, and the porridge he drank also made Shi Yu’s body temperature rise a lot.

When Shi Yu finished eating and Hua Wu cleaned up, he said, “I thought you were sleeping and didn’t want to disturb you, so I came out by myself.”

He just didn’t expect the corridor to be so slippery.

Hua Wu said with a ‘heh’: “If I don’t come out tonight, I have to go to the snowdrifts tomorrow morning to find you.”


That’s not the case either.

He slowed down and should be able to go back.

“I took care of your life anyway, so you should cherish it.”

Hua Wu was not in a good mood, so she grabbed Shi Yu’s little sapling and talked for a long time.

Shi Yu probably realized his mistake, lowered his head and admitted his mistake, and promised to call them if something happened later, and then Hua Wu died.

Shi Yu looked at her a little unsure, and quickly said, “I’m sleepy…”

“Are you a pig? Just woke up and sleepy…”

Hua Wu said a few words ~IndoMTL.com~ too lazy to toss, let him sleep in this room.

“What about you?”

“The bed is so big, do you still want to occupy it alone?”


Hua Wu took another quilt and spread it outside, while Shi Yu was squeezed inside.

As soon as the candles in the room went out, everything in front of him fell into darkness.

Shi Yu just woke up, not sleepy at all.

At this moment, he was huddled in the quilt, lying with his back to Huawu, with his eyes open in the dark, quietly listening to the movement behind him.

It was quiet at night, and the snow was still rustling.

Hua Wu was half asleep and half awake, she felt that there was another person in the quilt, and her cold body was pressed against it, making her shudder.

The young man moved cautiously towards her, for fear that she would wake up and his hair was nervous.

Hua Wu sighed in her heart and let him move over.

Shi Yu could feel Hua Wu wake up. He had already thought about what he should say if she pushed him out.

But she didn’t do anything, letting him move over.

Shi Yu’s heartbeat accelerated slightly, he stretched out his hand and put his hand around her waist, buried his face in her neck, and sniffed the fragrance on her body.


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