Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 380: Undercover undercover (37)

Hua Wu hid behind a house, and saw that Dog Fang and Wu Ting were already on the stage, she took out a remote control from her pocket.

Du Han’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he lowered his voice: “What are you doing?”

Hua Wu pushes down the glasses that don’t exist, and the bottom of her eyes is eager to try: “The newcomers have appeared, of course, they will set off fireworks for them.”

Duhan: “???”

Hua Wu moved so fast that Du Han didn’t have time to understand her “fireworks”, she had already pressed the remote control in her hand.

The next second I heard a ‘boom’.

The wooden platform was blown away, and the rubble splashed and smashed on the house next to them, rolling down.

Duhan: “…”

She never thought to keep these two alive.

Grass! !

Since it’s going to be bombed, why are you spending so much effort on dressing up?

A final ritual before death?

The platform suddenly exploded, and Wu Ting and Canine’s people were startled, and subconsciously aimed their guns at the ‘Gegil’ people.

When the first shots were fired, the aftershocks on the ground didn’t seem to have disappeared.

Hua Wu took out the gun and said to Du Han, “Separate and act.”

“???” Du Han pulled her: “What countermeasures did we discuss just now?” Did he lose that part of his memory?


“What do you mean by split operation?”

“Separate.” After Hua Wu finished speaking, she demonstrated it to him.

Du Han fell into silence as he watched the man in the distance fall to the ground.

Is this the understanding of splitting?

Is your teacher the steward of the eighteenth floor of hell?

Flower Mist: “Do you understand?”

Duhan: “…”

Hua Wu stooped and ran out excitedly, and joined the melee in a blink of an eye.

Du Han stood there, dazed, he didn’t understand why he was here today.

However, there were constant gunshots outside, so Du Han could only take out his weapon, go around from the other side, and cooperate with Hua Wu to get rid of those people outside.



Ten minutes later.

The gunfire has largely ceased.

Flower fog not only buried explosives under the stage, but also buried a circle nearby.

Those who were left in the dense forest to respond ran over when they heard the movement, and just entered the explosion range, and there was not much firepower left when the flower fog exploded in a circle.

…Du Han didn’t know when she was buried.

After some found out that their opponent was Hua Wu, they were beaten to the point of losing their fighting spirit, and they all disarmed and surrendered.

Fighting against this pervert, what a fate they are.

There are not many people left, and the people from Huawu are driven together and squatted in a row.

“Yin…Sister Yin, what are you doing?” Someone dared to ask: “Why…”

Hua Wu opened her mouth and said, “Of course it’s for justice.”

Justice wants to hit you, so what can I do.

I’m just a part-time worker.

Everyone: “???”

What are you talking about?

What does justice have to do with you?

Hua Wu went to the previous wooden platform and first looked at the three big fish that were blown up.

She kicked Wuding, who was lying on the ground injured by the blast. Seeing that he seemed to have breath, she squatted down and met Wuding’s barely open eyes.

Wuting fingers moved, grabbing the soil on the ground, staring at Hua Wu, as if to cut her open with his eyes.

Hua Wu smiled, “Mr. Wuding, do you have any last words?”

Wooting: “…”

Wuding’s throat made a ‘ho’, maybe he wanted to speak, but he found himself in trouble at this time, so he could only stare at Hua Wu.

“It seems that there are no last words.” Hua Wu got up and pointed the gun at Wu Ting, “say goodbye to your life and go to **** to make amends.”


The sound of gunfire reverberated throughout the village.

The people squatted in a row, looking at the all-powerful docking, lying on the ground at this moment, embarrassed like a dead dog.

Flower mist lets the canine teeth be dragged out by the plank.

The dog’s heart was pierced into a sharp wooden board. I don’t know if it was due to excessive blood loss, or was killed on the spot, and was no longer breathing.

Gergil is still alive, but seriously injured.

Flower Mist let him drag him aside first, don’t let him die.

This person was borrowed from the police and she has to pay it back.

Lend it out alive, and of course return it alive.

It is not difficult to borrow and re-borrow.

Flower Mist kicked away the broken plank and stood on the open space, “Now that Wuting and Canine Fang are dead, if you are willing to follow me, I will let you live. If you choose to go with your former boss , I will also respect your choice.”


Who wants to die?

They didn’t expect that their boss would be gone in a short period of time.

It’s like a dream…

There was silence for a while.

Finally someone raised a hand tremblingly.

“Yin…Sister Yin, I…I am willing to follow you.”

“I, I do too.”

Hua Wu smiled and nodded: “If you are willing to live, stand to the left.”

The people squatting on the ground got up one after another and stood to the left of Huawu.

In the end, there was no one left in the clearing.

Who wants to die?

Hua Wu clapped her hands and said with admiration: “It seems that everyone is smart and unwilling to die for your former boss.”

Flower Mist asked people to clean up this place and prepare to leave.

“What are you going to do now?” Du Han thought she had some big plan, but who knew that she was simple and rude, laying mines directly at the feet of others.

Don’t wait for others to say a few more words, just go up and press the remote control.

If the villain in the TV series is so neat, it is estimated that it will end in one episode.

Hua Wu called Brother Guan in front of Du Han.

“Brother Guan, arrest Danyou and the second boss.”

“What… what?” Brother Guan was very noisy, “Ayin, I’m very busy right now, the police don’t know where they got the news, they copied several points, and now…”

“Don’t worry about those.” Hua Wu interrupted him: “Go and control Danyou and the second boss.”

Brother Guan probably heard what Hua Wu said, “…why?”

“The dog’s teeth can’t go back.” Hua Wu looked at the people who were cleaning up the scene in the distance, and said calmly: “Brother Guan, whether you can become the eldest brother depends on whether you can arrest those two people. live.”

Brother Guan: “…”

Brother Guan took a breath and asked in a trembling voice, “Master Dog… Really can’t come back?”



Hua Wu asked Brother Guan to clean up the situation on Canine’s side. After she went out, she immediately started to clean up Wu Ting’s side.

The police copied a lot of their places because they didn’t know where the police got such accurate information.

Although Nei Ying reported the letter and ran away some people, the place is definitely gone.

More importantly, ~IndoMTL.com~ they can’t get in touch with Wuding.

Few people know what Wuting is going to do today.

Now there is such a big thing, but I can’t contact…

There is panic in the group.

Mu Shi frowned and walked towards the building. He walked in a hurry and seemed to be in a hurry.

Just as he passed the gap between the two vans, he was suddenly dragged into the darkness.

The persimmon and the other party took two moves and were pressed on the flower bed, with a cold knife on the neck.


The person who pressed him chuckled, “Brother Shi, you are a smart person, you should know how to choose.”

This is the second time that Kaki is threatened by Kagiri with a knife.


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