Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 473: The Invasion of Strange Creatures (29)


Qu Xiyuan came out of the building, just got his mobile phone, and before he had time to open it, he saw Ye Liting.

“Why are you here?”

“Something happened.” Ye Liting motioned for him to get in the car first, “Ten days ago, someone posted information about monsters on the Internet…”

It started out as a little bit of gossip, and they suppressed it as soon as they found out.

But soon the other party released more information, which caused heated discussions on the Internet. They couldn’t hold back.

Because of the frequent appearance of monsters, there are more and more victims and insiders involved, and sooner or later, it can’t be hidden.

But they didn’t expect it to be so fast this time.

As soon as the incident came to light, people started posting various news online.

People are gossiping and scared about this matter. Every day, countless people call the official hotline to ask for a clear answer.

Not only the pressure on the people’s side, but also the monsters.

“In just a few days, we have received three reports, all of which are already alienated areas with a huge range and great harm. We don’t have enough manpower to deal with them at all.”

In the past, the news was blocked, and the general public did not know about it.

Strange things happened in many places, and they thought it was ghosts.

Now everyone knows that there are monsters in their world, and the news is exposed at once.

In places they don’t know, how many alienated areas are there and how many people have been polluted.

Qu Xiyuan did not return to the Administration Bureau, but went directly to the nearest accident site with Ye Liting.

On the way, Qu Xiyuan flipped through the comments on the Internet.

The hot topic of discussion on all platforms is related to monsters.

Qu Xiyuan also saw a pinned topic, saying that the official announcement about monsters will be officially announced at 6 o’clock tonight.

Since there is no way to hold it back, it can only let the people know the truth.



On the outskirts of Yintong City, Rongguang Technical School.

The school closed six months ago due to poor management.

But before and after the summer vacation, students and parents continued to receive information about the school.

Children with poor grades naturally want to find other ways.

For the information sent by Rongguang School, you can directly fill in the information for registration online.

The official website of Rongguang School has not been closed, so students and parents can still search the school and see the size and environment of the school.

Seeing that the school’s environment is not bad, the fees are not expensive, and some of the previous evaluations are okay.

Some people filled out their information online.

Some people really want to find a school, others just fill it out on a whim.

Some people find better schools during the summer, while others don’t plan on going.

Many of them forgot to fill out this school’s information.


When the school day came, those students who did not register at the school on time became unwell and kept shouting that they were going to school.

Take it to the hospital for examination, and there is no problem with the body.

But when they entered school, the symptoms improved.

But after entering the school, the students turned into learning machines, not only learning, but also learning.

The students who used to be mischievous are no longer mischievous.

Students who didn’t like to learn before also fell in love with learning.

No matter what parents do, they cannot be taken out of school.

Even if they were taken out of the school by forceful means, the students would quickly become unwell, and the parents had to send them back and watch them study day and night.

“Only for students?”

“Yes, some parents went to school, but nothing happened.”

Qu Xiyuan went outside the school and was cordoned off around the school, and residents near the school were evacuated.

“By the way, Captain, I forgot to ask, what are your abilities?”

Qu Xiyuan raised his hand and waved, and the car door that was open slammed shut.

Ye Liting was stunned for a moment, “Are you thinking power?”

This ability has appeared on monsters they have dealt with before.

Qu Xiyuan nodded, “But I’ve just mastered it now, and I’m not very proficient…”

Ye Liting: “That’s better than what we used to fight with weapons and monsters.”


At this moment, a corner of a teaching building suddenly collapsed in the school.

Qu Xiyuan and Ye Liting looked at each other.

Ye Liting grabbed someone next to him: “Who’s inside?”

“Ji Shuang, she’s inside.”


Wouldn’t she be quiet and be a tester?

When Ye Liting felt that he was leaving, he explained everything in vain.



Qu Xiyuan passed through a pile of ruins, and finally entered the area that had not collapsed.

He heard the sound of fighting and moved closer.



Dang bang——

Various sounds made the ground tremble.

Qu Xiyuan turned the corner, and a black shadow smashed out of it. If he hadn’t flashed fast, he would have been smashed straight.

Hua Wu rushed out from there and saw him suddenly jumping back one meter, “Yo, isn’t this our captain.”

Qu Xiyuan: “…”

Qu Xiyuan looked down at the humanoid monster that looked like a seal, lying on the ground.

The monster wriggled on the ground, trying to get up.

“Captain, hurry up! 1 Press and hold it!” Hua Wu said immediately.

Qu Xiyuan: “…”



Five minutes later.

Qu Xiyuan felt that their team could actually be done without modification.

As far as Ji Shuang’s combat power is concerned, one is the best.

The little girl’s family is so violent.

“Don’t step on those seals on the ground…” Hua Wu shouted the person who rushed in to clean up the battle.

The Stamp Monster has stamped a lot of stamps on the ground, and you can step on it if you’re not careful.

If Flower Mist didn’t remind them, they would definitely step in.

The Stamp Monster is the headmaster of this school, who worked so hard to start the school, only to close it down.

He is not reconciled…

Even after the school closed, he kept trying to figure it out.

And then I don’t know where it got infected.

He didn’t want the school to close, so he posted a lot online.

As long as the student fills in the information, the name is real and valid, he prints it out and stamps it, the student must come to fulfill the obligation to go to school.

He is also a principal who works hard for his students.

Hua Wu watched with sadness as the monster was transported away.

If Qu Xiyuan hadn’t suddenly run in~IndoMTL.com~ she could have swallowed this.

Use it as a material for Chu Yu, maybe there will be a great invention…

Qu Xiyuan and Ye Liting explained things, and found that Hua Wu glanced at him from time to time, took a sip of water, and then continued to look at him and continue to drink water…

The eyes were sad and heavy.

As if I had done something wrong to her.

Qu Xiyuan frowned: “Why do you see me like this?”

Hua Wu turned her head to look at the sky, “Nothing in return makes a life that is not rich even worse.”


What unrequited effort?

They didn’t let her in to single out monsters either! !


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