Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 443: Xie Fengzhu (Part 11)

“Young madam…” The door of the new house was pushed open, and a maid looked anxious: “Young master… something happened to the young master!”

Hua Wu’s bad premonition was confirmed, and she followed the maid to another room quickly.

Xie Zhiwen was coming out with a doctor, and seeing Huawu hurried over, he asked the doctor to wait a moment, “Cousin, don’t worry, Xiaofeng is fine for now.”

Hua Wu couldn’t see anything, just nodded: “I’ll go in and see him.”


There were only servants in the room, and when Hua Wu entered, they wisely retreated.

Xie Fengzhu was lying on the bed, his face pale, and he fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Hua Wu was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the person on the bed, how could she suddenly…

After chatting with the doctor, Xie Zhiwen came in from the outside and sent the others down first: “You guys go down first.”

Hua Wu turned her head and asked him: “Big cousin, what did the doctor say?”

Xie Zhiwen shook his head, but the doctor said nothing.

He couldn’t see what happened to Xie Fengzhu.

The girl sitting beside the bed was very calm: “What should the big cousin know?”

The doctor can’t see anything, it’s not normal for this brother Xie Zhiwen to behave so calmly.

“This…” Xie Zhiwen hesitated, not sure whether to tell her.

“I am now married to Xie Fengzhu and have the right to know about him.” Hua Wu said.

Sooner or later this matter will be hidden.

He and his mother thought that at least there would be no problem with the wedding…

But unexpectedly, something happened at the wedding.

This is unfair to her…

Xie Zhiwen could not refuse her request.

“Xiaofeng he…”

Xie Zhiwen organized the language and tried to say everything as completely as possible.

“Xiaofeng didn’t know about this, we kept it from him. Mother originally wanted to set the wedding date next year, if something happened…”

Xie Zhiwen didn’t say anything further.

Cousin is a smart girl, she should know what she wants to say.

“I see.”


Is that so?

Hua Wu pointed at Xie Fengzhu: “I want to be alone with him for a while.”


Xie Zhiwen nodded and exited the room.

Hua Wu waited for Xie Zhiwen to leave, sat quietly for a while, and reached out to hold Xie Fengzhu’s hand outside the quilt.

She began to examine Xie Fengzhu’s body.

Xie Fengzhu is in good health and there is nothing strange about it.


Because of his previous status…

Huawu doesn’t think it’s impossible. He used to be a big devil. Although he doesn’t know why he can be reincarnated, there must be a price.

However, Xie Zhiwen said that the master said that there is a way to resolve it…



When Xie Fengzhu woke up, it was still early. Xie Zhiwen and Xie’s father and Xie’s mother had just sent the guests away, and it was gradually quiet outside.

He looked at the girl in a wedding dress sitting beside his bed, “Why am I here?”

“Your brother said you drank too much.”


Xie Fengzhu subconsciously reached out and touched his heart.

He doesn’t feel the pain now.

But his body doesn’t seem to have forgotten the pain, and he still feels a lot of pain as long as he recalls it a little.

Seeing his action, Hua Wu raised her eyes slightly, “What’s wrong? Are you uncomfortable?”

Xie Fengzhu: “…”

Xie Fengzhu clung to the clothes on his chest, with a shaky panic in his eyes: “I may be dying.”


He heard it just now?

Xie Fengzhu looked at her, clutched his chest, and said in a low voice, “It hurts so much here.”


Hua Wu stretched out her hand, Xie Fengzhu immediately understood and hugged her quickly. The breath on her body seemed to dispel the remaining pain in her body.

Hua Wu covered Xie Fengzhu’s heart with one hand, “Does it hurt here?”


Xie Fengzhu’s heart is fine… At least when she checked it just now, she didn’t find anything wrong.

But she remembered something else.

At the beginning, when he wanted to find the place of vain birth, Chongyun gave him a jade bottle, saying that it was the blood of vain birth.

Heart blood is not like other blood, it will come back after eating more tonic.

The thing is gone, it’s gone.

Hua Wu breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s all right.”

Xie Fengzhu: “If I die, will you come to accompany me? I want you to accompany me…”


Hua Wu pushed him away and said angrily, “I think you are in good spirits now.”

Xie Fengzhu: “…”

Did he say something wrong?



Huawu asked Xie Fengzhu to be sent back to the new house, and said to Xie’s father and mother who just came over: “He will be fine, you don’t have to worry.”

Father Xie and Mother Xie looked at each other, what do they mean?

However, Hua Wu didn’t explain much. She had a few words with the two of them, and soon went back to the new house.

Today is also a wedding night, so it’s not easy for them to chase after them and ask.

Xie Fengzhu’s complexion has improved a lot, and he seems to be in good spirits. Hua Wu put his hands on his sides: “Do you still have strength?”

Xie Fengzhu: “Ah… yes… yes?”

Flower mist begins to undress.

“You… why are you undressing?”

“The wedding night process has to be finished.” Hua Wu went to bed, and with a wave of her hand, the bed curtains on both sides fell, blocking the scenery inside.

The sound of clothes rubbing against each other is shredded.

Xie Fengzhu’s voice gradually took on a slight panting, “But I didn’t take off my hijab, and I didn’t drink a glass of wine…”

“That one can be skipped.”


“Why are you so much?”



While Xie Fengzhu was resting, Huawu went back to the fairyland and took the jade bottle containing the blood of the heart.

It was still dark when she came back.

But Xie Fengzhu was awake. He sat on the bed and looked blankly at the red candle that was about to burn out. The whole person was a little gloomy, as if.

Flower Mist suddenly appeared in the room, startling both parties.

Xie Fengzhu jumped out of bed, rushed over with his clothes disheveled, and hugged Huawu into his arms.

The young man seemed to be holding his breath all the time, making sure that the person in his arms was real, and he took a deep breath.

“You can’t leave mine.”

Hua Wu didn’t answer him, she stuffed the jade bottle to him: “Drink it.”

“What’s this?”


“Oh~IndoMTL.com~ Xie Fengzhu took off the lid of the jade bottle, raised his head and drank it.

Hua Wu watched him swallow and sighed: “Aren’t you afraid it’s really poison?”

“I’ll drink whatever you give me.” The young man smiled, “I won’t refuse any of your requests.”

Hua Wu pulled him back to the bed, pushed him down under the quilt, and kissed him in Xie Fengzhu’s stunned gaze.

Xie Fengzhu was so dazed by the kiss that she completely forgot to struggle, and she turned her whole body on without any precautions.

Flower mist easily guides the blood in his body, swimming through the blood vessels and back into the heart.

Xie Fengzhu felt that his chest was scalded, and even his limbs felt warm. He wanted to look at it, but the girl pressed his face: “Concentrate.”



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