Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 224: My relatives (end)


“Doctor, how is my wife?”

“The leg injury is serious…” The doctor shook his head and sighed, saying that the leg injury was difficult to heal, and it is estimated that he will only be able to sit in a wheelchair in the future.

After talking with the doctor, Ye Zhiyang entered the ward with a haggard face.

Yan Hui was lying on the hospital bed late. Seeing him coming in, she hurriedly said, “What did the doctor say? Can my leg be cured?”

Ye Zhiyang shook his head.

Yan Huiwan originally had some hope in her eyes, but as Ye Zhiyang shook her head, that hope fell silently.

How could…

Will she be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life?

Thinking of this possibility, Yan Huiwan felt fear in her heart.

“Why did you run out that night… So late, you still drink so much alcohol.” Ye Zhiyang didn’t know whether he was complaining or dissatisfied.

Yan Huiwan, who had just found out that she could not walk in the future, suddenly ignited her anger: “If it weren’t for your mother, I would have gone out? I have become like this now, and you still say such things, Ye Zhiyang, you Is it a human?”

Yan Huiwan didn’t want to see Ye Zhiyang and drove him out of the ward.



Yan Huiwan has no recollection of what happened that night.

She just remembers as if someone was pestering her and she wanted to get rid of them… There seemed to be a cry from behind.

She then lost consciousness.

Passers-by who spotted her say she fell from a platform below.

But Yan Huiwan didn’t remember that she climbed over the railing at all.

Unfortunately, there was no surveillance there, and even the hooligans who harassed her that night were not caught.

The whole situation is very much like she jumped over the railing and fell under the influence of alcohol in order to avoid the harassment.

Yan Huiwan couldn’t explain herself clearly. She was the only one who was ultimately responsible for the specific situation that night.

Mother Ye visited twice during her hospital stay.

Both times I came empty-handed, and when I came, I just scolded her and blamed everything on her head.

She hadn’t recovered yet, but Ye Zhiyang took her out of the hospital under the urging of Mother Ye.

Yan Huiwan’s parents died early, and there are no reliable relatives at home. When such a thing happens, she can’t count on anyone except Ye Zhiyang.

So Yan Huiwan could only accept this fact in the end.

But she didn’t know that the next day made her collapse.

Where will Mother Ye take care of her, Ye Zhiyang is not at home, she has to make a mouthful of porridge by herself.

Not to mention that the doctor wants her to spend more time outside in the sun, where would Mother Ye take her downstairs.

And where she lives, there are many inconvenient places, and it is impossible for her to go down alone.

Yan Huiwan could only be trapped at home.

The two stayed together for a long time. Mother Ye was a person who would never stop talking. Yan Huiwan felt that her legs were hurting every day—angry.

She told Ye Zhiyang that Ye Zhiyang could say a few words to Mother Ye at first to help her get food.

But over time, Ye Zhiyang was too lazy to care.

On the contrary, she felt that she was not considerate enough to her parents.

They are elders, how can they care so much with elders.

Yan Huiwan remembered that at Xia Yu’s house, Xia Yu told Ye Zhiyang to get food, and he didn’t even dare to say ‘no’.

Look now…

Ye Zhiyang’s attitude towards her is getting worse and worse.

Yan Huiwan also heard Ye’s mother tell Ye Zhiyang that he should divorce her, and don’t let yourself drag him down, otherwise she won’t even have a child in the future.

Fortunately, Ye Zhiyang did not agree, and even treated her a lot better.



Three months later.

Mother Ye threw bowls and pots at home, Father Ye probably couldn’t stand it and went out for a walk.

Yan Huiwan had a sullen face and pushed her wheelchair into the house.

Bang bang bang! !

“Open the door!” Ye Mu in the kitchen roared, “I know how to call this old woman every day, do I owe you?”

Yan Huiwan didn’t want to listen to Ye Mu’s shouting for a while, so she turned to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, many people poured in.

“What are you doing… who are you!”

“Are you Yan Huiwan?”

“…it’s me.”

The other party took out an IOU and said loudly: “Your husband borrowed 200,000 yuan from us, and now we can’t contact you. What do you think about this money?”

Yan Huiwan was stunned: “200,000? How is it possible? Why did he borrow 200,000 from you?”

“We don’t care what he does with the money. But it’s written in black and white. Now that he’s gone, we can only find you.”

Yan Huiwan recalled that Ye Zhiyang told her two days ago that the company sent him on a business trip, and the signal was very poor in the mountains…

She quickly took out her phone to contact Ye Zhiyang.

On the other end of the phone, there was only a cold shutdown tone.



Yan Huiwan finally sent these people away, but for the next two days, she could not contact Ye Zhiyang at all.

And those debt collectors began to come to the door to ask for trouble, and the family was beaten all over the place.

Forget it, suddenly another debt collector came to the door, saying that she had borrowed an online loan.

Yan Huiwan didn’t react until this time. Why did Ye Zhiyang treat her so well some time ago…

She never thought that Ye Zhiyang would do such a thing.

Borrowed the money to run away and let her take on the debt.

How could he treat her like this…

Yan Huiwan was so angry that she almost fainted~IndoMTL.com~ Now that they are not divorced, these debt collectors are chasing her.

The landlord didn’t know who to hear it, so he came to the door and told them to move out quickly.

Ye Zhiyang couldn’t be contacted, Yan Huiwan was kicked out by the landlord, and took Ye’s father and Ye’s mother to find a temporary residence.

She wanted to ignore Father Ye and Mother Ye, but they seemed to know that their son had run away.

However, those debt collectors didn’t know how to find out about her new residence, and they came to the door every few minutes to make trouble.

Yan Huiwan’s spirit gradually began to collapse.



【Task completed. ]

One year later, Momeng reminds Huawu that the task is completed.

A month ago, Yan Huiwan had a conflict with Ye’s mother. Ye’s mother is still lying in the hospital, and she herself has been detained.

As for Ye Zhiyang, the last time Hua Wu saw him half a year ago, he had already had his leg broken.

Flower mist feels perfect.

Family should be neat and tidy.

Now Ye Zhiyang doesn’t know where she is, but she must not be doing well, otherwise Miemeng won’t remind her to complete the task.

At the beginning, Ye Zhiyang and Yan Huiwan could live a good life by sucking the blood of the heroine.

Without the nutrient supply of the heroine, the two of them are indeed a puddle of mud.

The heroine is so kind, she is easily bullied!

Fortunately I’m not kind!

After the task is completed, Huawu enters the rotten mode, waiting for the review to leave.

What she has to do during this period is… coax two big friends, then wait for the feeding, and refuse blind dates casually.

I had a good time.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

The seventh plane ends.


Please pay attention to the latest chapter after reading Kuaichuan: The villain heroine reaches full level ()

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