Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 449: The Invasion of Strange Creatures (5)

Hua Wu took a bath and sat at the desk with a blank A4 sheet of paper in front of her.

There are only two ways for the female lead to completely destroy all monsters.

Either figure out where the monster came from and start at the source.

Or simply lead…kill all monsters.

But neither is easy.

In the original plot, the protagonists did not figure out where the ‘source’ came from. The final development was to adapt the whole world to such an environment and to fight with monsters.

I don’t know if there will be a second part or it will end like this…



The first recorded appearance of the monster was ten years ago, when a bus went missing before reaching its last stop.

Then, twenty days later, suddenly appeared on the route and arrived at the end.

The people in the car had absolutely no idea that they had disappeared.

Their memories are of getting on the bus normally, passing the normal route, arriving at the stop…and getting off.

The incident was so bizarre that everyone in the car was quarantined for observation.

However, they are no different from normal people, and they can only be put back in the end.

A few days later, the bus driver died tragically and alienated.

This is the first recorded case.

The Anomaly Bureau was established six months later to deal with such incidents.

After investigation, they found that alienated human beings have a lot in common, that is, they have a lot of negative emotions, their life and work are mostly unsatisfactory, and they are more likely to be polluted.

And monsters can only lure humans in their dreams, pollute their spiritual world, and gradually alienate them.

This proves that they were insubstantial in the early days.

Only when the human spiritual world is completely polluted can they enter this world through the human body.

Ten years ago, people were not very polluted.

But in the past two years, the pressure of life has increased, and more and more people have been polluted…

Before contaminating human beings, there must be a primitive source of pollution.

For example, in the first bus case, the entire bus disappeared for 20 days. During the 20 days of disappearance, the bus should have been in the source of pollution.

Another example is Wan Xuelin, if he was contaminated, he must have come into contact with the source of pollution.

Some pollution sources can only pollute one person, while others can cause collective pollution.

Hua Wu, who holds the script in her hand, knows where Wan Xuelin was polluted. She plans to visit tomorrow to see if she can find any clues and figure out how the pollution source appeared.

Flower Mist got up and got ready to sleep.

As soon as she got up, she remembered that she seemed to be going to work tomorrow… The original owner was still a social animal.

She decided to join the Anomaly Authority.

After all, there are more first-hand information there, and Qiu Yayue is also there…

So Hua Wu decided to fire the boss.

The original owner, the trash company that only knows how to oppress employees, has no future at all, and will die suddenly sooner or later.

She doesn’t want to work in the part-time job dungeon! !

And the original owner resigned from the job after he joined the Anomaly Administration.

Hua Wu sat back again, turned on the computer, and logged in to WeChat.

I turned to the boss’s dialog box from WeChat, copied a paragraph of resignation on the Internet, modified it, and sent it to the past.

The boss hadn’t slept in the middle of the night, she just sent it, and the other party sent a question mark.

[007 loyal supporter: Xiaoji, how can you resign at this time, it’s not that you don’t know the current situation of our company, the company needs you very much, you can’t quit at this time. ]

[007 loyal supporter: If you have any difficulties, you can tell me first, and I will see if there is a way to help you solve it. ]

[Ji Shuang: I’m going to save the world. ]

[007 loyal supporters: ? ? ? ]

The bald man on the other end of the phone looks at the words on the phone screen, with question marks all over his face.

What nerves do you have in the middle of the night?

[007 loyal supporter: Xiaoji, are you all right? ]

[Ji Shuang: No one can stop me from saving the world. I don’t want this month’s salary, it’s a relief company. ]

Picture: I’m not playing with you anymore, I’m going to save the world.jpg

[007 loyal supporters:…]

Only two days of work this month! !

He kept sending messages, only to find out that he had been blocked.

Flower mist arranges the original owner’s things.

Although the company is a 007 concentration camp, but the colleagues are innocent, so Hua Wu has sorted out all the content that needs to be handed over, packaged it up and sent it to the colleagues in the same group, and attached the good news that she is going to save the world.



Jinyang Seafood Market.

Hua Wu stepped on the water all over the floor and entered. At this time, there were many people in the market, and there were customers in front of each stall.

Hua Wu went to the innermost, and it was much deserted inside.

The stall owners who have no business are sitting inside and brushing their mobile phones, some are handling the hygiene of the stall, and some are standing by and chatting with the stall owner next door.

“Little girl, buy something?” Some bosses also warmly solicit customers.

Hua Wu shook her head and walked further inside. There was a booth in front of it with several customers, which was in stark contrast to the deserted booths next to it.

The boss who failed to attract customers glanced over there and slammed the towel in his hand on the chopping board, “Hey, what kind of **** luck is this old Yang family doing this time…”

“Who said no.” Someone next to him answered, “Everyone sells the same thing, why are there so many repeat customers from his family?”

“When this person is lucky, it’s just different…”

“In the past, his family was not as good as ours.”

Hua Wu stood outside, looking at the busy boss.

It was a dark-skinned middle-aged man with a thin body and a hunchback. He always smiled honestly when facing the guests.

The one who helped him should be his wife.

His wife doesn’t talk much and is only responsible for weighing and collecting money.

These guests had everything, but almost everyone bought octopus whiskers.

Hua Wu waited for this wave of guests to leave, and then passed.

“What should the little girl buy?” The man was rinsing the chopping board with water. When he saw her coming, he greeted her with a smile: “Just look at it and tell me what you need.”

Huawu saw the octopus whiskers neatly lined up on the stall. They looked fresh, as if they had just been fished out of the sea~IndoMTL.com~ But these octopus whiskers were covered with a faint layer of black mist. It’s very similar to what she sees in people, just lighter…

The entire stall, only the octopus whiskers had such a black mist.

“I was recommended by a friend who said that the octopus whiskers you have here are very good… If I buy more, can you make it cheaper?”

“Sure, how much would you like?”

“I’m buying for the company, the quantity is quite large… How much can you supply?”

When the boss heard this, he glanced at his wife next to him, wiped his body with his water-soaked hands, he pondered it for a while, and said hesitantly, “… Now I can supply about 300 catties a day. “

“Is it convenient for me to take a look at the goods?”

“This… is almost sold out today.” The boss is embarrassed, “How about you come tomorrow?”


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