Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 243: The killer’s self-cultivation (19)

Du Dier was locked in the dungeon dug by the Zhenyuan Security Bureau.

The person in front leads the way, Huawu and Lian Huai follow.

Lian Huai looked around, and his expression was obviously solemn.

“Don’t be so nervous, if he dares to do it, I will kill the people!” Hua Wu wiped her neck and gave herself a thumbs up.

Lian Huai: “…”

Hua Wu remembered what happened just now, and praised him again: “This time I cooperated well, I will continue next time.”

Lian Huai lowered his eyebrows: “…you teach well.”

The corner of Hua Wu’s mouth twitched slightly, she never taught this.

“That’s it.”

The leader stops and points to one of the dungeons.

Hua Wu looked along, Du Dier was tied up, lying on the ground in embarrassment, looking dizzy.



Feng Zhong saw Hua Wu coming out soon, said hello to him, took the boy, jumped over the wall and left, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help twitching.

“What did she do down there?”


The servant’s expression was confused and strange: “She broke Du Die’er’s leg.”


“Nothing else?”

“No… I didn’t say anything.” Du Die’er was dizzy and her leg was broken. She woke up in pain and fainted.

There was no communication between the two, and Du Dier didn’t even know who broke her leg.

Feng Zhong: “…”

I don’t know what language to use for a while.


“The head dart…”

Feng Zhong pressed the painful wound, “You said earlier that my brother’s severed finger was found in Du Die’er, are you sure?”

“There are indeed severed fingers, as well as the jade finger of Feng Yaotou.”

“Go and bring it to me to see.” They had just said this before when Du Ling came, and didn’t have time to see the ‘evidence’.


The next person immediately went to get the sandalwood box.

Others may not be able to tell from a little finger, but Feng Zhong can.

Feng Xiao has a mole or two on his little finger. Although it has been salted, it can still be seen.

Feng Zhong is pretty sure this is his brother’s.

“Why did Du Die’er kill Feng Yaotou?”


Feng Zhong also wants to know why…

Feng Zhong suddenly remembered the previous time, when Feng Xiao drank too much in Du Mansion, and almost insulted Du Dier.

“Go get Du Dier for me.”

“Then her legs…” Would you like to ask the doctor to take a look.

“Will it die?”

“Probably not.”

If she really killed her brother…

He didn’t have time to kill him, so how could he help her with her leg.

Feng Zhong closed the sandalwood box with a snap, and the words were like ice: “Just get it here.”

“I’ll go now.”



On the other side, Hua Wu took Lian Huai to Lord Han.

Several large boxes were picked out and placed in the hall of the house.

“Young girl.”

Lord Han immediately got up when he saw Hua Wu coming in.

“Master Han.”

After the two politely greeted each other, Mr. Han pointed to the box and said the business:

“These boxes are the ancient books you mentioned, but I looked through them and found nothing special in them.”

Hua Wu took out a book from the open box and flipped through it. The old book’s paper turned yellow, and with a little force, it seemed to be able to flip it apart.

There are many famous works in this batch of ancient books, which are quite valuable in themselves.

Hua Wu closed the book and threw it back into the box: “Bake it with fire.”

This method was mentioned by Du Ling.

Although I don’t know where he got it.

But there should be clues.

Sir Han said, “Then I’ll call a few people to help.”

Master Han called a few confidants and began to read book by book.

Hua Wu sat on the side drinking tea, doing her job as a supervisor, and didn’t mean to help.

Lian Huai was holding a book and roasting it on the candlestick.

Unfortunately there is nothing on it.

But he was not discouraged, and changed to another book.

“I slept.” Hua Wu was not interested, and lay down directly on the soft couch.

Lian Huai put down the book, went to ask Lord Han to get a blanket, put it on Hua Wu, carefully pinched the corners, and then went back.

He looked at Lord Shanghan’s exploratory gaze, smiled obediently, and then lowered his head to continue.

Master Han’s gaze moved back and forth between the two of them, and finally retracted a little strangely.

The only sound in the lobby is the crackling of burning candles and the sound of pages turning.

The entire lobby is lit up all night.

“Adult! I have it!!”

Hua Wu was woken up by a scream, she sat up on the soft couch and bumped into Lian Huai next to her.

She pressed her forehead and looked at the shouting man, but she said to Lian Huai, “Why are your bones so hard.”

Lian Huai: “born.”

Hua Wuliang looked at him faintly, and Lian Huai immediately changed his face and rubbed her forehead obediently.

Over there, the shouting man got up from a pile of books and ran towards Lord Han.

Mr. Han may not be able to hold it anymore, lying on the table to rest, he was also woken up at this time.

“Lord Han, look!”

The man placed the book over the candle, and something gradually emerged from it.

Master Han turned a few pages, “Is this… a martial arts secret book?”


Hua Wu got off the soft couch and walked a few steps to the side of Lord Han.

“Look at you Ling girl.” Master Han was also generous and let Hua Wu see: “Is this a martial arts secret?”

A quick look at Huawu, it’s a heart sutra…

Master Han doesn’t quite understand it, but Hua Wu understands it.

This is a heart meridian that reshapes the meridians and breaks the back…

The ancient books that disappeared in the plot, Lian Huai’s inexplicable strength recovered later.

“Master Han.” Hua Wu suddenly laughed: “You don’t practice martial arts either, this thing is useless to you, why don’t you give it to me?”

Master Han raised her eyebrows~IndoMTL.com~ Miss Youling is not saying that she is not interested in this batch of things. “

“This thing worked for me…”

“But I haven’t found what the girl said.”


In this batch of ancient books, is there something hidden… just this secret book?

What treasures and wealth are hidden from people’s eyes.

Just when the two refused to give in to each other, Lian Huai suddenly came over and put a book between them.

Both look at him at the same time.

The boy still lowered his head, his voice soft and obedient: “There is something inside.”

Hua Wu is pretty sure he hasn’t flipped through the book since she woke up, so he found it long ago?

Master Han didn’t know this, he just thought Lian Huai had just discovered it.

Master Han opened the book and checked it with a candle.

Sure enough, I found something on a few pages.

“It’s a map.” Master Han took a closer look, “It’s an exotic language.”

Master Han remembered one thing: “Once there were foreigners who occupied our land and scavenged treasures, but they were driven out after only ten years of occupation. There is no clear statement.”

Then those aliens were wiped out by the re-ruled emperor’s troops, a shame.

So the whereabouts of those treasures are even more unknown.

Flower Mist puts two books in the middle: “Exchange?”

Master Han thought for a while, “Youling girl is really willing to give up these things?”

If the map were real, it would be an immeasurable wealth.

Even if she only takes a small portion, it will be enough for her to be rich and prosperous for a lifetime.

Hua Wu tightened her face and said with dignity: “As a citizen of my dynasty, I am willing to make some contributions to the country.”


Please pay attention to the latest chapter after reading Kuaichuan: The villain heroine reaches full level ()

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