Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 200: Non-humans also have to work part-time (30)

“I have a younger brother.”



The Sheng family is a member of Xuanmen and has its own secret inheritance.

That year, Father Sheng was hated by an evil spirit and trapped him and his younger brother at the same time. Father Sheng only had time to save him.

After his younger brother died, Father Sheng got the Suzaku Compass from somewhere in order to catch the evil spirit.

Although he eliminated the evil spirit in the end, he also…

He survived, relying on his mother for life.

There has been something wrong with my mother since then. She was very kind to him when she was good. She said how happy she was before and how good her father was to her.

But when it’s bad… just blame him and his father for all the resentment.

Think that if the father doesn’t show his power, he won’t die, he won’t leave their mother and son, and the younger brother won’t have an accident.

Once he didn’t follow her heart, she would scold him, thinking that it was his younger brother who should have survived, not him.

The dead may be more memorable than the living.

It was only later that he learned why his mother called his father cruel and cold-blooded when he lost his temper.

In order to catch the evil spirit, he did not hesitate to use his son.

Perhaps that’s when the mother’s spirit went wrong.

She couldn’t accept her brother’s death, and her husband’s cold blood made his brother’s death restless…


Shenyi’s eyes fell on the doll, “Mother wants a younger brother, I will give her back.”

Hua Wu looked over: “Are you sure your mother wants such a younger brother?”

“That’s all I can do for her.”

Mother doesn’t let him touch Xuanmen.

But he has been able to see spirits since he was a child, he has been lying to his mother, he can’t see.

Mother doesn’t seem suspicious either.

He taught himself a lot through his father’s relics.

Then he finally collected some remnants of his younger brother according to the places his father had been to.

The container and the ashes used in the Suzaku compass are even more important.

The next thing, Huawu will know.

Hua Wu looked at the sinister doll and patted her chest, “You are so filial.”

She didn’t know for a while whether the villain wanted to take revenge on her mother, or if she really wanted her brother back to her mother.

Sheng Yi lowered her head and said nothing.

Hua Wu hesitated, walked around in place for two laps, slowly paced over, reached out and hugged him as a comfort.

Although Sheng’s mother is not always like that, but when she is unhappy, she says those hurtful things, and it is no wonder that she grew up in such an environment…

“I’m fine.”

He’s used to it.

Hua Wu rubs his hair like a puppy, and after a while, holds up his face and bends over to meet his gaze, “You don’t want to sacrifice someone when you do this, right? “

“No… not.”

Hua Wu kissed him on the lips: “That’s good.”

Now it is not like in the plot, the Suzaku compass was acquired by the male protagonist, and she also helped to warm the doll…

Shengyi should not be like in the plot.

Thinking of this, Hua Wu’s smile became even brighter. She kissed the man’s forehead, “Mr. Sheng, I hope you will be a good person.”

Don’t trouble me.

Saint: “…”

Is it inappropriate for you to say this to me?



Huawu’s daily life as a mother has ended, and Shengyi brought the doll back on the same day.

Sheng Yi may be busy adapting her younger brother’s remnant soul to the new body, and hasn’t come to Huawu for a few days.

Hua Wu is busy with the company’s development and doesn’t care.


Flower Mist slammed the office door shut.

“Boss, what’s wrong?” Lu Ci wondered.

Hua Wu rubbed her hands together, took a breath, and pushed open the office door again.


The door is closed again.

Lu Ci: “???”

What’s going on?

Hua Wu raised her hand to cover her forehead, “It seems that I have been working for too long without rest, and I have hallucinations.”

“Boss, you rested all day yesterday.”

Hua Wu said with a ‘heh’, “You can lift the bar at the toll booth even if you don’t have any machines.”

Lu Ci: “…”

Hua Wu opened the door and motioned Lu Ci to look inside: “Look at that thing, shouldn’t it be here?”

Lu Ci took a look inside, and the doll that Sheng Yi picked up a few days ago actually reappeared in her office.

“This… has Mr. Sheng been here before?”

“Do you see anyone in the office?”


Yes, if Mr. Sheng comes, he will wait for the boss no matter how late.

There is only that doll in the office…

“Boss, my… I remembered that there is still something to deal with, so I’ll deal with it first.” Lu Ci hugged Shuang Ling, who was still unknown, and disappeared directly into the wall.

That doll is weird.

Jin Bushi felt weird when he faced it, and Lu Ci felt even more deeply.

He was always kept in the office by Hua Wu, and he didn’t dare to enter casually.


Hua Wu walked in and clicked on the phone.

[Non-Human Working Club: Your brother got lost? ]

[Shengyi: ? ? ? ]

When Shengyi received the news from Huawu, he had just finished class.

She thought of something, exited the chat software, and clicked to monitor.

The home is empty.

[Sheng Yi: Did you see him? ]

[Non-Human Migrant Job Club: Picture]

Sheng Yi saw the doll sitting in the boss chair.

Across the screen, it’s almost impossible to tell it’s fake.

[Sheng Yi: I’ll pick him up after a meeting, please take care of Miss Bai for me~IndoMTL.com~ Non-Human Migrant Work Club: There is a fee for bringing a baby. ]

Hua Wu looked at the ‘OK’ sent from the opposite side, threw away the phone, walked over to the chair, held her arms, and threw the doll in the chair next to her.

The doll’s body fell down and sat up straight.

“It’s very similar to your brother.” Hua Wu sat in the chair, with her legs crossed on the table, “What are you doing here with me? Being a mother for a few days, you still can’t bear it?”

Doll: “…”

The doll slumps over again.

Flower fog: “…”

Hua Wu suddenly got up and picked up the doll’s sleeve, “Where did the blood come from?”

The doll’s head is buried in the chair.

Flower fog: “…”



She found that the atmosphere was not right when she entered the door: “What’s wrong?”

“He has blood on his body, I don’t know where it came from.” Hua Wu held the thermos cup: “If he hurts people, you have to be careful.”

Sheng Yi frowned and turned the doll, who was in the chair with her back to him.

The bloodstain was obvious, and Sheng Yi saw it at a glance.

“He doesn’t have much awareness yet, so he starts attacking people. If he grows up for a while, it will be fine, Mr. Sheng, you have to take care of it.”

Is the thing that Shengyi raised with his younger brother’s remnant soul really still his original younger brother?

Under the stern questioning, the doll took them to a building not far from the old house.

Two people lay in the building.

A young-looking woman, a middle-aged man.

The woman didn’t appear to be hurt, but her clothes were a little messy and seemed to have been pulled.

The middle-aged man had a wound on his neck, but there was not much bleeding, and the bleeding had stopped at this time.


Shengyi asked Huawu to take the doll out first, and he called the police for an ambulance.


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