Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 233: The killer’s self-cultivation (9)

Cloudy Mountain.

Huawu woke up early in the morning and found Atong outside.

Today is not the time to deliver supplies, and she didn’t contact him to come up…Why did A Tong come?

Something’s wrong!

Hua Wu opened the door and went out, “Master.”

“You Ling, I have to leave for a few days for the teacher.” Xie Lan heard her voice and calmly tucked the envelope in her hand into her sleeve, “You stay on the mountain and don’t slack off every day.”

Every time Xie Lan left alone, she took the order.

After all, Xie Lan also needs money to support her little apprentice.

Hua Wu asked bluntly, “Master, have you accepted the mission?”

Xie Lan looked up at her.

“You take me with you.” Xie Lan suddenly left at this time, what should I do if something happened outside! !

Huawu found another reasonable and legitimate reason for herself: “I should also practice what you taught me.”

Xie Lan frowned: “Next time.”

“Next time, next time, next time, how many times!” Hua Wu’s tone became stern: “Master, I am no longer a child, you should let me go to see the real world.”

Xie Lan: “…”

After the little apprentice’s brain is broken, he can speak well.

Xie Lan didn’t know how long she could live. When he still had time, it was indeed safer to watch her complete the task with his own eyes.

After thinking about it, Xie Lan said to Hua Wu, “I’ll set off later.”

Hua Wu shouted: “Jianghu, I’m here!”

Xie Lan: “…”

Xie Lan rushed to the room and shouted at Hua Wu, “What about Lian Huai?”

“Take it.”


They’re not going on an outing.

Usually Xie Lan was accompanied by A Tong.

This time I brought Hua Wu and a dragging oil bottle with Lian Huai, so Xie Lan asked A Tong not to follow.

Xie Lan was a little worried. After all, it was the first time for the apprentice to do the task. He went to the pharmacy to get a lot of things, walked to the door, and went back.

Hua Wu didn’t take too many things, so she put the poison she learned during this time, and the sword that had been opened on the day she came.

A sword that has been opened with light may bring good luck!

The master and apprentice set off with a fuel bottle.

When the people sent by Du Die’er climbed up, and after many people died, they finally entered the wooden house and found that there was no one at all. It was already several days later.



Xie Lan first brought Hua Wu to a Taoist priest and got an envelope from the Taoist priest.

Introduce to Hua Wu by the way, this is the middleman. She can also find him if she wants to take orders in the future.

Hua Wu watched as the Taoist priest walked away with a fortune-telling flag that says “You know your destiny, so you don’t worry about it”.

Hua Wu was speechless: “Now the Taoist priests are so unprofessional?”

Xie Lan: “…”

He is not a Taoist priest.

In the envelope the Taoist priest gave them, there was a brief description of this goal.

【Feng Xiao, male, 3 out of 40, the head of the Zhenyuan Security Bureau. Employer’s request: Obtain Feng Xiao’s little finger. ]

Real Simple Information.

As a professional killer, don’t ask your employer why you want to kill the target, don’t ask too much, just kill the target.

Hua Wu’s mind began to turn, and she stretched out two fingers, “Master, is it possible to take two money?”

Lian Huai looked at her sideways.

The little girl’s eyes are bright, and she is obviously asking questions seriously.

The killer earns two dollars, not both the employer and the target.

Who would a serious killer do this?

Xie Lan: “A killer with professional ethics would not do such a thing.”

Flower Mist: “…I can be immoral.”

Xie Lan choked and found that her little apprentice’s little head was really getting weirder.

“If you want to have a big name in the arena, you must strictly abide by the rules.”

Hua Wu pondered for a moment, “Isn’t it a matter of strength? If I can kill someone who can’t be killed by others, they still have to find me.”


Xie Lan stopped talking and looked at her calmly.

Hua Wu blinked and tried to straighten her back: “Then you can keep the employer from knowing, anyway, if you take the money, you will kill the target. God knows it and I know it.”


During the first murder, did the little apprentice release the devil in his heart?

Hua Wu put her hands together: “The real strong person is to have the courage to break the stereotype and make his own rules…”

Xie Lan took out a porcelain bottle in her sleeve and poured out a pill: “Eat it.”

Flower fog looked at him.

Xie Lan put it directly in her hand.

Lian Huai kindly poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

Flower fog: “…”

She’s not sick!


Hua Wu glared at Lian Huai, who was handing the water, do you want your performance at this time?

Lian Huai was stared inexplicably, he hesitated a little, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, revealing a smile.

Hua Wu felt that she was being mocked: “What are you laughing at?”

Lian Huai: “…”

Lian Huai lowered his head, blocking the expression on his face, inexplicably aggrieved.

The bottom of Huawu’s heart is very understanding of Lian Huai’s inner life, and he is not confused at all.

Compared to drinking medicine, Huawu is acceptable to take pills. After swallowing it whole, she took two sips while holding the water glass.

Xie Lan: “Feng Xiao is in Dingrong City, let’s go first.”

Hua Wu collapsed on the soft couch behind the carriage, and no one wanted to care.



Dingrong City.

The headquarters of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is located.

This Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is very powerful in Dingrong City, and their behavior is also rampant, but their business capabilities are indeed extraordinary.

It’s not comparable to an ordinary dart board.

Feng Xiao is also considered a celebrity in Dingrong City – not a good reputation~IndoMTL.com~ In the past few years, it was okay, but he liked to make trouble. Although the Zhenyuan Security Bureau has become bigger and bigger in recent years, what Feng Xiao does is also more and more out of line.

Some time ago, a girl was forced to death.

“The girl’s family is making trouble, and I heard that she almost broke her brother’s leg…”

“Is this true or false?”

“Of course it’s true, I was there that day. Feng… It’s a miserable being beaten.”

“Now this Dingrong City is about to become the private city of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.”

Hua Wu and Lian Huai sat at the next table, listening to the gossip of the people next to them.

Hua Wu kicked Lian Huai’s calf under the table.

Lian Huai looked up at her.

Hua Wu: “Do you think it has something to do with the dead girl?”

“Senior asked you to inquire about Feng Xiao’s recent whereabouts.” Not for you to listen to gossip!

As a layman, he understands that as a killer, it is best not to inquire about the private affairs of the employer and the target, so as not to get involved in unnecessary trouble.

“The more you know about your opponent, the more you can find the weak point and kill you with one hit.” Hua Wu gestured to wipe her neck, fierce and cute.


“Zhenyuan Escort Bureau…”

Hua Wu muttered a few words, then suddenly turned her head and asked the person at the next table, “Big brother, the Feng Xiao you said is so rampant and domineering, the people in the **** office don’t care about him?”

The brother at the next table glanced at Hua Wu, then looked at Lian Huai.

Lian Huai lowered his head and drank from a teacup, blocking the other party’s inquiring eyes.

“Is the little girl from out of town?”

“Well, my brother and I only came here today. I’ve heard about this Zhenyuan **** before, but they all said that it’s safe to find them as escorts. I didn’t expect…”

“That’s why you don’t know that the head of the guard is Feng Xiao’s brother.”

“Ah… what’s the name of the head dart?”

“Feng Zhong.”


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