Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 294: Under Twilight (29)

The vampire vines crawled everywhere, and special fire-breathing weapons were effective against it, but they couldn’t find where the vampire vine’s body was, and new ones would grow soon after spraying.

The blood-sucking vines crawled across the floors and began to frantically scavenge for food.

Building after building, wrapped in vines.

Bai Jue led Huawu and stepped on the vines. Some survivors who had not yet been brutally murdered saw this scene through windows and gaps, shocked and terrified.

But no one dared to call for help.

Can you walk on those vines, is it a human?




The wall collapsed, and Bai Jue protected Huawu into the underground passage. The vines behind him quickly drilled in from both sides of them, covering the passage.

The passage goes down, not very deep, and it will end soon.

Below is a metal door.

A metal door is not difficult for Bai Jue.

The metal door opened, and Hua Wu saw the sword of contract inserted on a round platform in the basement.

Like a knight’s epee.

The blade is wrapped around withered vines, and the leaves, unopened buds, and fruits of the withered vines all maintain their perfect appearance.

The round platform where the sword is inserted is completely different from the floor of the basement. Obviously, the sword was moved here in this way.

Flower mist circled around the round table, and those withered vines grew out of the round table and wrapped around the sword body.

Hua Wu also found that several branches on the dead vine had broken marks.

Everywhere else is in perfect condition, so there’s no way it could have been damaged by moving it.

It can only be someone deliberately…

Hua Mist counted the traces, exactly five.

Hua Wu touched the bullet in her pocket. The bullet that Xu Su used to deal with Bai Jue was taken from here.

Hua Wu sees Bai Jue on the round platform, “Are you going to pull it out?”


Hua Wu politely questioned: “Can you pull it out?” This kind of plot, no matter how you look at it, is also the heroine’s job.


Bai Jue seemed to think of something, got down from the round platform, and gave Hua Wu the opportunity to draw his sword: “Come and try.”

“Me?” Hua·mizhu·wu stepped back and shook his head, “I don’t want it.”

“Don’t you want the sword of contract that can kill the prince?” Bai Jue’s voice seemed to be bewitching. With that handsome face and gentle eyes, anyone who heard it would be moved.

However, Flower Mist did not.

She stepped back cautiously and rationally, politely saying, “I don’t want it, and I don’t want to kill you.”


Don’t want to kill him…

Bai Jue Xu was pleased by this sentence, and his whole person seemed to be covered with a layer of light joy.

He stepped forward to coax her: “Help me pull it out, okay?”

When Bai Jue begged for help, he kept his attitude low, even with a bit of flattery.

Hua Wu’s face was sullen, unmoved.

“Hey…then I’ll pull it out myself.” Bai Jue kissed the girl’s soft lips, but didn’t show any anger, “When you find out that the situation is not right, you can go out first.”

Hua Wu watched Bai Jue walk onto the round platform again.

She pursed her lips lightly, watching Bai Jue’s hand reaching for the hilt of the sword.

When he was about to touch the hilt of the sword, the bullet in Huawu’s pocket suddenly moved, trying to fly towards the round platform.

Hua Wu pressed her clothes pocket, inexplicably palpitating, “Don’t touch Bai!!”

While talking, Hua Wu jumped up towards the round platform and pushed Bai Jue away.

Bai Jue’s hand and hilt are staggered.

At the same time, the withered vines wrapped around the sword moved, wrapping around Huawu’s wrist at a very fast speed, and the small vine branches pierced into her wrist.

The withered vines stained with the blood of the flowers began to stretch, and the withered yellow color faded, revealing the black branches and leaves.

This happened almost in an instant. Bai Jue was pushed forward by Hua Wu and staggered forward. When he turned around, he saw this scene.

His face changed slightly, and he wanted to drag Huawu when he stepped forward.

Flower mist blocked him: “Don’t touch!”

She had a hunch that if Bai Jue touched this thing, something would happen.

Withered vines, like dusty vines for many years, are rapidly unsealing at this time, branches and leaves stretch, flowers bloom again, and fruits droop gently.

Pure black vines wrap around the sword, giving it an indescribable sense of dignity.

“Fu Xi…”

“I’m fine, don’t come here.” Hua Wu’s face is serious and troublesome when you come here, “I believe I can solve it.”

Bai Jue frowned, the tension and worry in his eyes undisguised.

Hua Wu appeased Bai Jue, grabbed the hilt with her backhand, and the vines quickly wrapped her hand around the hilt.

Flower Mist took a deep breath and drew his sword forcefully.

Blood is still draining, but the sword inserted in the round table remains motionless.


This kind of plot, other female protagonists just pulled out.

Why is she still motionless?

Fight against her?

The blood-sucking vines bloom more beautifully with black flowers, and the branches and leaves sway slightly when they stretch, which seems very comfortable.

Flower fog: “…”


Today I still have to pull you out, and then take all your flowers! !

When she is this anti… is the heroine easy to bully?

Huawu held it with both hands, and the vines were immediately entangled, but before he could tie the branches in, all the branches were caught by Huawu.

The vine plunged into Huawu’s hand, but she was also pulled out, almost separating it from the sword.

Flower Mist wraps the vine around its hands a few times, like tearing a weed, pinching its tender flowers.

The vines clearly care about their flowers and pull away to protect them.

The next second, however, the vine felt the blade move.

It immediately uses all of its power to pull the sword, not wanting to let Huawu pull the sword.

But Hua Wu had already wrapped most of the vines in her hands at this time. She didn’t care that it sucked her blood, and even pulled its flowers!

Damn! !

The vines are being dragged and can no longer dig into the ground, pulling on the blade.


Flower Mist pulled out the sword of contract, and all pulling power disappeared.

The vines wrapped around her hands began to shrink back and hide into the sword body, turning into the lines on the sword body.

These vines do not grow from the ground, but from the blade…

The blood on Huawu’s hand flows down the blade.

Bai Jue rushed over and held Hua Wu’s hand, regardless of the sword, “Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay.” The vines seemed to have a pain-relieving effect, but she didn’t feel anything.

Bai Jue lowered his head to help Hua Wu deal with the wound on his hand.

In the past, Bai Jue started to lose control when he smelled her blood, but today he is extraordinarily calm, his movements are careful and gentle, for fear of hurting her.

When the wound was healed, Bai Jue held her hands and said in a dull voice, “I didn’t know it would be like this…”

The sword of contract should be harmless to humans…

“Hmm.” Hua Wu responded casually.

Bai Jue knelt beside her and hugged her, “You don’t have to push me away just now.”

If she doesn’t push herself away, she won’t be hurt.

Bai never knew why she pushed herself away. Didn’t she say that they were just using the relationship?

He would rather she be indifferent and protect herself…

Bai Jue thought of this and frowned slightly.

“You’re right.” Hua Wu leaned against Bai Jue and said in a serious tone, “It’s all my fault.”

Bai Jue touched her head, “Well, our children are the kindest.”

“Brother Shen!”


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But whoever it is.

Everyone has no superfluous expressions on their faces, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression of Demons, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

A lot of blood was on everyone’s hands in the Suppression Division.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When she first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but she got used to it over time.

The Supremacy is huge.

The people who can stay in the Town Magic Division are all powerful masters ~IndoMTL.com~ or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

The Suppressing Demon Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian and the other is the exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing’s predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of its predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn’t take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Division.

The door to the attic is open at this time, and people occasionally come in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but they quickly relaxed.

The **** smell on everyone’s body is almost impossible to clean.

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